Clarity (Part Two)

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"You know for a minute I was worried you weren't going to show," Spencer said. He spoke with softness in his voice, grinning meeting her gaze. Clearing her throat she smiled. "I was nervous this wasn't our spot. I thought I'd be alone and I was scared you would think I wasn't going to show. Sorry, I was late by the way, I had to make a few stops" Olivia smiled. She turned back to her car before gazing back at Spencer once more. "No need to apologize Liv, I'm just glad you made it," Spencer said. Olivia couldn't stop herself from smiling.

Breaking her gaze, she looked down when Spencer's eyes never left hers. They both stayed silent for a minute when Olivia took a step forward. Pausing in-between steps she looked up catching Spencer's gaze. Now only a few feet apart Spencer could see that Olivia had been holding a pink box in her hands. Clearing her throat Olivia smiled looking down at the pink box she held. Spencer grinned looking down, before looking back to Olivia.

"You know when you told me to meet you here, one of the stops I had to make was to buy this specific item. I thought we had a plan that we'd meet at our spot with a box of donuts. I didn't think this moment would feel right without bringing it. Wouldn't want to break our promise" Olivia said. Looking up to see Spencer smile endlessly at her. "You read my mind," Spencer said pointing to the hood of his car to see a box of donuts sitting on top of it. "I'm glad I didn't eat dinner then" Olivia smiled. Taking the box of donuts Spencer placed them on the hood of his car turning back around to stand before Olivia. Olivia moved closer, closing the space between them when Spencer watched her silently. Olivia gazed into his eyes grinning. Clearing her throat she looked up nodding to the star above them.

"So, that's our star?" Olivia asked. "That's the one," Spencer said leaving Olivia's eyes. The moon sparkled on the small crystal necklace Olivia wore. The necklace rested on her chest catching Spencer's eyes. He couldn't wipe the grin off his face when he looked up to the night sky. "It's still the brightest one of them all. It's prettier than I'd imagined" Olivia said. He nodded when she looked back down gazing at him. She smiled warmly, as her heart fluttered uncontrollably. "It sure is beautiful," Spencer said meeting Olivia's gaze. Taking in a deep breath before exhaling, Olivia searched through the dark until her hands interlaced in his. Spencer's smile faded looking down at their hands intertwined before meeting her eyes. "Spence..." Olivia trailed off. Spencer shook his head. "You ain't gotta say all of that Liv. Being here with me is more than enough" Spencer interrupted her. She smiled shaking her head.

"No...Spencer, I want to tell you. I need to tell you. I don't think you know how much you mean to me. How much this past year has saved my life. You taught me how to live and love again. You taught me that not all guys act the same. I was so used to the boys at Beverly who would only be after one thing, not caring about my feelings. But when you came along. You taught me that for a person to love and understand you at your most vulnerable is a love worth fighting for. You were able to see past the girl with a lot of walls she'd built around her. And the closer we got, the more walls you'd broke. You'd listened to me without ever judging me. You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to tell me you love me, to choose me, and without ever thinking of what I wanted, I pushed you away. I broke your heart leaving you alone in Vegas to chase after a boy I didn't even love".

"But I was scared, Spencer. Scared of what the people around us would think. Scared of what this may be. Scared of losing you. I didn't want what we had which had been the closest we've ever been to be ended with a broken heart. And when I thought I was protecting both our hearts, I broke them, which had been my biggest fear all along. Losing you for those few weeks had been hard. I pushed you away and you somehow stood your ground pulling me back to you. Thank you Spencer for not giving up on me. Thank you for being my friend. I'm sorry for not telling you back in Vegas that I loved you back. Because I did...I still do".

