Las Vegas Aftermath: Spencer and Layla: Part Six

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"Thank you Las Vegas!" Coop yelled as she stood on the stage jumping around. After the show, Spencer made his way pushing past the crowd and through the doors where coop had been yelling "Momma I made it. I told you I would, don't you ever doubt me". Spencer tackled her into an embrace. "Yo, Coop I didn't doubt you for a minute. Amazing performance. I still don't know how you have that much energy," Spencer said grinning from ear to ear. "Did you see that crowd out there? They went wild! Like best crowd by far" Coop's eyes sparkled still high from the adrenaline rush of being on stage. "As a matter of fact, I can go again if you ask me," she said when Layla walked up. Spencer embraced her when she turned to Coop. "Save your energy Coop we still got a few more shows to do. Get some rest, and we will leave early tomorrow morning" she grinned when Coop nodded. "Hey congratulations again Coop when you make it to the top, don't forget about me" he smiled when she put her hand on her chin. "Spencer who?" she asked. He shot her a glare when she let out a laugh. "That's cold, Coop". "Hey, how can I forget my day one. We goin till the end, my guy. Alright, well I gotta go and find Patience. Catch you guy's soon," she said leaving Spencer and Layla alone. "So are you ready for your surprise?" she asked wrapping her arms around his neck. "Well it depends now that your a superstar and all, do you still have time for your high school boyfriend," he said when she shot him a stare. "Oh so you went from baby to boyfriend? Spencer James you move quick, don't you?" she shot him a smile when he shrugged. "Isn't that how I got you?" he asked when she pushed him away. "No, no, no I swear it was the opposite. Remember the end of your shift kiss?" she asked when he grinned. "It's been a while, seems a bit fuzzy," he said when she pulled him with her. "Oh yeah? and the kiss was that fuzzy too?" she said stopping in her tracks, closing the space between them. "Not the kiss. Oh, I definitely remember that. How could I forget" he smiled when she gazed at his eyes before lowering them to his lips. "Come on the surprise is just up the stairs" she smiled pulling him up with her. 

'No peaking" she said when Spencer let out a laugh. "How could I if you have your cold hands covering my eyes?" he said when she let out a laugh. "Sorry, didn't think the venue would be this cold. I forgot to bring a cover for your eyes.". "I see that," Spencer said when she walked him out to the rooftop patio. Letting her hands fall, She interlaced her hands in his, pulling him closer. "Okay you can open them," she said excitedly. Adjusting to the lights, Spencer squinted when Layla came into view. Standing in front of a table set for two with a couple of dishes that were covered, laid across the table. "Layla you didn't need to go all out" walking over to her, he embraced her. Pulling away from him, she let out a laugh. "Okay well if your thinking it's a five-star meal then I'm sorry to disappoint you. I've been at the venue all day and besides the food would have been soggy by now" she said grinning when Spencer looked back down to the table. A mirage he thought as it fooled him thinking he was getting dinner. Pulling up one of the covers, Spencer let out a laugh to see pretzels on the plate. "So this is what you thought of?" he asked when she smiled. "You know I'm a busy girl these days, and I know I'm terrible but this is all our tour bus had. Lifting up another cover Spencer let out another laugh to see a plate full of gummy bears, and gummy worms. "Hey at least I thought about dessert," she said. "Yeah, you definitely surprised me," he said pulling out her chair before joining Layla, sitting across from her. 

"I'm glad you decided to come to Vegas," reaching across the table to interlace her fingers in his. "Yeah, me too," he said thinking of the last few days. Flashes of Olvia crossed his mind. Clearing his throat, he smiled hoping Layla wouldn't have noticed him adjusting in his seat. "Listen, Spence..."Layla trialed off when he pulled his chair next to her stopping her from continuing. "Look, I know summer has been different, and it's been hard not being next to you. I wished I would've been at least a better friend to be there for you. I'm sorry I had been absent. I've been busy. But that's no excuse to not call and check up on you" Gazing into her eyes he interlaced his hands in hers. "Spence, it's fine. I can't lie, we've both been busy. I've been on tour with Coop and you were helping your mom, hanging out with Dillon, and working. I get it Spence your a busy guy" she said standing up and pulling him with her. "I'm just happy no other girl came to swoop you away from me" wrapping her arms around his neck, he shrugged. "I told you I would wait for you" pulling her into an embrace he squeezed her tightly, closing his eyes. 

The flashbacks of the summer had flooded his thoughts. Laying on Olivia's bed talking to her, listening to music, going to the beach, watching late-night shows, baking, and getting into food fights. Feeling her touch in his hands, her lips on his lips, her long gazes he would be lost in. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled when Layla rested her head on his. Spencer's thoughts were too occupied to focus on Layla. Grabbing a hold of the sides of his face, she rested her head on his shoulder as he froze. Trying to think of anything other than Olivia, only pulled him deeper into his memories. Standing before him, she smiled that heavenly smile, gazing at him. In an instant, he opened his eyes to catch Olivia's gaze. Her smile faded as she watched from afar when Layla moved closer to his lips, now resting her head on his cheek. His jaw tensed as his eyes watered, knowing she hadn't been real. Shutting his eyes tightly he opened them to see that Olivia had been gone. His hands trembled from the fear and before he could react Layla's lips were on his. Kissing him more passionately he couldn't resist letting his body cave. Interlocking her lips on his, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him back until he fell on the couch that was just on the other side of the patio. 

Spencer had been speechless as he watched Layla climb on top of his lap,  straddling him, her lips never left his. Spencer held her hips, trying to find the energy to pull her off. His mind wasn't in the right state, and he owed it to Layla to not pursue anything if he wasn't committed. But as much as he tried, she didn't let him process his emotions. "Spence I miss you," she said breathlessly pulling away from him, she started to unbutton her shirt when Spencer's heart raced. He'd felt lightheaded, unable to speak as the world around him buzzed. "Layla" he blurted. Her eyes automatically shot up, catching his gaze. His mouth parted, leaving him speechless. "Ayo, the owner came out saying the venue is closing in twenty" Coop barged through the door when she stopped in her tracks to see Layla on top of Spencer. " bad didn't know you two were in the middle of..." she continued, blinking her eyes she turned around. "As a matter of fact, you guys could finish I'll wait by the door so they don't lock you two out" she let out a laugh when Spencer threw a pillow at her. "Yo, Coop mind your damn business," he said letting out a sigh of relief.  

"So where are you off to next?" Spencer asked stopping just outside of the entrance to the tour bus. "Atlanta" Layla smiled looking down at the floor. "So, we never got to talk about us," she said when he smiled. "Guess we didn't," placing his hands on her hips. "When I get back home from tour?" she asked when Spencer leaned in for a kiss. "I'll be waiting". Squeezing his hand once more before letting him go. Layla walked up the steps of the tour bus. Spencer waved goodbye when JJ came from behind squeezing his shoulder. "Guess it's just you and I once again. How about for last time's sake, we hit the poker tables?" JJ asked when Spencer let out a laugh. "Fine but you treating," he said when JJ grinned. " Deal". 

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