Random headcannon

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Green cinnamon roll

One time you and Deku were at the park. It was all fun and games till a stupid fly started to annoy you. Deku was getting pissed, so he hit the fly. It fell on the ground, dead. Deku started to cry and apologize a million times. In the end you had to comfort him all evening.

Explosion king

One Halloween you two dressed up as the other. You spent the whole evening threatening everybody to death and being possessive over him, while he flirted with Kirishima. In the end it all turned out in a huge fight, since you were underlying each other flaws. Your classmated tried to calm you down, but it all was really over only when yoh two reached Bakugo's room. Well, it was a funny evening.


One time Shoto tried to prank you. He colored his red hair white, put some make up on the scar and a colored contact. He said he was TodoTodo, a cousin of Shoto. You didn't believe that at all, but pretended to and asked where Shoto was all the time. When it was evening and he came back to normal he asked if you had fun with his cousin. You giggled and said he was quite hot and that you'd like to meet him again. Shoto never tried another prank.

Manly man

Kirishima is an idiot, let's admit it. One time he wore one of your bras, to see if he had bigger boobs than you. Unluckily, he took one which became small for you, and it fitted him perfectly. He got scared and started to ask everybody if he looked more girlish to them. He was having a manly break down. When you came back he told you what happened and you laughed and explained everything. Kiri is manly as hell!


Meeeeeeeeeeeeme! You and Denki always meeeeeeeeeeeeeme. He'd sometimes blur out «Dat ass!» when you pass by, you'd reply with «I want it that way.» and the rest is history. The whole dorm hates you when you start to do this random shit. Except Sero, he usually joins in.


One day you and Tokoyami went to the amusement park. You wanted to go on the rollercoaster, but Dark Shadow was scared, so nothing. Fumikage suggested horror house, but it scared the hell out of you, so nothing. You tried mirror house, no fun. To win a stupid blushie at a stupid stand, you lost. The ferris wheel, to high. You were starting to get depressed when you noticed the Love Ride. You smiled and went in. A ride full of hot kisses. Not a bad day in the end.


One day you and your class pulled the worst prank on him. You pretended you couldn't see or hear him anymore. Iida grew mad, running around the dorm like a maniac, screaming and acting crazy so you guys would notice him. When it was evening you went into his room. He was lying in bed, exhausted. «Oh Tenya! Here you are! I didn't see you all day!». He tried to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. You kissed him and left the room, then you and your classmates started to laugh. Poor Iida.

Psycho boy

One time Neito accidentally came to visit you while there was a birthday party for one of your classmates. He wanted to leave, but you said you wanted him to stay and to behave well, and he did. He was kind and polite all evening. At night he stayed in your room. You thought something was gonna happen, and it did. He started to yell insults and swearings directed to your classmates. Poor Neito held in too long.

Hot villain

One night Dabi entered your room holding two happy meals. He gave you one and you two started to eat together. Soon you found one of your chicken nuggets was burnt. You looked at it, then at Dabi, and started to laugh no stop. He couldn't understand why. He tried to ask but you could only laugh. In the end, to make you stop, he ate your nugget and replaced it with one of his. You stopped laughing but gave him no explanation why you started. Your poor burnt chicken nugget will never understand.

Purple cat

One time you were painting your celing black, so you could draw a beautiful night sky on it. Shinsou entered your room after he had stopped training with Aizawa. Unluckily your black paint fell on his head, turning his purple hair black. You went down the ladder to apologize, but couldn't not see a certain resemblance with Aizawa. You took a picture of him and sent it to Shoto. CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRy.

Shy elf

This boy is a cannibal! One day you were out on a date, chatting, till he bought some octopus tentacles. He started to eat them as you watched him terrorized. Your eyes filled with tears. Tamaki noticed and asked what was wrong. You hugged him tight. «Don't eat yourself Tami-kun!». Elf boy was confused. What the f*ck?!

Hand man

One night you two were out for a walk in the moonlight. You were walking in a alley when you noticed a hero you knew passing by. You were afraid he'd see you two, so you just…pushed Tomura in a trash can. Trasmura. When the hero went away you went to check on Tomura. He wasn't happy at all and destroyed a banana peel that ended up on his head. First and last time you push him in a trash can.

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