Early Morning Workouts (Early Morning Series: Part Three)

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Spencer's heart raced with every step he took. His legs ached as he looked ahead, making sure to watch his foot placement. He sucked in air, controlling his breathing, before exhaling. Footsteps trailed behind him as the bleachers trembled. Like the sound of a thousand footsteps stomping in a stadium arena, Spencer, Chris, and Jabari ran up the bleachers leaving two steps in between each other. Mimicking each other's movement, they were in sync, touching the next step with the left and landing on their right. Gently grabbing the top of the top railing, the three of them ran to the other set of stairs and repeated the same exact motion. After running the bleachers a second time, the three of them reached the track, leaning over gasping for air. 

"These Saturday workouts are going to be the death of me" Jabari gasped for air. "Welcome to the team rookie. You think this is rough, wait until Coach Baker gets pissed at you, he'd make you run this the entire practice" Chris said when Spencer nodded. "Hey, you got that right. Coach Baker ain't play no games when it comes to winning. He may be goofy off the field. But on it, he's a different person" Spencer said. "Who you calling rookie?" Jabari asked glaring towards Chris. Chris stepped forward meeting Jabari's glare. 

"You, rookie. We know you're good but until theirs a game and we see you play, you're just another rookie" Chris said. Spencer got in the middle of both Chris, and Jabari. "Alright, man that's enough. We are all teammates and we came down here to work out after tutoring. Ain't nobody gotta get angry around here" Spencer said. "I mean the only way I know how to settle this is on the field. I schooled Spencer. I can school you too," Jabari said. Spencer looked at him confused. "You played me once. Ain't nobody giving you a trophy over it. You caught me off guard, that's all. I was at the park with my brother," Spencer said. 

"It don't matter. When someone throws you the ball you gotta show up," Jabari said. Throwing the football at Chris, he smiled. "You down to play". "Spence, you ready to show this rookie how we play? He may have beaten you at the park, but this is our turf" Chris pointed to the Crenshaw football field. "You know I'm always down. Don't let the name fool you. I'm telling you he's good and you know I don't say that lightly," Spencer said when Chris nodded. "Spence, you're forgetting that when we work together, there ain't no stopping us," Chris said. "What are you boys waiting for? I ain't got all day," Jabari said 

"What do you both say, last time we did three plays. Want to make it easier, or we sticking to three?" Jabari asked. "I'm down with three," Spencer said. "Well alright then. Last time my man Eric had been QB but let's see how good you play with your own QB" Jabari smiled. Spencer shook his head, looking back at Chris. "You better be ready. I ain't letting this dude run me twice now" Spencer said. Chris nodded. "I got you".  

"Okay you were right, Jabari ain't half bad," Chris said. Spencer gripped his knees catching his breath. "What the hell was that throw back there? You really making me do all the work" Spencer said. "Hey, we still got one more play, I'm telling you he ain't getting this pass," Chris said. "Last one, let's make it count," Spencer shook his head. Getting back into position, Spencer watched Chris when he pulled back, giving Spencer the signal, he sprinted down the field taking a hard left when Jabari was on his trail. Faking right, Chris threw the ball, when Jabari fell behind. Spencer caught the ball when Chris jumped up and yelled. 

"Good game". Spencer clasped Jabari's hands. "With you on our team ain't no stopping us to get to state. I'm telling you, we are going to be unstoppable," Spencer said. Chris ran up behind, clasping Jabari's hand. "Although you're still a rookie, you don't deserve that title. What I saw out there was impressive" Chris said. Jabari sighed. "Thanks, man can't wait to get on the field again. I miss it. Glad you were able to talk the Principal into letting me play," Jabari said. Spencer nodded. "For now, but who knows what he has up his sleeve. He's always up to no good. He also has it out for Billy, which ain't good for us, being he is our coach," Spencer said. Chris shook his head. "You got that right. But the only thing we could do is tutor the team, and hope they do well, so the principal can get off our tail,". "Guess only time will tell". 

