Forever until Forever Falls Apart (Part Four)

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The day had finally been here. The day Jordan and Simone would say "I Do". And everything seemed to be going perfectly as planned. With only a few weeks of preparation Jordan couldn't believe he was almost finished getting ready for his wedding. Something only weeks ago his world had come crashing down on him. From his concussion to his marriage. Jordan couldn't see through the very dark tunnel he was in. But there he was standing before the mirror tucking in his white shirt into his black slacks. He grinned from ear to ear knowing the girl of his dreams was about to be his wife. The girl he wanted to spend forever with. To him, she is all he could think about, and as he stood in the mirror he rehearsed his vows to himself. Hoping to memorize every last word he wanted to say to Simone. 

This time with a crowd, his palms had felt sweaty as his heart pounded hoping to not fall under the pressure. But just thinking of her soft brown eyes, made all the worries he'd felt disappear. He was ready to spend a life with Simone. Ever since the first night they met at the party, he didn't feel the need to look for another. She was the one and loved every bit of her. She was strong, confident, smart, and beautiful. A smile escaped him, just thinking of his soon-to-be wife. Looking at the piece of paper in hand, which had been crumbled from being stuffed in his pockets with his wallet and mints. It had still been half legible. 

Enough for him to memorize his speech. And what he couldn't see he had enough words in his heart to make up for. As he rehearsed his speech he finished getting ready. Tieing his tie, and putting on his suit jacket, buttoning it up, he fixed his collar, when the sound of his friends and family were heard from below. Walking over to the open window just above the wedding venue A smile fell on Jordan's lips watching as his wedding guests found their seats. Seeing a familiar face in the crowd, she met his smile when she waved up at him. Jordan waved back to Ms. James who'd walked in with Principal Carter and Dillon. "Congratulations," Ms. James mouthed. "Thank you," Jordan mouthed back. Looking around the venue, he saw that his mother and father had been by the entrance welcoming the guests. Jordan let out a long sigh as his mood changed. 

It's been a day since he hadn't heard or seen Simone. With all the old wives' tales being thrown at them, they were banned from contacting each other until the moment she would walk down the aisle. Jordan felt agitated not being near his fiance. He hated every minute of it, as this had been the longest day of his life. He just wanted to fast forward time so he could see Simone, and kiss her. It's been 24 hours too long, and in just short of an hour, he'd be seeing his wife. Jordan had gotten antsy knowing an hour was an hour too long and wanted to see Simone now. He didn't want to wait another hour, as his whole body itched craving for her touch, her smile, her eyes. He needed to see her, and with no one to stop him he started to walk towards the door. Stopping him in his tracks, his sister and his best friend walked through. A groan escaped him knowing he wasn't going anywhere. 

"J we left for a minute and you were about to leave?" Spencer asked closing the door behind them. "Liv...come on. Can I have my phone, please? I'm having withdrawals and I need to see her. It's been twenty-four hours. Can I at least call her?". Olivia crossed her arms when both she and Spencer blocked the door. "No Jordan. Mom and Simone's mom gave me specific rules. And believe me, I do not want to cross Simone's mom today. You sure you still want to marry Simone? We pulled the car, by the back door just in case. They say you marry the girl, you marry the family, and let's just say I'm glad you've got a lot of patience,". Jordan glared at his sister. "Liv,". Olivia's eyes widened lifting her shoulders to her ears. 

"What Jordan? I'm just doing my best woman duties. One of which always includes a plan B just in case everything goes south we got our getaway car,". Jordan complained slapping his hands on his thighs. "Liv! I don't need a getaway car I just need to speak to my wife. Please...if you are my best woman you have to keep me calm and happy and right now your sucking at it,". Olivia's mouth parted. "Well, that is way above my paygrade. Simone's mom scares me and one thing I want to stay clear of is her line of fire. She already yelled at the caterers and fired a few of them. She's scary and no thank you. I kind of like my life these days, and wouldn't want to test out that theory,". Olivia leaned against the door, blocking it from Jordan exiting. Spencer stood with his hands in his pocket silent when Jordan now looked in his direction. Spencer immediately shook his head.  

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