Las Vegas Theory: Part Ten

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The sound of the jets slowly pulsated around Olivia, kicking her out of her thoughts. Squeezing her shoulder she softly smiled turning to watch Spencer get in. Walking over to the other side of the hot tub, he catches her gaze as he slowly descended inside. Meeting her eye level, he sat across from her letting his feet rest in between hers, he noticed that it was only him and Olivia alone on the roof of their hotel. The only sound heard was the soft chirping of the crickets as the jets of the hut tub pulsated in a forward motion. Pulling both Spencer and Olivia to the middle. Holding their position, until the jets calmed to a slow and constant rhythm. Although she hadn't noticed Spencer's gaze, he wanted nothing more than to sit beside her. The sadness in her eyes reflected off the water. He knew the only way to get her to talk, was to keep her mind off of whatever had been worrying her. Following her eyes, Spencer looked up to the night sky.

"You don't see the stars this clear back in Crenshaw" Spencer softly spoke. Olivia looked back down watching when a hint of a smile appeared on the corner of her lips. The stars scattered the endless abyss above like an abundance of little snowflakes softly glowing in the night sky illuminating the world around them. "With the smog, it's hard to see it most days. You'd have to drive an hour to even catch a glimpse of it" she said glancing at him. He nodded watching her as she quickly looked away not making eye contact. Something had been bothering her and as he sighed he glanced in her direction, watching her softly move the water around her. She fixed her gaze to the reflection of the water before turning to meet his eyes. A soft smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, before quickly fading away.

Spencer cleared his throat moving to the middle, to look at the city before him. With no cloud in the sky tonight, they could see all of Las Vegas. With the perfect view of the strip and old town, Spencer hadn't noticed that from where Olivia sat, Spencer could view the strip from below. Watching the bite-size cars drive by, he was amazed at how high they were. "Exactly 104 floors up" she smiled softly as if she read his mind. 

"You were right" he spoke turning his gaze towards her. "That's a statement I don't get to hear often" she smiled crossing her arms leaning back against the jacuzzi. "The view is more breathtaking at night. Somehow it's quieter than I would have imagined" he continued looking back to the strip below. "Kind of makes it seem less chaotic," she said turning his gaze towards her."Exactly". "I wouldn't mind it here if it'd be this peaceful. It would be an escape rather than a bunch of drunks crowding the streets. But I'm not going to lie, this trip is making me feel different. It's kind of growing on me, besides I could get used to this view" she smiled softly at him. "Me too".

Sitting next to her he nudged her when she took in a deep sigh before letting it out. "Spencer, I'm sorry about earlier" she finally confessed. Turning his attention towards her, he disagreed. "There's no need to apologize. I get it sometimes you gotta work it out in your head, before letting people in" giving her a smile. "I guess your right. I was trying to guard myself when in reality, it made me feel distant from you" she lowered her gaze back to the water. Placing a hand on her shoulder he gently squeezed her. "I wasn't going anywhere Liv. I knew when you were ready you would talk to me. Their times when I know to talk, but there are times when I know to listen. And tonight I'm listening" he said letting his hand fall on hers. Giving it a squeeze, she looked down interlacing her hands in his. Shaking her head she smiled looking back to Spencer. Letting her eyes fall vulnerable. She relaxed her shoulders before speaking. 

"Back at the poker lounge tonight, I kind of felt a wave of emotions. Hitting me like a tidal wave. I felt as if I was back to my pre sober days" she spoke softly turning her body towards him she leaned her head on her hand, letting her leg graze his, softly kicking the water. "How so?" he asked. "She shrugged. " I don't know, the atmosphere, the smell of the lounge. Something triggered my memories, ones I tried so hard to forget. They haunted me for months after, still to this day, my parents don't really know how to talk to me without worrying that I might relapse. "Have you?" he asked when she shot him a stare. "No" she lied. "It doesn't mean I don't think about it. I can't say that it hasn't crossed my mind or that I was close to breaking my sobriety" softening her gaze, she followed the bubbles from the jet popping them.

"You gotta give yourself credit Liv. What you went through is hard and it's a constant battle every day to stay sober. But your human liv, and your going to have days where it ain't it and that's okay" he said when Olivia sighed. "you got me, even when you just need someone to listen to, Liv you got me" his voice fell to a whisper. "Spence you need to stop doing this" she cracked a smile. "Do what?" He asked softening his gaze. "Setting the bar too high. The boys I meet in the future are going to have a hard time competing against you" she smiled when he got up. Pulling her into an embrace, he stayed quiet for a moment before pulling her back to look her in the eyes. "That's not a problem, because I ain't going anywhere. No matter how far apart we are, I've always got you" he spoke softer this time. "So I guess that means your stuck with m?" she softly laughed under her breath.

"I guess so," he said when he pulled her in once more. Slowly she let go of him, just as their cheeks softly touched. They paused for a moment, staring intently into each other's eyes. Their stares fell to their lips. 

Quickly pulling away from him, she smiled once more before turning around to get out. "Olivia" he called out catching her arm, she pulled her back to face him. Placing her hands on his chest he pulled at her waist until they were only an inch apart. Their hearts raced as Olivia watched Spencer lean in. Her heart palpated fluttering uncontrollably when his hot breath sent chills down her body. He stopped as their lips gently touched. None of them moved any closer. Staying in the same position, their lips trembled as if time slowed and it was only him and Liv at this moment. Every emotion they felt intensified.

Not wanting to go any further, they both stopped nervously if they would lean in, there would be no turning back. Not wanting to lose her, he didn't pursue her any further. With the moment cut short, the sound of keys dangling in the distance made them both quickly jump back. The security guard shined a light at them. "The pools closed" he yelled. When Spencer waved at him. The both of them quickly got out patting themselves dry before rushing out of the rooftop deck. Stopping Spencer in her tracks, Olivia guarded the door as she turned to face him. "Hey Spence, I just wanted to say thank you for tonight" she softly spoke letting her eyes fall to his lips. He flashed her a gin. "When you need someone to talk to or just listen. I'll always be here Liv" letting his eyes fall to her lips. "I know" her voice fell to a whisper. Spencer leaned in once more when the sound of a door unlocking, caught him off guard.

Olivia turned the doorknob, opening it behind her. He watched her as she slowly inched away from him leaving him at the door, he softly laughed under his breath knowing that it was better than the moment had cut short. His judgment was clouded as he was lost in the lights of the city, caught up in a moment, he'd thought maybe it was all in his head. She shot him a smile from across the room and in that moment, he knew he was falling for her. A rush of emotions rushed through him, as his heart dropped stopping him in his tracks. She caught his gaze as Olivia smiled at him. Taking a step back he took in this moment as his heart ached with a sudden feeling of losing her, rushed through him. 

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