Unexpected Surprises (Part One)

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"Spencer thank you so much for coming. I'm glad you can make it," Mrs. Baker smiled lovingly squeezing Spencer into a warm hug. "It's no problem, Mrs. Baker. Thank you for letting me come to dinner,". Mrs. Baker shooed him off. "It's really no problem, Spencer. Your family and are always welcome. Come on in, Olivia should be setting the table, I need to finish getting ready. I'll be down in a minute. If your Grandpa Willy comes, don't answer" Laura partly joked. Olivia entered through the double doors leading out to the patio where she had begun to set the table. "If only it was that easy,". A bright smile appeared on her face the second she met Spencer's gaze. "I need to finish getting ready. Spencer can you help Olivia set the table?" Laura asked. Spencer gave her a slight nod never breaking his gaze from Olivia. "It's not a problem at all,". "Okay great I'll be down in a few. Your father and brother should be here any minute,". Laura squeezed Olivia's shoulder before rushing back up to her bedroom.

The moment her mom had left the room, Olivia closed the space in between them, wrapping her arms around him to give him a light embrace. "Liv you can squeeze me harder. I promise I won't break," Spencer joked. Olivia tightened her grip around him, as they both breathed in and out slowly. "You promise?" Olivia replied. "I promise," Spencer smiled warmly. Olivia pulled away from him while her gaze fell to the floor before slowly inching their way back to his. Although Spencer wasn't wearing anything out of the ordinary, there was something about him in a flannel that Olivia loved about it. With black jeans and a pair of white air forces to match. "You look good tonight, what's the occasion? Trying to impress the family I see". Olivia raised an eyebrow as a smile appeared on her lips.

Spencer flashed a grin. "I should be asking you the same thing. You ain't gotta outdo me like that,". Lowering his eyes he watched her leave him as she made her way to the kitchen. Olivia never seemed to fail to leave Spencer speechless, turning around to catch his gaze, she flashed him a smile. Wearing a jean jacket with a white crop top underneath, pairing it with tight black ripped skinny jeans, and white shoes to match. His eyes roamed every inch of her body mesmerized by her beauty. Grabbing the ingredients to make a salad he leaned on the island when she let out a laugh. "My question is why you copying me? I know we are a couple now, but I didn't know we were going to be that couple?" Spencer asked. Noticing they were both wearing a white shirt underneath, black jeans, and white shoes.

Olivia let out a laugh when she looked him over once more. "We must be thinking alike. You know what that means right?" she asked. Spencer walked over to her. Gently removing her jean jacket from her shoulder, kissing her bare skin. Olivia stopped cutting the lettuce for a moment loving Spencer's lips on her skin. Spencer kissed the top of her shoulder before shrugging. "That we are spending too much time together?" he asked. Olivia rocked her head from side to side. "That too,". she grinned.

"You don't think my parents would notice the resemblance?". Spencer furrowed his eyebrows lifting his shoulders to his ears. "Liv, I love your parents but I don't think we need to worry about them thinking we're matching on purpose. It was an accident, I ain't even that mad at,". Olivia shot him a surprised look when Spencer was taken aback. "What's with the face?" he asked. "No, nothing. I just never thought you'd wanted to be that couple that matched their outfits," Olivia replied as she continued to make the salad.

Spencer drummed his fingers on her hips when he rested his head on her shoulder. "I don't mind at all. Why? Do you?". Olivia shook her head. "I always loved the idea. Just thought you would never be up for it. So when we go to Disney one day, you think we could buy matching ears and sweatshirts?" Olivia asked pushing the limit. Spencer groaned. "I shouldn't have agreed to this,". Olivia grinned. "Definitely not. Imagine all the ideas I have now. We are going to be that annoying couple,". "Is it too late to back out of this relationship?" Spencer joked pointing towards the door. Olivia shook her head turning back around to meet his gaze.

"Way too late. Like it or not, you're kind of stuck with me,". She giggled. "How're your ribs by the way? Are you able to play in tomorrow's game?". A concerned look flooded over her when Spencer nodded. "I'm good Liv. The hot tub definitely did the trick. I'm more than ready. It's our first game back and I'm just ready to be back and leave it all out on the field. It's a big game, for all of us. But it's personal. What Dane did to Jordan, takes it to a whole other level. I'm ready to just lay him out on the field if he tries to test me. By the way, I forgot to thank my nurse for helping me the other night,". Spencer leaned in kissing her gently leaving a trail of kisses from the end of her ear all the way down her neck. Olivia smiled loving every little kiss he placed.

