State Champs We Have Arrived (Part One)

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"I miss you. It's been three days too long," Olivia pouted. Giving Spencer the puppy dog eyes, he slightly shook his head. Captivated by her adoring eyes, he watched her through the phone screen. With it being finals week and the big game on Friday, the both of them haven't had the time to see each other. "I know Liv, but your pops got us on a tight schedule this week. Just a couple of more days, then I'm all yours. No more 5 am practices, no more late nights at the gym, or on the field. Imagine that, we can actually go on dates, and hang out without having to be up early the next morning," Spencer reassured her. "Or you falling asleep on me halfway through the movie," Olivia scrunched her nose. Spencer agreed. "That too,".

A smile slowly spread on her lips thinking of Spencer having free time. A laugh escaped her, knowing it was too good to be true. Spencer never had free time on his hands, and when he did he was either busy tutoring his team or saving his community. Somehow his free time meant more time to help others. Which was one thing she loved about him, but sometimes, she just wanted a few nights to be just the both of them. But with Spencer James, there was never an in-between.

"Liv, I know what your thinking. But I promise this winter break it's going to be you, me, and..." Spencer trailed. Olivia groaned throwing herself on her bed, now laying against her pillows she looked back at the phone, watching Spencer slowly nod. "And..". Spencer smiled. "And... sometimes Dillon. Maybe a few nights a week Patience will hang out with us. You know they are going to be crashing our movie nights and ice cream dates,". Olivia nodded knowing it'd been true. "With Coop leaving on tour, Patience is going to be needing someone to hang out with. She said we got her half the week and Layla has her the other half. Olivia scrunched her eyebrows confused.

"Wait, when did I agree to this split custody arrangement?". A slight grin started to appear on the corner of her mouth. Spencer matched her smile when he leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees. "The day we became official it became a we thing. So yes, we are keeping her company while Coop is on tour. Between Patience and Dillon, we are going to be needing a bigger couch,". Olivia groaned once more letting out a laugh. "No kidding,".

"How're finals going?" Spencer asked. Olivia shook her head annoyed. "You would think I would be studying to pass a board exam for law school or something. It's torture like do they really think a person could retain thirty pages of notes for a subject we won't even use outside of school?" Olivia complained. Spencer smiled lost in her gaze when she rambled for another minute before catching his stare. "What?" she asked caught off guard. Spencer shook his head, exiting his daydream. "No, nothing. Just enjoy you going on your little rants about a subject you clearly are passionate about,". Olivia rolled her eyes, smacking her lips shut to stop the smile from incoming. The both of them stayed quietly when Olivia sighed. "So how many more days until the game again?". Olivia bit her lip as if she didn't know the answer. "Two days," Spencer replied.

"But it's not like I'm not going to see you until then. We still got tonight,". Olivia narrowed her eyes confused as to what he had been talking about. "What's happening tonight?". Spencer now looked confused. "The...dinner?". Olivia had been taken aback now more than ever lost. "Please continue. What dinner are you talking about?". "Coach baker asked me this morning before practice if I could come over for dinner. He told me Mrs. Baker wanted a dinner to celebrate Jordan and I going to state? She didn't tell you?" Spencer scrunched his face. Olivia widened her eyes shaking her head. "No. I love that I'm the one that lives here, and yet, you know way more than me..."Olivia trailed for a second as her eyes widened.

" don't think...". Spencer smiled knowing exactly what Olivia had been thinking. "She knows? She knows," the both of them said in sync. "Guessing if she's inviting me over it's a good sign right?" Spencer joked. Olivia groaned. "Yeah, more like all eyes are going to be on us. She either knows and saw us kiss on the dance floor, Jordan and his big mouth told her, or she has suspicions about us...". Spencer and Olivia both said "Jordan," at the same exact time again. "Yeah no your right, my brother can only keep his own secrets. I'm surprised he kept his marriage a secret for that long,". Spencer agreed. "Because Simone would've murdered him before your mom ever got to him,". Cutting the conversation short, the sound of a whistle blew in the distance when Olivia heard her father yell on the other end of the Facetime call.

