Telling friends you're a couple

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Green cinnamon roll:

You're preparing to go to school, as every morning. You eat your breakfast and kiss your mum, then head to the door. But once you open it you face your beloved boyfriend.

«Izuku-kun!»you exclaim surprised.

«H-Hi...! I thought we may go to school together.»he says scratching the back of his neck.

You nod and kiss him on the cheek, then you head to school, hand in hand.

Once you arrive to the front gate you see Iida, Uraraka and Todoroki going in.

«Hey guys!»you call them, waving at them.

They turn to look at you and notice you two are holding hands.

«Hi! Got some news? I mean, you two...»Uraraka says pointing to both of you.

You blush but he squeezes your hand the same.

«Yeah we...em...are a thing now...»he explains blushing harder.

«I'm so happy for you! You two make a great couple!»she exclaims hugging you.

«Congratulations guys.»Iida says and Todoroki nods.


You look over to Deku and squeeze his hand. It's gonna be alright. You're meant to be after all.

Explosion king:

You arrive at school, like every morning. You enter your class only to be faced by a angry Katsuki.

«You late!»he exclaims.

«What? I'm perfectly in time.»you replay crossing your arms.

«No, you're late for the announcement!»he replays grabbing your wrist and bringing you in front of the whole class.

«Listen here you little shits! That fucking bitch is mine and only mine! Don't you even try to look at her! She belongs to me, now and forever!»he yells.

Then he holds your waist and kisses you deeply. You're a little startled but kiss him back. He's always Katsuki after all. You don't think you'll have a lot of guy friends.


You are walking down the street when you spot familiar white and red hair. You crack a smile.

«Shoto-kun!»you call him.

He stops and waits for you. When you reach him you kiss him on the cheek.

«Hey! Wanna go to school together?»you ask.

He nods and you two start to walk side by side.

You arrive to school and enter your class, like always. You sit at your desk and Shoto next to you. It's so strange! It seems like nothing changed, but everything did!

«Oh, I nearly forgot! (Y/s) Todoroki, how did your date go?»Momo asks.

Everybody turns to look at you.

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