"Two Weeks," (Part Two)

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The song softly played through her car speakers, as she sat in the school parking lot. Holding her phone in her hands, she gazed at her lock screen when a sad smile fell on her lips. His eyes, his smile, his embrace. That is all of what she thought about looking down at a picture of her and Spencer at the block party. A memory still so vivid she'd relived it every time she closed her eyes. She could see him now slowly walking up the steps of the gazebo. He spoke to her with a softness in his voice. "I want to do all of this with you. I want to ask you out to be my girl... I want you to know you were the only girl I was planning on going with,". Gently wiping her thumb on her lips, she could still feel the sensation of his lips.

His hands were on her back, kissing her deeper, while their bodies were wrapped around each other. The smell of spearmint, lingered on his lips, bringing her back to the vision she had. Spencer smiled, twirling her around the empty dance floor. For a brief moment, it was just him and her dancing. The same song that played in the gazebo softly played in her vision. Gazing into his eyes, she'd seen a life with him. A life she'd only dreamed of. Yet the vision she had in the gazebo had felt different than the rest.

She loved him and wanted that same life she envisioned, twirling around the dance floor as they were both dressed up in a tuxedo and a beautiful white gown. The same gown she pictured herself getting married in when she was five. Yet her mind raced as if she'd been in survival mode, wanting to take flight and run. She knew she was falling for him, deeper than she had ever fallen for anyone before. Spencer was the only person she'd wanted to spend her life with, she'd never been happier than she had been in the last few weeks, yet it didn't stop her cravings from coming.

She'd thought if she would confess her feelings for him, that she would become sober. But after the Baker family game night, her symptoms only seemed to be getting worse. Ignoring the signs, until she couldn't run anymore. Olivia deeply sighed knowing Spencer couldn't see her like this.  She loved him too much, and for him to see her fighting her cravings, would only put more stress on him. She knew it was best to protect the boy she loved by not telling him the truth. With so much already on his plate, she figured he didn't need to have her sobriety weighing on him as well.

Letting her finger trace the picture on her lock screen, Olivia shook her head when the song came to a stop, as another softly played not long after. Locking her phone, she shook her legs when she gazed out of the window, watching her classmates walk into school. In the distance, she saw Layla getting out of her car, and locking it behind her. Olivia looked back down to her lap when she closed her eyes.

The crisp air, gently flowed through the crack in the window when Olivia gazed out of it, watching the city lights blur past her. Olivia grinned from ear to ear, smelling the fresh evening Los Angeles air. "It feels good, doesn't it?" Leslie asked. Olivia turned to her when Leslie lowered the music. "Nothing feels better, than freedom,". "Lower your window and let the cool breeze in Olivia. Stick your hand out the window, and take it all in," Leslie said pressing a button on her car door when every window rolled down.

Leslie stuck out her hand when she yelled at the top of her lungs. "Join me Olivia. Let go, and yell at the top of your lungs. You won't regret it,". Olivia shook her head looking ahead when she closed her eyes, letting out a yell. She yelled once more when Leslie joined her. the both of them yelled until Olivia started to laugh. Leaning her head back against the headrest, she took a deep sigh when they both had gotten quiet. "You think we can take a detour?" Leslie asked when Olivia shrugged. "As long as I don't have to go back, I'm fine,". "We have a couple more minutes until curfew. Why not enjoy it?" Leslie smiled.

"So you took me to the middle of the woods? This is not creepy at all," Olivia said rubbing her arms for warmth. "Oh, stop it. You gotta just learn to trust people Olivia. Have I let you down yet?" Leslie asked. She walked backward meeting her eyes. "Not yet, but I'm sure you will. I'll give you a couple of months and you'll leave, and ignore me like the rest. Don't worry I won't take it personally, guess I'm just used to it by now," Olivia said.

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