"What you felt wasn't in the heat of the moment because I felt it too. I was just scared of losing the one person I care so deeply about. My heart aches, just thinking of losing you. But A little birdie told me that if you have a chance to be happy you have to take it. I want you to know that I'm choosing to be happy. I'm choosing to finally put my happiness first. Our happiness above everyone else's. I don't care what others think of us because this is what I want. And I'll be damned if anyone is going to step in my way this time around" Olivia said taking a deep breath before exhaling. Squeezing his hands, he held her tightly. With a grin on her face, she closed her eyes before opening them catching his gaze once again.

"Spence, I want to watch movies with you and fall asleep halfway through them. I want to hang out with Dillon taking him with us to the movies, to the park, to the mall. I want to sit on the stands and cheer you on at your games. I want to wear your jersey with pride and show everyone how proud I am of you. I want to be there holding your hand through the good times, and I want to hold your hand through the bad times. I want to walk through your battles with you and be the light to guide you through. And at the end of the night, I want to be cuddled up next to you, while your arms are wrapped around me".

"Spence your my safe place, my home, and I want you to know..." Olivia trailed off shutting her eyes letting the tears fall down her cheeks. Spencer smiled warmly wiping them away. Letting his hand linger along the side of her face. "I love you, Spencer James. I'm in love with you..." Olivia trailed off. Spencer pulled her closer to him trailing his hands along her jaw. Their eyes locked for a moment when a smile fell on their lips. "I love you too, Liv" Spencer fell to a whisper.

Closing the space between them, Spencer's eyes fell from her eyes to her lips. Without another word, their lips softly touched. They were both gentle at first. As if they'd been fragile, taking it slow. With each second passing, their kisses were deeper and longer. Pulling her in closer, Spencer held the sides of her face, leaving no space in between. Olivia's heart raced, but as soon as their lips touched, all her worries, all her thoughts erased. Never wanting this moment to end, Olivia took it slow, taking in every kiss, every touch, every second of this moment.

Spencer pulled away when Olivia's heart raced, scared he'd changed his mind, coming to his senses that this had been a mistake. Olivia squeezed her lips shut softly opening her eyes. Spencer watched her grinning. "What are you smiling about?" Olivia asked softly. "When I imagined this moment a second time I never thought you'd stay this long" Spencer let out a laugh. Olivia slapped him in the arm. "Not funny". "Wait you imagined this a second time?" Olivia asked giving him a flirtatious smile. Spencer blushed, masking his rosy cheeks with a smile. "I don't think I said all of that" Spencer lied looking everywhere but her eyes.

"No, no, no I'm one hundred percent sure you did" Olivia poked him in the ribs. "Hey watch it. Don't play with me Liv. I think your forgetting who won last time" Spencer's smile faded. "I think you're forgetting who tackled you to the ground" Olivia smiled. Walking backward, Spencer gave her no warning wrapping his arms around her waist, when Olivia giggled. "No fair you never gave me a head start," Olivia said. "Sounds like De Ja Vu. I clearly remember you not giving me a heads up when you tackled me to the floor" Spencer smiled speaking softly in her ear. "Touche" Olivia smiled.

Spencer kept his arms wrapped around her closing the space between them. Kissing the top of her head. They both sighed gazing towards the soft glow of the city lights before them. Olivia cleared her throat, interlacing her hands in his.

"Spence?". "Yeah Liv?". "Are we sure we are ready to tell our families about us? I just don't want to keep this a secret. I don't want to sneak around Spence. If I am committing to this I want the people we care about to know about us" Olivia said. "Me too Liv. If your ready, then I'm ready too" Spencer smiled. "What about this Friday you can join me on our weekly family Baker game night?" Olivia asked. "I'm down. Don't test me in scrabble though, my mom and Dillon can never beat me" Spencer said.

"Pick you up at five then ?" Olivia asked. "It's a date" Spencer grinned kissing her on the cheek. "Now why does that sound like De Ja Vu?" Olivia asked.

Wrapping his arms tightly around Olivia, never wanting to let her go. They spent the rest of the evening talking until the late hours of the night. They ate donuts and wondered what their family would think about the two of them together. 

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