First meeting

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Hello everybody! This is my first story, I hope you will like it!
I am sorry if this story sucks and for grammar mistakes that I will almost surely make. I'm not English, so don't be angry I'm trying my best! And I also have dysgraphia so forgive me for my mistakes! 🙃🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♀️

Green cinnamon roll:

You are walking down the street. You​​​​​​ have to buy some food for dinner, so you're going to the shop.

You buy what you need and then head back to your house.

Once you arrive you hear your mum talking to someone.

«Thanks Izuku. That was really kind of you.».

Izuku? Who's that?

«No problem Mrs (l/n).» it's the voice of a boy that seems to be your age.

You can't see them, since they're behind a corner, so you don't know what the boy looks like.

«Izuku, my daughter is about to come back with the grocery. What to join us for dinner? To pay you back for your help.»she says

Typical of your mum, she always invites people for dinner. 

«I don't want to disturb, really. You don't need to pay me back I…»he stops mid sentence.

Meanwhile you turned the corner and saw a beautiful boy with messy green hair. He stopped cause he noticed you.

«Oh, (y/n), perfect timing! He's Ikuzu. He helped me changing a bulb. He lives upstairs. Izuku, she's my daughter, (y/n)»your mum presents you. 

«P-pleasure.»he stutters.

You find him really cute.

«The pleasure is mine. I heard you will join us for dinner. I'd really like to know what you think about my cuisine.»you say smiling at him.

«S-sure…! I'd love to.»he agrees scratching the back of his neck.


You enter you house and Izuku follows you, while your mother giggles. She saw right, you two would make a great couple.

Explosion king:

You are jogging around the park when you hear a kid crying. You run to see if he's alright and find him on the ground.

Next to him there's a guy which seems to be your age with sharp blonde hair and hands in the pockets, clearly not caring that the boy got hurt.

You approach them and kneel next to the kid.

«Are you OK? What happened?»you ask him checking out his injured knee.

He shakes his head.

«He bumped into me and made me fell! My knee!»he cries out, pointing to the guy.

You turn your head to face him. He doesn't seem to give a damn.

«You could look where you were going, you know.»you say angrily.

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