Girls Night (Part One)

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"Hey sorry, it took so long. The restaurant seemed busy. But I got your favorites. I just hope your tastebuds haven't changed," Olivia said. Closing the door she locked it just when she heard Layla's voice behind her. "Surprisingly my order hasn't changed since I was in elementary," Layla said. "Great because I was kind of worried for a second..." Olivia trailed the moment she saw an unfamiliar girl walk down the stairs. Wrapping her arms around Layla, she grinned from ear to ear.

Olivia was now confused as to why there had been a stranger in her house. Layla noticed Olivia's confused expression when she looked back at her blonde friend. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry Olivia. I forgot to ask if it was okay that my friend could come over. She's in town for a couple of days, and thought she could join us for girls' night," Layla gritted her teeth waiting for Olivia's response. Olivia looked back to her friend then back to Layla still surprised. Softening her gaze, she smiled.

"Glad I bought extras,". A sigh of relief fell on Layla's lips when she nodded. Her blonde friend squeezed Layla's arm when she realized she hadn't introduced her. "Oh, gosh. My apologies. This is Carrie. Shes staying with me for a couple of days. Olivia set the food down when she extended her hand for Carrie to shake. "Nice to meet you,". Carrie reached in for a hug, squeezing Olivia. "It's finally good to formally meet you. I heard so many great things about you. A friend of Layla's is a friend of mine,". Olivia nodded. "That's great to know. What exactly did you hear?" Olivia half-joked. Carrie let out a laugh letting her hand fall down Olivia's arm. Squeezing her she pointed towards Layla. "I love her Layla. Why have you been keeping her from me? She's great," Carrie said. Looking back to Olivia she grinned. Layla crossed her arms shrugging.

" know...never found the perfect time I guess,". Carrie agreed. "I'm starving,". Grabbing the bags of food she walked over to the kitchen. Olivia scrunched her eyebrows taken aback by how comfortable Carrie had felt in her home. Olivia crossed her arms walking over to Layla as the both of them watched Carrie dig into the bags. "So...Carrie huh? She quickly makes herself at home. She doesn't waste a second,". Layla met Olivia's gaze.

"Liv...I'm sorry. I should've called you before to see if it was okay. I hope you don't mind. This will be good for Carrie. She's been...through a lot these past couple of days. I think this is just what she needs. Who knows maybe we'll all be best friends by the end of the night,". Olivia bit her lip slowly nodding. "Yeah...maybe,". Layla grinned wrapping her arms around Olivia. "Come on, let's go eat. Besides, I think I have the perfect movie picked out. I was thinking Letters to Juliet? What do you say?". Olivia let out a sigh. "You know I can never say no to that movie,".

" did you both meet?" Olivia asked. Curious to know how Layla met Carrie. Layla cleared her throat caught off guard. Carrie smiled towards Layla before answering Olivia. "Yeah...we met at rehab. We kind of hit it off, we were there for each other during the darkest times in our lives, the rest is history. I'm sure you can relate," Carrie smiled. Olivia tilted her head to the side, confused. "What do you mean by that?". Layla nudged Carrie when she turned back to Olivia. "You know...because you went to rehab too,". Olivia smacked her lips together squinting her eyes.

"Layla told you...". Olivia twirled her fork on her plate when she slowly nodded. Realizing Layla told Carrie more than she had thought. "I'm sorry...was I not supposed to say that?" Carrie asked noticing how quiet both of the girls had gotten. "'s fine really," Olivia quickly replied. "So you both met in rehab?" Olivia asked again this time looking directly at Layla. She smacked her lips together giving a slight nod. "Yeah...we were roommates. She was there for me and guided me through the do's and don'ts of rehab. She taught me a lot, and we had a lot of heart to hearts..." Layla trailed. Olivia agreed. "No, yeah I see that. So when did the part of talking about me come into the story?". Layla slowly nodded.

