Celebrating the new year together

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Green cinnamon roll

«(y/n)! Deku! Come take a picture with us!»Uraraka exclaims.

You smile and join your friends. You all smile as you take the selfie, glasses up. Then you and Deku walk away from the chaos and sit on a sofa together.

You're throwing a party with your friends to celebrate the new year. It's all fun and games, but it's even tiring, you want to chill with you boyfriend as well.

You rest your head on his shoulder as he holds you close by the waist.

«Can you really believe it? We're celebrating the new year together! When I first met you I couldn't even think about you being my girlfriend, but we've been together for quite some time, haven't we?»he says caressing your arm.

«Yeah, we have. I love you Deku and I always will.»you say.

«Me too.»

He leans in for a kiss but you stop him putting a finger on his lips.

«No, no, if you want to kiss me you have to wait till midnight.»you say.

«Uhh, you want to have a "midnight kiss" don't you? To test the theory that couples who kiss the last midnight of the year stay together forever! It's not a bad idea, it will surely increase our faith in one another and in our relationship, not to mention...»

«Deku, I said no kisses until midnight, why do you want to force me to kiss you shut up?»you say interrupting him.

«S-sorry...!»he murmurs blushing. «I think I got a little carried away. I'm just...excited to spend our first new year eve together.»

«I am as well. I'm excited to see what the future will bring us.»you agree.

«Hey everybody! It's nearly midnight!»somebody yells.

«What about we share some promises for the future?»Deku asks.


«Such as?»


«Something like...I promise to become number one hero.»


«And to marry you one day.»Deku says smiling.


«Deku...! I will, when the time comes I promise I'll be your wife.»


«And to love you forever.»you replay.


«I love you (y/n), now and forever.»Deku says leaning towards you.


«I love you too, Deku.»


«Let's stay together, forever.»


«We will.»

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