Las Vegas Part Four:

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One day before Las Vegas:

"So what do you think?" Olivia asked showing Spencer her freshly done braids. "You look beautiful liv" he smiled. Placing the phone on his desk as he sat down. "Thanks, Spence". "So, how was your day?" he asked when she continued painting her nails. "Well, I spent the day hanging out with Kia. I gotta say, she's pretty amazing and actually inspired me to get more involved in the community. She's planning some protest around the city, and today I got to see her in action and let me tell you, it was motivating". Spencer agreed. "Yeah she's pretty sweet, but packs a punch," he said when she nodded. "She's peaceful in a scary way sometimes. Especially towards the protests she's passionate about, and I love that, but she invited me to her best friend's house, and she was braiding a girl's hair. She did it so beautifully, I decided to give it a try. I kind of felt inspired to change my hair, but I kind of like it" she smiled staring at her own reflection in the camera, letting her hand feel the row of braids on the top of her head. 

"So that's why you took so long to reply back to me" he smiled watching her through his phone. Throwing the football up in the air and catching it, he would repeat the same motion. "It's not like you had time to reply. You've been practicing hard these past few week's it's difficult to get a hold of you before ten in the morning" she said when he caught the football in the air. "I know. I just want to be ready when the season comes back. Theirs no days off when the whole city is counting on you. Sometimes I feel the weight on my shoulders. You heard Dillon's friends. They are looking up to me and I've got to live up to their expectations" Spencer said giving a long sigh. 

Olivia stopped painting her nails, tapping on the screen to get his attention. Giving him a warm smile she gazed into his eyes noticing, he clenched his jaw. she knew he had already been feeling the pressure. "Spence do I have to remind you what you did coming to Beverly? You are incredible and there is no doubt in my mind you'd be anything but great" she said. "Would you be there to cheer me on?" You know I do better when your their" he stopped to watch what she'd had to say. 

"Of course I'll be there. Just if my dad asks, tell him I'm there for him" placing a finger on her mouth he smiled. "Your secrets safe with me" zipping his mouth shut he threw the key behind him. Pausing for a moment his smile faded thinking about the championship. He closed his eyes and for a moment, he was back in the middle of the football field. Hearing the crowd cheer softly around him.

"I just don't want to let the city down. They are counting on me to deliver" staring at the football in his hand, he squeezed it tightly. "I just don't want you to overwork yourself, Spence. Have you felt anything since that night you came over at the beginning of summer?" Olivia asked when Spencer shook his head. 

"No, but that only worries me even more. The numbness could come out of nowhere and if that happens during the game...It could end everything I've worked hard for" he said when Olivia wished she was sitting next to him to give him a hug, hold his hand, and let him know that he was going to be okay. She could tell he was hurting, but it seemed like her words only made him spiral deeper into his thoughts. 

"Come over Spence and have a spa date with me". Kicking him out of his thoughts he let out a laugh. "Why are you laughing? Let's do some face masks, watch a movie, and eat some junk food. I'm home alone and would love the company" she smiled when he grinned shaking his head. "I'll come over but I don't know about the face mask part" "It's therapeutic and it'll be good. Just trust me," she said giving him a pretty please, and puppy dog eyes. 

It didn't take long for him to resist. "Okay" is all he said giving a long sigh. "I'll be there in a bit. I'll take my bag and stay over. We are leaving bright and early from your house anyways. Would be a waste to come back to Crenshaw" he said grabbing his duffel bag packed with his clothes for Vegas.  Biting her lip, she smiled. "What about I order some take out from one of our favorite restaurants, and a romantic comedy, sounds like the perfect ending to our spa date". 

"Are we going to gossip of all the boys too?" he joked when Olivia laughed. "Every one of them. You could even tell me who you fancy these days" she said when he cleared his throat. "On that note, I have to catch the bus, see you later liv". "Nice save Spence. See you in a bit" liv rolled her eyes waving goodbye, and giving him a cheesy grin before disconnecting. 

Olivia had been the only girl to keep a grin on his face long after hanging up the phone. He sighed before walking into the living room to grab his keys and his bus card. He turned the knob to the front door, just when a clear of a throat stopped him in his tracks. Turning around, he smiled when his mother stood in the kitchen crossing her arms. "Now, I know I raised you better than to not say goodbye" she cracked a smile when Spencer nodded in agreement. "Sorry mom, I'll see you and Dillon in a few days. Love you" he said placing a kiss on her cheek.

 Grabbing a hold of his shoulder, she sighed. "Just be careful Spence. And please be safe" squeezing his shoulder, she paused for a second before continuing. "Now you know I'm smarter than I look and wise beyond my years. Just...please keep her safe. Liv's a good girl, and... I really like her. She's not like the other girls and I just don't want her to get hurt that's all" his mother smiled warmly when Spencer nodded reading in between the lines. 

"I will mom. I promise. Remember you raised me better than that" he smiled when she slowly let him go. "I did, didn't I? Okay then, have fun and I'll see you Sunday" pulling him into a hug once more before watching him walk out the door. It was never easy watching him leave. Her baby was grown and every time he left she worried about him. Giving a long sigh she walked back into the kitchen to cut the vegetables for dinner.

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