I Need a Break: (Spencer, Dr. Spears, Grace, Layla)

978 20 3

"Have you ever thought of taking a break, Spencer?" Dr. Spears asked when Spencer shook his head. "No, haven't really crossed my mind," he said. "I think some time off will do you good. Sometimes life gets in the way, that we forget to slow down. Enjoy the little things that come our way. And actually, be in tune with what our mind and soul are telling us. But most of us never take a day or two for ourselves. I know, it may be hard for you to take a step back from everything that is happening around you. I think this would be the best weekend to do so. Given that you could look at the picture from a different point of view. Maybe it will give you a new perspective, rather than dealing with the problems you are going through, with your emotions. You can actually process what you may be feeling. Coming back Monday with a clearer head on what you're going to do,  and how you can solve them," Dr. Spears continued when Spencer thought for a moment. 

"It doesn't have to be far, just find a space away from your friends, family, and the city. Set aside a moment of peacefulness, and turn off your phone for at least a couple of hours," Dr. Spears said when Spencer sunk deeper into the couch. He stared at Dr. Spears nodding in agreement. Jotting some notes on his paper, Dr. Spears cleared his throat. "When was the last time you took a break?". "Last time I left the city was Vegas," Spencer said clearing his throat adjusting himself on the couch. Eyeing his movements, Dr. Spears jotted down some more notes. 

"We'll get back to the Vegas trip another time. But I wouldn't say that was a break necessarily,". "Other than Vegas, then no I haven't been on a break for a while. I'm always worried about Dillion and my mom, that I never have time to think about myself," Spencer said when Dr. Spears nodded. "For your homework this week I want you to find a place to go to. Somewhere you think you can actually find peace and get away for at least the day. Turn off your phone for a couple of hours. Don't worry about football or your friends. Just worry about yourself and how you feel. Go on a drive up to the mountains and breathe in the fresh air. Do you have a place you can go to?" Dr. Spears asked when Spencer sighed deeply. "Yeah my family owns a cabin up in the mountains. I've been there before, and it would be nice to go back" Spencer said softly closing his eyes to seeing his father smiling before him.

 "Perfect it's settled, I guess you better go and pack. Oh and Spencer when we meet in a few days I want to know all about your trip. So your next homework would be, to write a page in your notebook on how you feel, what emotions you are going through, and whatever else comes to mind. Even if you write about a bird on a tree. I want to know. Oh and one last thing. Please don't let your friends know. Go enjoy yourself, Spencer, if we don't take time for ourselves, then who is going to take time for us? So please go take a break, bask in the outdoors, and I'll see you in a couple of days," Dr. Spears smiled when Spencer nodded before exiting his office. 

"Hey, baby how was your day?" Grace asked sitting on the couch turning to smile at him. Closing the door behind him he smiled. "Hey mom, yeah, it was good. I just left Dr. Spears office" Spencer said sitting next to her. "And how did it go? What did he say about you and Coop?" she asked when he sighed. "I kind of listened to what he had to say today. It wasn't that kind of session. He wanted to leave the conversation I had with Coop for next week". "Oh," grace said rubbing his back. "What did he tell you?" she continued. "He told me that sometimes we need a break and that I needed to take one for myself. Dr. Spears said I needed to get away for the weekend. Turn off my phone for a couple of hours," letting his elbows rest on his knees. His mother nodded, smiling. "You know I'm growing to like Dr. Spears," Grace said pointing at Spencer. 

"I wouldn't doubt that you would need a break. I've been telling you this, baby. You need to stop worrying so much about others. I know you love to help everyone and that's what makes you so special, Spence. But you need to start putting yourself first. Starting this weekend," she said when Spencer sighed. Nodding in agreement. "Where are you planning on going?" she asked when Spencer shrugged. "The cabin," he said when his mother rubbed his back. "Are you going to be okay?" she asked when he nodded. 

"Yeah...I'll be okay" he smiled. "It's been a while and maybe it'll do me good to revisit the cabin. For a long time I never wanted to go back, but maybe going back will give me clarity" he said when Grace sighed. "Well, if you think you're ready, then I can give you the keys, and you can go," she said walking over to the key drawer. Placing the cabin key in his hand, he stared at it, flashing back to being back inside the cabin. "Be safe, baby and I better see you gone by tomorrow morning, Doctors orders" she smiled when he hugged his mother. "Go pack, and I'll start making your food to take with you. I'll try to make all your favorite snacks for the road" she smiled rushing over to the kitchen. 

Packing up the last of his belongings into his travel bag, he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. When he looked at the caller Id to see Layla. With a smile on his face, he sighed before answering. "Hey Layla what's up?" he asked. "Hey Spence just wanted to see if you wanted to come over tonight?" she asked when he shook his head. "Sorry I can't tonight, I am busy," he trailed off not wanting to let her know that he'd been packing. "Busy doing what?" she asked confused knowing he'd been hiding something. "Look I was told not to tell anyone but don't worry okay?" he asked when he heard her sigh on the other end. "Okay," she said. "I'm leaving for the weekend, but I'll be back Sunday and I already have plans to come over to your house to make it up to you," he said when she let out a small laugh. 

"Well that doesn't sound suspicious at all," she said grinning from ear to ear. "Besides I'm busy this weekend anyway," she lied when Spencer let out a laugh. "Oh I'm sure you are," he said. "We are shooting Coop's and Patience's music video. Just have to double-check on Olivia's kids to see if they'd be free around noon on Saturday" she said. "So where are you going?" she asked when he sighed. "You're never going to stop until I tell you?" he asked when she laughed. "You know me so well," she said. 

"I'm going to the cabin. I need a break for the weekend and Dr. Spears is kind of forcing me to take time for myself" he said when Layla had gotten quiet. "No, I think it's a great idea, Spence. I've been telling you that you never think about yourself. Are you sure you're going to be okay?" she asked when he smiled. "You know my mom just said the same thing". "Mama James knows best," Layla smiled. "I'm looking forward to Sunday already," he said. "Me too Spence. I already miss you". "Hey Spence, just take care of yourself. And if you need some company I'm always one call away" Layla replied before hanging up the phone. 

Tapping her nails on her desk, Layla sighed glancing back to her phone. Knowing Spencer wasn't going to be happy with her, she knew how much the cabin was going to bring back memories of his father. The thought of him being alone saddened her. She'd knew she would regret this later on, but as she unlocked her phone and created a group chat excluding Spencer. In her mind, she knew it'd be the right call. "Who is up to go to the woods this weekend?" With a hint of a smile, she sent the message. 

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