A Not So Friendly Friendsgiving (Part Two)

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The Night Before Friendsgiving:

"Thanks again for helping with the dishes Spencer," Mrs. Baker smiled watching Olivia and Spencer wash the rest of the dinner plates. Spencer turned his attention towards Mrs. Baker shaking his head. "It's no problem, Mrs. Baker. You always invite me for dinner, the least I can do is help out,". "But you're our guest you shouldn't be helping out," Mrs. Baker replied. Olivia shook her head turning back to her mother. "Mom, he lived here for a year, does he really still count as a guest?". Spencer scrunched his face meeting Olivia's gaze.

Mrs. Baker thought for a moment. "You do make a fair point. Regardless, he is still very kind for helping out,". Olivia slightly shrugged flashing Spencer a loving smile. "That he is,". Spencer softened his gaze turning back to Mrs. Baker. "It's really no problem, just like Olivia said, this is my home too...". Olivia slightly nodded, letting her eyes lower to the dishtowel in her hand. A smile never left her face letting the last of his words sink in. "...And just like in Crenshaw, if my mom cooks, then I gotta help out. Same rules apply here,".

Mrs. Baker smiled lovingly. "Well, I love that. And I'm very happy you still call this place your home Spencer, because it is. This will always be your home too. We love you very much, and we are all happy you came into our lives. Some would say at the perfect time. I'm sure Coach Baker and the twins would agree,". Jordan walked in eyeing his mother suspiciously. "Mom, how many glasses of wine did you have again?" Jordan joked when his mother shot him a glare. "That's not funny Jordan. Can I not be in a thankful mood. After all, isn't that what this month is all about?". Billy trailed behind Jordan walking over to Laura rubbing her back.

"Your mother's right, we are just very grateful,". Olivia and Jordan met each other's gaze pointing towards each other when the both of them tilted their heads to the side. "Mom, dad, you want to tell us something?" Olivia asked. Laura snapped out of the daze, as she met Oliva's stare. "No, nothing. Billy don't you and I have somewhere to be..." Laura trailed when Billy lifted his finger smiling. "Right, we are meeting with some friends for drinks. We should get going. We don't want to be late," Billy subtly winked when Olivia and Jordan were caught off guard. "That's right. We should get going. Don't wait up," Laura smiled as the twins slightly nodded.

"Right nothing suspicious happening around here. Guess I better get going too. I'm meeting Simone for some cake tasting at her house. She said she's got some red velvet waiting for me and you know I can't say no to that," Jordan grinned from ear to ear making his way out the door. The front door closed seconds later when Olivia turned back to Spencer who now stood by the kitchen Island meeting her gaze. "And then there were two," Olivia smiled. Interlacing her hands in Spencer, she pulled him towards the backyard. "It's a beautiful chilly night. You think you could stay for a bit?". As if Spencer had a choice, a grin appeared on his lips. "My mom is not home and it is the weekend. Guess I can stay for a bit longer,".

"Have I told you how I'm glad you could make it for dinner tonight?" Olivia asked when Spencer shook his head. "No, you have not," Spencer smiled. Opening his arm for Olivia to come and snuggle up next to him. Wrapping his arm around her the both of them let out a sigh. Placing the blanket over them, Olivia scooted herself closer towards him, trapping the warmth, as they sat on the outside patio. It was a chilly November evening in Los Angeles. Cold enough to feel like autumn, and with the tabletop fireplace crackling, the both of them settled into their space, cozying up against one another.

"Well, I am because I don't know if I would've made it out otherwise," Olivia said.  "It wasn't that bad," Spencer replied. Olivia turned to meet his gaze. "Spence, did you not see the looks my parents gave each other? I'm telling you something is definitely up with the two of them. They've never been so..." Olivia trailed the second Spencer finished her sentence. "...Happy?". Olivia let out a sigh, as a smile washed over her. "Happy,".