"Breaks over boys, we still got an hour left till school starts meaning we can get in a few plays before then,". Spencer got up off the bench when he sighed. "I'll see you tonight, Liv. Coach ain't letting up this morning and we still got last-minute tutoring to do before our finals this morning,". Olivia shook her head knowing how focused her father had always been the week of the championship games. "Good luck, Spence. I guess I'll be seeing you tonight then? Maybe if we get some time alone tonight I can give you a massage. You know just to get you loose before the big game,".

Spencer's gaze lingered on hers thinking of her hands on his shoulders. Knowing her plans on teasing him, a slow smile spread across his face. His heart started to beat faster thinking of Olivia whispering beside his ear massaging him. His throat went dry, clearing it. "I...I think I'm going to have to pass on that massage. We can save it for after the game. But I'll see you tonight,". Spencer stumbled over his words before hanging up the call. Olivia smiled knowing how easy it was to tease him. "Oh, this is going to be fun," Olivia thought out loud. Exiting her room and making her way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Jordan had been sitting on a barstool eating his breakfast at the island. Their mother had been pouring coffee in her usual mug and reading the morning news from her phone. Taking a quick glance up, a smile appeared on her lips. "I was thinking if you were ever going to leave your room this morning. Seems like your phone calls get longer and longer these days. How's Spencer? Is your father going easy on them?".

Olivia stopped mid-opening the fridge, smacking her lips tightly together to stop a smile from appearing. Knowing whatever she was trying to hide had been written all over her face. Jordan almost spit out his orange juice when his mother turned her attention back to her son. He shook his head, looking back down to his phone. " videos...they get me every time,". Olivia poured herself a glass of juice when she gently nodded. "Spencer's...good. And you know dad during the state championship games,". Her mother smiled knowing exactly what Olivia had meant. "A little too well. Did Spencer tell you about tonight?". Olivia took a sip of her juice.

"Yeah, thanks mom for the heads up by the way. Love that I have to hear we are having dinner tonight from Spencer,". Her mother sincerely smiled. "Thought he should be the one to tell you,". Olivia squinted her eyes watching her mother drink her coffee while reading the news. "So you did invite him?". Her mother turned to her daughter nodding. "I did,". Jordan and Olivia both look at each widening their eyes. "Why is that a problem?" their mother asked. Both Jordan and Olivia shook their heads. "Nope. Not a problem at all,". Laura smiled.

"Okay good. You might want to let your father and Spencer know dinner will be ready at seven. I expect to see Simone here too. Would that be a problem?". Their mother narrowed her eyes now at Jordan when he looked at his half-empty cup of orange juice. Lost in his thoughts, his mother cleared her throat. Snapping Jordan back to earth, he forced a smile. "Not a problem at all. Yeah, tonight. Sure I'll let her know". Jordan looked at his watch, getting up off the barstool and grabbing his bag.

"I gotta go, got practice in a few. You know the big game and all," Quickly hurrying out the door the both girls looked at each other before shrugging. "You don't think..." her mother trailed when Olivia shook her head. "Nah, Jordan's just being Jordan. He's under a lot of pressure this week I'm sure he and Simone are fine. I mean...they did just call off a wedding, so your right maybe we should check on him," Olivia nodded grabbing an apple, walking out of the kitchen. Her mother called her when she turned back around. "I was planning the party to celebrate the both of the boys going to state after the game, I was wondering if you wanted to invite Layla and her new friend Carrie to the party?". Olivia clenched her teeth instantly bothered by Carrie being brought up to the conversation. Olivia shrugged.

"It's up to you. Layla and I are...taking a break for a while. It's nothing to worry about Mom. We are just..headed in different directions and didn't see eye to eye on some things. So we decided to just call it quits for a bit. But it's up to you,". Her mother sadly smiled at her daughter, knowing Olivia hadn't been telling the whole truth. Not wanting to push further, her mother dropped it. "Okay, thank you for telling me. Have a good day at school and I'll see you tonight. Good luck on your finals,". Olivia grunted. "Thanks, mom, I'm going to be needing it,". Olivia dragged herself to her car sitting in the driver's seat she took out her phone sending Spencer a quick text message. "My mom knows...she definitely knows,". Olivia rested her head on the headrest letting out an exhausted sigh knowing all eyes were going to be on them tonight.

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