"Well...we were kind of talking about each other's hometown family and friends, and you were brought up. I was telling her how strong you were and how you were my inspiration during rehab. I looked up to you and if you got through it, so could I," Layla half-smiled. Olivia let out a sigh, softening her gaze. Carrie agreed. " long have you been out of rehab?" Olivia asked bluntly. Layla shot Olivia a glare. "Liv!". Olivia scrunched her eyebrows at Layla. "What? Didn't know that was a question I couldn't ask,". Carrie smiled noticing Olivia was clapping back at her. "It's fine Layla really. To answer the question I was released just a couple of days ago,". Olivia looked at Carrie confused. "A couple of days ago?". Carrie slowly nodded. "Actually tomorrow is a week of being released,". "Just a week..." Olivia trailed. "Just a week. Look, Olivia, I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable it really wasn't my intention to do that. It sort of slipped. You don't have to be ashamed though, trust me we've all been there,". Carrie quickly changed the subject. Olivia shot her a glare.

"I'm not ashamed of it, just never thought it was Layla's story to tell that's all,". Carrie nodded. "That was my fault. I shouldn't have said anything,". Olivia waved her off. "No it's fine, I'm glad you did,". The tension in the room had gotten heavy when Carrie excused herself. "I should head to the bathroom before we watch the movie. Wouldn't want to miss any minute of it. Thanks again for letting me stay for girl's night. It's been great so far,". Carrie reached for Olivia's hand when Olivia quickly pulled it away. Forcing a smile, she quickly grabbed the bottle of water. "Yeah...of course,". Carrie grinned from ear to ear making her way towards the bathroom.

Olivia cleared her throat putting the dishes in the sink. Layla walked over to the fridge grabbing a drink when Olivia turned back to her. "Layla you would tell me if there is something wrong right?". Layla met Olivia's gaze leaning against the island when she nodded. Opening her drink she took a sip. "Yeah, why?". "This might sound out of the blue but I would rather ask than have something happen to you. If she's holding you hostage or against your will? Blink three times,". With every word, Olivia's voice fell to a whisper. Almost spitting out her drink, Layla was caught off guard. "What are you talking about?". Olivia shrugged. "I don't know why...but I just have a feeling, you know? Thought I would ask,". "What's your problem Liv? She's my friend, the least you can do is be happy for me. She's been more of a friend in the last few weeks than you have...," Layla immediately regretted the words that slipped out of her mouth.

"I should be asking you the same thing. So you told her about me? I wonder what else did you tell her?" Olivia asked now curious. Layla sighed placing her dish in the sink. "Not much, I promise. It just sort of came up. What was I supposed to tell her? A lie?" Layla asked. Olivia rocked her head from side to side. "Kind of,". Layla shrugged. "Well, I'm sorry didn't know it was supposed to be kept a secret,". Olivia was taken aback by Layla's tone of voice. "Wow...okay,". Layla sighed grabbing Olivia's arm to face her. "Look Liv...I'm sorry...I didn't mean it like that...I just...,". Layla hesitated as she thought back to the Instagram of her and Spencer. "I'm...sorry. We both got carried away. Can we just please drop it?" Look I'm sorry. It's still just so strange and we are both getting used to...being friends again. Carries a friend and she's helping me just as much as I'm helping her,". Olivia softened her gaze when she nodded.

"Your right, I'm sorry too. I'm just worried about you. Are you sure you're okay with having Carrie be in your house with her being so fresh out of rehab?". With a concerned expression, Layla forced a smile. "Yes, Liv. I'm fine I promise. I go to therapy, and even my therapist said it was okay. Trust me I wouldn't let her stay with me otherwise,". "Are you both ready to watch the movie? Never seen this movie and Layla's been hyping it up ever since rehab. Kind of wanted to know what the hype is all about," Carrie said as both of the girls were interrupted mid conversation. Olivia gently nodded, giving Carrie a smile. "You're in for a real treat. It's kind of Layla's and my yearly tradition. Every year like clockwork we watch this movie,". Olivia grabbed the bowl of popcorn while Layla grabbed a few drinks. Making their way to the living room, Carrie smiled.

"Well, then I'm glad this year I can join the both of you. Maybe you could make room for one more, and this could be our thing," Carrie said sitting in the middle of Layla and Olivia. She winced at the thought of including Carrie in the mix. "Oh look the movie is starting," Olivia said quickly changing the subject. Although Layla had told her Carrie hadn't held her captive. She still couldn't shake the feeling that Carrie had been hiding something. Putting her thoughts to the side, she tried to focus on the movie, and be present in the moment. After all, tonight was supposed to be about rebuilding her and Layla's friendship. But with Carrie crashing their girl's night, it hadn't felt like old times. Something had felt off, and Olivia couldn't help but worry if Layla had been in trouble.

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