The both of them stayed quiet for a moment letting their eyes fall deeper into each other. "I don't know Spence, I don't want to get my hopes up, but I haven't seen that spark in them before. They were giggling and laughing. Their gazes lingered, it kind of reminded me of..." Olivia trailed as Spencer once again finished her sentence. "...us?". Olivia grinned beaming, as she slightly nodded. "Like us. I just can't help but think if they could make things work again? Jordan noticed it too," Olivia said. Spencer rocked his head from side to side pulling Olivia closer to him. "Liv remember what we said we were not going to do?". Olivia now scrunched her face, before letting it soften as a long sigh escaped her.

"I guess your right. It's better to not get my hopes up. But was I wrong about Jordan and Simone?". Spencer grinned shaking his head. "No, you were not. I can't believe your brother is getting married again,". Olivia agreed. "Well...he still hasn't told our parents. But by the looks, they were exchanging tonight. It might not take that much convincing. All I'm saying is my mom and your mom should go out for girl's night more often," Spencer let out a slight laugh agreeing. "Watching my mom stumble in the house was priceless. She crashed on the couch, with the biggest grin on her face. Who would've known a night out would do them that well,". Olivia slightly shook her head.

"You should've seen my mom trying to act sober, as she held onto the lamp crashing into every single thing in the house. Jordan and I legitimately thought it was a robber,". They laughed for a few more seconds before settling down. Turning to face Spencer, Olivia pulled her lip between her teeth half nervous, half excited. "I can't believe this will be our first holiday as an official unofficial couple,". Spencer gently nodded. "Right...because for everyone else we are still friends,". Olivia's smile faded thinking back to when Layla spoke with her earlier in the day, inviting her to Friendsgiving.

"Speaking of friends...are you going tomorrow night?". Spencer exhaled deeply thinking of the headache he was about to have. "It's not like I have a choice. J and I were talking about it earlier, and he and Simone are now going. I couldn't really have a chance to say no. Besides he told me that we shouldn't graduate and move away without resolving the issues and bad blood. I'm not going to lie, he's got a point. Sometimes, his words of wisdom, surprise me. You don't know he has it in him until he says things that bring perspective to the situation,". Olivia agreed. "He does have a point. The question is are you finally going to talk to Coop just as we pinky promised?".

A hint of a smile appeared on the corner of her lip when Spencer caved. "If you go, then I'll go. I ain't walking into the lion's den alone,". Olivia let out a sigh thinking of Carrie and how much she didn't want to see her. "I was thinking about it, but then I imagine having to deal with Carrie the entire night and I don't know if I have that much energy to give. I'm telling you, Spencer, something is off with her, and I...just don't trust her. I'm telling you Spencer she's a wild card, and you really don't know what she is going to say. She called me a boyfriend stealer. I'm sure Layla never told her both sides of the story which really rubs me the wrong way. I can't imagine what crap she is going to say tomorrow when we arrive together,".

Spencer squeezed Olivia's hand taking her out of her thoughts. "Liv, breathe,". Olivia rolled her eyes frustrated before meeting Spencer's gaze. Focusing on his words, she watched a smile appear on his lips."Let her talk. We ain't got nothing to hide..." Spencer trailed the moment Olivia shot him a glare. Lifting their hands he got her point. "The point is. It's not her story to tell. Besides I haven't told Layla and if she finds out by Carrie blurting it out, I swear I'm going to shove that turkey so far up her..." Olivia trailed the moment Spencer interrupted. Taking a deep breath in, she crossed her arms, mumbling under her breath.

"Liv, you gotta breathe. We need to go in with an open mind, you can't go in with clouded thoughts, thinking the worse. We have to take it one step at a time. First, we gotta get through the door, then we can deal with Carrie, if she is as bad you tell me she is,". Olivia shook her head annoyed. "If you only knew. Guess you can be the judge tomorrow. Just know that if she thinks I'm the boyfriend stealer imagine how bad she must think of you,". Spencer let out a sigh thinking of Coop and Layla in the same room. "Trust me Liv, Carrie is the least of my problems. I'm going to have my hands full, to say the least. Guessing we are both going to have an eventful evening,". Olivia scoffed. "More like fake a smile, and pretend I like her. Then you got that right,". Spencer laughed knowing tomorrow night the both of them were in for more than they bargained for.

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