Crenshaw Block Party (Part Five)

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"Spencer! Olivia!" Dillon yelled. Spencer and Olivia stood on the sidewalk gazing towards the dance floor when Dillon ran up to the both of them. His eyes glistened from the lights that were hung around the dance floor when he ran into Olivia's embrace. Squeezing her tightly, he sighed. "I thought you were going to leave me alone on the dance floor. Your brother's dancing was embarrassing me. But don't tell him I told you. All he does is hit the woah. Doesn't he know that dance ended a year ago?" Dillon asked when Olivia let out a laugh. "Forgive him, he's got my father's dance moves,". Olivia pointed to her father who was dancing out of rhythm.

"Funny, he dances the same way he was playing charades," Spencer smiled shaking his head. "Yeah, definitely not his strong point. But my mom seems to enjoy it," Olivia said. She smiled warmly looking over to her parents, watching her mother crack up at her father doing the robot. Olivia covered her face in embarrassment. "Can you believe you're dating a girl whose parents dance like that?" Olivia asked when Spencer grinned. "I just look at two people happy, who still have love for each other. If Coach Baker doing the robot, makes your mom happy, then I'm okay with that. Besides, that may be us in twenty years embarrassing our children,". Spencer nudged Olivia when their eyes met. She let out a laugh as her cheeks turned to the shade of the red lights flashing on the dance floor.

"Is that what I have to look forward to?" Olivia asked. Spencer shrugged. "You got no choice, you're stuck with me now. Wait until I show you the picture frame, the sprinkler, and eating the corn," Spencer said when he started to dance. Olivia let out another laugh shaking her head. "You're going to have to show me what all of those look like. I'm going to hope our kids get my dance moves then. I'll make sure to start them young,". Dillon yanked on her arm, dragging her to the dance floor. She walked backward never letting her gaze fall. Spencer grinned looking her up and down, before meeting her gaze. "You coming?" Olivia asked. Spencer shook his head. "In a bit,". "I'll be waiting. I'm looking forward to seeing you do the corn," Olivia smiled before turning around and joining everyone on the dance floor. Spencer placed his hands in his pockets watching his little brother and Olivia dance around.

He laughed under his breath watching his brother show off his moves. Spencer smiled when he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming love in his heart. From the block party to asking Olivia to be his girlfriend, and to go to homecoming with him. He couldn't have imagined a better night. The love, he felt in the atmosphere as everyone enjoyed themselves while celebrating the community and the upcoming homecoming game.

Spencer gazed at the crowd before him when his eyes automatically found Olivia's. As if the world seemed to slow down for a small moment in time, her eyes never left his as everyone danced in slow motion around her. Everything seemed to fade into the distance when Spencer flashed back to the vision of Olivia in a white dress. Cutting off her gaze, the world resumed when Spencer exhaled. His mouth parted slightly when the single tear he held, fell down his cheek. Quickly wiping the tear away with his shoulder, he cleared his throat when Kia walked up beside him.

"So did everything go as planned?" Kia asked. "Better than planned. Thank you for helping me set up the gazebo," Spencer said nudging Kia. "Anytime Spence. I mean it was the least I could do for what I put you through setting up the block party the last two days," Kia said when Spencer sighed. "I'm not going to lie, it was tough. But in the end, it worked out. The parade was great, the fireworks, the party. We did this. I mean although you were brutal being my boss, it all paid off and I wouldn't have it any other way,". Kia let out a laugh. "Awe Spence I'm sorry Chris definitely told me the same thing. Maybe I should take it easier on you guys next time,". "You think? I mean a break would be nice," Spencer said when she nodded.

"I get it, I get it. Maybe next time I will make sure to squeeze in some breaks," Kia said when Spencer laughed. "Thank you, that's all we are asking for,". They both sighed when Kia nudged him. "I just wish the original four would be here together. You, Chris, Coop, and I,". Spencer looked around the dance floor when Coop had been missing. In block parties past, she'd be the first one on the dance floor and the last one out. But this time, she hadn't shown. Spencer looked at the ground before looking back at Kia. "Yeah, me too. Maybe someday we will get back to the way we were,". Kia sighed. "Maybe,". Pushing past the crowd, Chris made his way over to Kia and Spencer when he had a big grin on his face. Clasping his hands in Spencers they brought it in for a hug.

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