Las Vegas Aftermath: Spencer and Layla: Part Five

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It was a quarter past seven when Spencer stepped out of the car. Gazing up to the lit up billboard sign, a smile appeared from the corner of his mouth seeing Coop, Layla, and Patience's name. In big bold letters, it read " SOLD OUT". Spencer shook his head when he looked past the crowd of people still waiting in line to get inside. "Ayo Spence. I am so stoked we know Coop and Layla because we would never get past the big guy," JJ said wrapping his arm around Spencer. "Not even a chance," Spencer said when the group walked up to the entrance before being stopped by the guard. "Can't you read the sign? Sold Out" with a low rumble in his voice placing a firm hand on Spencer's Chest. Spencers sighed when he shot the security guard a stare. "Ay watch where you put your hands, and we know them. "Ayo Coop!" Spencer yelled when the security guard stepped in front of the door blocking the entrance. "What'd you say?" he asked closing the space between them when Spencer stepped forward. "You heard what I said" Spencer looked him dead in the eye when JJ tried to intervene when another guard got in JJ's way. "Hey Spence I tried to help but this nice gentleman looks like he can turn me into a human pretzel. So I'm going to...just walk backwards...slowly" JJ said lifting his hands up. "I'd watch what you say next," the guard said looking down at Spencer, taking off his glasses. "Ayo Trev, what's the matter with you? This is my boy Spencer James" Coop rushed to the middle of them pushing the both of them back. "You know him?" the guard asked when Coop looked at him weirdly.

"Ayo, did you even read the list? The list we made to let our friends in?" she asked when he grunted taking out his phone when he sighed. "Yeah, that's right, the third one down. That's me, Spencer James" he said raising his voice. "Alright, Spence. Chill. Trev Doesn't play around. I've seen what he could do and it ain't cute" Coop grabbed Spencer's arm pulling him inside when JJ called out. "Ayo Coop what about me?" he yelled when she turned and sighed. "He's cool too" she said when JJ ran up to the both of them, throwing his shoulders over them. "Ay, watch the fit" Coop said shrugging his shoulder off of her when JJ laughed. "My bad, man. Congratulations by the way" he smiled clasping her hands pulling her into a hug. "I'll go get a spot inside" JJ called off when Spencer nodded. "See you in a bit". "Come on Spence I gotta show you backstage. This is tight, yo can't believe you're here" she said throwing herself on the couch when Spencer grinned. "I can't believe it's sold out". "Yo, what are you talking about. It's been sold out" she grinned when patience walked inside, Spencer rushed over squeezing her into a hug. "Hey, I'm proud of you too. You guys are killing it" he said when patience half-smiled. Coop read her face when her smile faded. "Hey Spence it's good to see you but can I talk to Coop alone?" she asked when Spencer nodded. "Of course I've gotta find Layla anyways," he said leaving the room.

"What's wrong Patience?" Coop said rushing over to her pulling her in for an embrace. "I don't know Coop. I just need to talk to JP" she said when Coop interlaced her hands in hers. "About what?" she asked when Patience sighed. "It's important I just don't think I could do it" she beat around the bush. "When have I known Patience to be scared? The girl I know would stand up for herself despite who it was. Heck, it could be the president and you would still speak what's on your mind" Coop said embracing her. Patience sighed when she agreed. "It's just different this time," she said when Coop placed a tender kiss on her lips. "You got this Patience. You want me to come with? If he starts anything I've got some hands that are quicker than his eyes" she said punching the air. "Coop JP is Layla's father" Patience let out a smile. "So? If he's making my baby anxious then he needs to get to stepping" already walking out the door to find him, patience pulled her back to face her. "It's fine Coop. I'm going to find him alone, thanks for the advice. Hey, sold-out show" she said squeezing her hand once more. "Sold-out show" Coop smiled gazing at her reflection through the mirror.

With two knocks on the dressing room, Spencer double-checked the door to make sure he was at the correct one when Layla opened the door. With a big grin on her face, she exhaled pulling him into an embrace. "Just wanted to say congratulations. Did you see the sign out front, Layla. Your show is sold out" he smiled pulling her back to look her in the eyes. Wrapping her arms around his neck she nodded. "It's my father's show but I did see the sign. That's cool and everything but I'm more excited for after. I've got something special planned" she said letting her hands feel the buttons on his shirt. "Oh yeah?" he asked when she gazed into his eyes. "Yeah, kind of proud of myself" she smiled. "I can't wait to see it," he said kissing her on the cheek. "I can't believe my baby's a superstar," he continued walking out the door before turning around to see Layla once more. "Oh I'm your baby now?" she asked when spencer smiled. "You've always been," he said when her heart fluttered. Turning her cheeks rosy pink she looked down to the floor before turning looking back to Spencer. Flashing a wink, her let his eyes fall once more before leaving to find a spot to watch the show.

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