Carnival at the Rec Center (Part One)

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The sounds of children screaming were heard in the distance when Dillon's eyes lit up from the bright flashing lights. The lingering aroma of savory yet sweet foods filled the air. At first, it smelled of BBQ, and in an instant, it was masked by the smell of freshly popped kettle corn. Making their way through the entrance, Spencer held onto Dillon's shoulders as the crowd had become dense. With little room to move, the both of them squeezed past, making their way through the carnival to the stage where Kia was speaking.

The both of them looked around amazed, by the colorful lights, and the big rides that had surrounded them. Dillon pointed towards the big Ferris wheel up ahead when his eyes glistened from the atmosphere around him. The fair had always been Dillon's favorite. They didn't get to go much often, and when the fair would come around once a year, his mom would save up to take them for the day.

Although it was a school night, the carnival had been filled with people, supporting Kia's fundraiser. Spencer glanced around as he caught snatches of conversations the moment he passed by a crowd of people. Some were talking about the food they wanted to eat, while others were talking about the rides, they wanted to ride. Spencer couldn't help but smile.

For the first time in years, the community hadn't been frightened of the rivalry gangs that would show up. Ending in the fair being cut short with the sounds of bullets ringing off into the distance. Followed by the police and ambulance sirens. Dillon pulled away from Spencer's grip taking him out of his thoughts the moment his eyes met Olivia's. She smiled warmly with her arms open waiting for Dillon's embrace.

"Liv!" Dillon called out. Running into her arms, he slammed into her when Olivia giggled squeezing him into an embrace. "I missed you," Dillon said. "Missed you too," Olivia smiled. "Seemed like I haven't seen you in months. What happened to your voice. You're getting taller,". Dillon brushed his shoulders grinning from ear to ear. "Soon I'll be taller and more handsome than Spencer. If you think my brother's good looking wait a couple of more months and I'll be competing with him," Dillon said when Olivia shook her head. Spencer met Olivia's gaze, when he smiled, seeing Olivia in the beige jacket he gave her from the date they had gone on a couple of days ago. "Hey, watch it D, you may be taller than me but I can still whoop your butt," Spencer said. Dillon let out a laugh. "If you can catch me. Spence all I'm saying is you might have competition in a couple of months,". Olivia giggled when Dillon went over to Jordan.

"D, it's good to see you," Jordan said squeezing Dillon into a hug. "It's good to see you too. Hey did Spencer tell you, that I'm trying out for football next year," Dillon said. "You got big shoes to fill kid," Jordan said. "You already know, but if you think Spencer's good, wait until you see me on that field," Dillon grinned when Jordan let out a laugh. Spencer shook his head walking closer to Olivia. "I see your brothers trying to take your brand," Olivia smiled. "No doubt he'd do better than me. He's learned from the best" Spencer said hugging Olivia.

"I swear that kid is going to be a handful. He's only in middle school. I can't imagine when he gets to high school" Spencer said when Olivia smiled. She turned back to Dillon. "If I would imagine you at his age, I would think you would be the exact same way," Olivia said. "Nah, that kid has this charm I never had at his age," Spencer said. Meeting Olivia's eyes, she shook her head. "I would disagree. I've seen pictures of you when you were his age, and I'm sure you were a charmer. Probably had all the girls in the schoolyard sharing their lunch with you," Olivia said. Spencer shook his head. "See that's where you got it all wrong. I was quite the opposite,". "I used to be the first one in class and the last one out,". "Trust me my moms would've whooped my butt if I would've been a ladies' man,". "Now Dillon charms his way out of getting into trouble. That boy bats his eyes, and all is well," Spencer said when Olivia laughed.

"They be calling me the prodigy kid, and I haven't even stepped onto the field yet," Dillon said when Jordan let out a laugh. "Okay, okay. You're confident just like your brother, I like it. Yo Spence, did you hear that?" Jordan called out. Spencer and Olivia walked over to Dillon, Jordan, and Simone. "Your brother is on a whole other level," Jordan said. Clasping their hands together, Spencer smiled. "Don't doubt him, he's got the James blood through and through. Theirs no telling on what he could do," Spencer said when Jordan agreed. From a distance, Kia tapped the microphone as she stood on stage glancing around the crowd.

"Check, one, two. Good evening everyone, for those of you that don't know me my name is Kia Williams. I just want to thank you for coming tonight to support the local rec center. I'm just going to make this brief, because of you guys coming to support the rec, we were able to raise enough money to be able to remodel and reconstruct the Rec Center. I just want to thank everyone because, without you, the kids that go to the center wouldn't have a place to go. This fundraiser hit close to home because I was one of those kids that would spend before and after school here. So to be able to be up here and celebrate the good news with you guys have made my night. Thank you guys for coming once again. Please stay safe and have fun," Kia said when the crowd cheered as she exited the stage.

The crowd dispersed when Spencer, Olivia, Jordan, and Simone, and Dillon went to Congratulate Kia. "Hey, girl you killed it up there," Olivia said pulling Kia in for a hug. "Thanks, Olivia. All thanks to you for helping me put out flyers throughout town. People have been coming up to me left and right, saying that they had seen the flyers," Kia said. Hugging everyone in the group. "Well, I'm glad I can help. Just looking at the crowd of people here, makes me happy, that people came to support," Olivia smiled. "I couldn't believe it. And we just got word that there is a line outside of the carnival wanting to come in," Kia said. "I'm telling you we had to squeeze past just to get here, that's how many people there are here tonight," Spencer said.

"I could imagine, hey I was wondering if you girls wanted to help me out for a little bit. It won't take long I know you two may be busy, but two of our volunteers left and I could use the help" Kia said. Olivia and Simone both looked at each other, then back to the boys, before shrugging. "They'll be fine," Simone smiled when Kia nodded. "Okay, great I'll give you guys a minute, meet me by the stage in five. Liv, this time I mean five," Kia said when Olivia smiled.

"I get it, five". "Liv..." Spencer trailed off grabbing her hand gently. "I won't be long, I promise. Save a spot for me on the Ferris wheel," Olivia smiled. Leaning in closer to his ear she whispered. "You know I've never been kissed on the Ferris wheel before,". Biting her lip, he nodded. "We can change that," Spencer grinned. Olivia shrugged. "Guess we'll see". "Where should we meet?" Spencer asked gently squeezing her hand. "I'll come and find you," Olivia said.

Placing a kiss on Spencer's cheek, he shook his head. "Oh, we still playing that game?" Spencer asked. "What game?" Olivia asked confused. "I ain't falling for your games, Liv" Spencer said when Olivia shrugged grinning from ear to ear. "All I'm going to say is that I really do hope you get on that Ferris wheel with me tonight," Olivia said. Walking backward she let go of his hand when his mouth parted slightly watching her walk away from him. Olivia's eyes fell to the floor before meeting his gaze once more. She gave him a subtle wink before turning around to meet Kia and Simone in front of the stage.

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