"Oh yeah?" she whispered. "I do have a few things in mind you could do for me, as a thank you of course,". "And what's that?" Spencer asked in between kisses. Olivia turned around as she whispered in his ear. "It's wet, dirty, and involves lots of bubbles" Olivia spoke ever so softly as Spencer scrunched his eyebrows intrigued. "Can you guess what it is?". Spencer thought for a moment when he shook his head. His thoughts ran wild knowing none of what he was thinking about was correct. "I'll give you a hint. It starts with you...me...and the dishes after dinner. Mind giving me a hand?". Olivia pulled away giving him a subtle wink. His smile faded when she let out a laugh grabbing the bowl of salad, making her way to the dinner table. Spencer shook his head watching his girlfriend walk away from him. "That's not what I had in mind," Spencer replied. Olivia turned around meeting his gaze. Giving him a small shrug. "Oh I know,". Spencer leaned on the island as he sighed. "You're having way too much fun with this,". Olivia grinned as her tongue swiped across the top of her teeth. "Just a bit,". Exiting the kitchen she made her way to the dining room to finish setting up for dinner. 

"Spencer my boy, tomorrow's a big game for you. Back in the running for playoffs are you ready?" Grandpa Willy asked. All eyes turned towards him when he adjusted himself in his seat. "I believe so. With Chris not being able to play tomorrow, he put our team in a tight spot, but we were able to pull through. With a few mishaps in the beginning, but West Lake can try all they want, they ain't going to win that's for sure,". Grandpa willy smiled. "That's my boy! You go out there tomorrow night and show them all you've got. Besides that boy, Dane needs to be put back into his place for ending my grandson's career,". Jordan's eyes darted towards his lap when he cleared his throat. Spencer agreed. "He and his boy Cam think they see what's coming but Coach and the team are prepared for the unexpected. We got it on lock. It got personal, the moment he took it too far with Jordan," Spencer said. 

Jordan turned his attention towards Spencer giving him a smile. "That's the spirit. They are undefeated thus far, so you're our only hope to get this team back up and running again,". Spencer nodded knowing Grandpa Willy had been right. If they lose tomorrow's game, they were done for the rest of the season. His team, the city, and now the people he loved were all counting on him to perform his best tomorrow night. Spencer was ready, although his shoulder hadn't been bothering him, he'd always had that feeling haunt him. Imagining the game point and his arm going numb. He knew it could happen again, he just wished it wouldn't be tomorrow night. The feeling of Olivia's hand interlaced in his, kicked him out of his thoughts the second she rubbed her thumb alongside his hand. Spencer looked down to his lap when he smiled meeting her gaze. "You okay?" she mouthed. He nodded giving her a slight smile. The sound of heels clicking the hardwood floor behind them, broke their gaze the moment they turned around to see a replica of Mrs. Baker stop at the door. With a bright smile on her face, Olivia immediately turned to Jordan as their eyes widened. "Oh...that's not good," Jordan whispered the moment Mrs. Baker stood up. The blood rushed from her face as she was now standing in the same room as her mother. 

"Mom...what are you doing here?".  Getting up slowly off the table Laura made her way to her mother squeezing her into a hug. "Is that any way to greet your only mother?" Wendy asked. "Just surprised that's all. Again, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Chicago working on that big case?" Laura asked. The whole dinner table stayed quiet while everyone had been in shock to see Wendy standing before them. "I was...but then I saw the news and to my surprise, I saw my granddaughter on it. I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but when the reporter said my granddaughter's name I knew it hadn't been a joke. I just had to come by and pay a visit after all of that," Wendy said. Her eyes darted towards her granddaughter who'd now looked as pale as the moon above them. Olivia groaned knowing her grandmother coming to town was never good news. Letting out a deep sigh, Olivia knew the earful she was about to receive from her grandmother. She knew these next few days weren't going to be easy. Given that her grandmother never saw eye to eye with Laura and Olivia's decisions.

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