"Look I'm telling you there isn't no way you could win me at 2k," Chris said when Jabari laughed. "Oh, you wanna bet?". Walking back to the locker room, Spencer's phone rang when he looked at the caller ID. He grinned from ear to ear, when Chris looked back at Spencer. "You coming?". "Naw man go ahead without me. See you both on Monday," Spencer said. "Alright see you Monday" Chris waved. Walking back onto the track Spencer answered his phone. "I just got off of dance class, and decided to make a stop before heading home. You wouldn't believe what I'm doing," Olivia said. Spencer shook his head. 

"What are you doing Liv?" Spencer asked entertaining her question. "It's the hottest thing. I was just watching a cute guy workout with his friends. I mean if I say so myself, he's pretty good at football. If I would take a wild guess, I think he wears a number eleven jersey. I was actually going to ask him on a date, what do you think he'll say?" Olivia asked. Spencer looked around the football field confused when he spotted Olivia in a baseball cap, standing on the other side of the fence. Giving him a small wave, he shook his head grinning from ear to ear. "You play too much". 

Walking over to Olivia, Spencer smiled hanging up the phone, he walked closer to her, standing on the other side of the fence. "So the part about see you soon you meant see you tomorrow, which is today?" Spencer asked confused. Olivia shrugged. Placing her hands on the fence, she smiled. "Good to see you too". "It's always good to see you, Liv" Spencer smiled, placing his hands near hers. "I gotta say, I don't know what it is, but even in a baseball cap you look cute," Spencer said meeting her eyes. Olivia wore a white tank top with black leggings and white shoes. Her cheeks turned rosy pink when she shook her head.

"Stop trying to distract me, I'm here to ask you on a date. I did warn you that I would show up at any time to take you out. So what about tonight? You free?" Olivia asked. Spencer took out his phone checking his calendar when Olivia's smile faded. She shook her head waiting for the joke to be over. "You're really checking your calendar?" Olivia asked. "Yeah, gotta make sure I'm open. You know being homecoming king and everything you may never know, wouldn't want to double book a date or anything" Spencer joked. Olivia gently pushed him. "Now who's playing too much?". "I'm only following your game or did you forget?" Spencer asked. She smiled shaking her head. 

"I wasn't playing with you, if you would've won at charades we would've ended the night in my bedroom...but you just had to lose. That's really too bad" Olivia smiled. "Right...I'm sure you would've just kissed me in the cheek or something," Spencer joked. Olivia let out a laugh. "Spence it's like you know me,". His smile faded shaking his head. "That's cold, Liv". "So what time should I pick you up tonight?" Olivia asked. "Any time after six, I gotta head to work soon," Spencer said. "Tutoring, working out, work, and in between hanging out with me? When do you have time for yourself?" Olivia asked worriedly. 

"Liv, being with you ain't a chore. All the rest may be, but being with you is more than enough for me" Spencer smiled. Olivia sighed. "I'm just worried about your arm, that's all," Olivia said embracing him. "I'm good, Liv really. I was able to play today without it going numb," Spencer said. He slightly pulled her away from him, to meet her eyes. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she let out a smile. "I mean you did look good out there. I can't wait to cheer you on at your games. I definitely miss that," Olivia said. "I swear you're going to be those girlfriends that wear the boyfriend's jerseys on game day" Spencer smiled. "Gotta support my man. But it's kind of hard when I don't have a boyfriend so that's out of the picture" Olivia said shrugging. 

"Oh, right we are back to playing this game" Spencer smiled. "I mean I haven't gotten asked out yet, or unless..." she trailed off. "Damn girl you move fast, first take me on a date and we can go from there. You ain't gotta move that fast. Speaking of old school, I never remember you asking me out on a date?" Spencer asked. Leaning in closer, Olivia looked at him confused. "You really want me to ask you?". Spencer shot back, nodding. "Yeah, I want the whole shebang. If you asking me out on a date, I want it all" Spencer smiled. Olivia let out a laugh. "Okay, fine I get you. Spencer James..." Olivia sighed. "Yes, Olivia Baker?". "Would you like to go on a date with me?" Olivia asked. "I would love to" Spencer smiled. "Pick you up at six then?" Olivia asked. "It's a date". 

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