A Girls Day Out (Part One)

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"So, should we talk about what I saw this morning in the kitchen or..." Simone trailed sipping her latte. With a few bags in their hands, they walked down Rodeo Drive. "The french toast sticks? Yeah, they were delicious. We should make them again sometime soon," Olivia's lips creased into a grin. Knowing exactly where this conversation was headed, she changed the subject. "They were good, and you know I'm always down to hang out with you and the boys. But that's not exactly where I was going with that," Simone grinned. "So did I call it or did I call it? Because I swear we were having a similar conversation back in Vegas this past summer at the nail salon?". Olivia rolled her eyes knowing Simone had been right all along. "Were you?". Olivia's voice raised to a higher pitch.

"Girl, I was so right. I knew it. How the both of you were close over the summer, and the tension this whole school year, I knew it was only a matter of time. I'm happy for you Liv, I really am," Simone nudged her. "Simone..." Olivia trailed. Although she loved Simone, she knew how much her sister-in-law did not have a filter, and sometimes the secrets slipped out, even when she didn't mean them too. Hence the cabin, where Simone spilled to everyone, including Layla that she had gone to Vegas. Olivia hesitated as she and Spencer wanted to take it slow and were careful on who they told. But the guilty grin that was permanent on her face told a different story. Her cheeks were as pigmented as the rose bushes they passed by.

"We kind of made it official," Olivia blurted when Simone clapped excitedly. "Finally! It only took you both damn near a year of knowing each other. Girl, this summer should've been a clear indication that you two belong together. But I know. You both were in previous relationships that might've gotten in the way of that,". Olivia gently squeezed Simone's arm. "Simone, please...just don't tell Layla. Let me be the one to tell her. I just have to find the right time to tell her before she finds out from someone else,". Olivia groaned knowing she'd have to face Layla once again. While last time, didn't go as expected, she knew this time wasn't going to be any easier. With their friendship still on the rocks, Olivia's nerves bunched knowing the conversation wasn't going to be pleasant.

"I promise I won't tell Layla. Your secret's safe with me. Besides I've learned my lesson. I never apologized for blurting out that you were in Vegas back at the cabin. I thought everyone knew. It was my fault for assuming, and I'm sorry. I know a lot of...things hit the fan that night and if I would've stayed quiet..." Simone trailed. Olivia gently squeezed her hand stopping the both of them. "...I wouldn't be where I am today. Sober, in a relationship with Spencer, and have Nurse Joy in my life. Sure that's not how I would have wanted it to go. But sometimes life never works the way you plan it out to be. And after everything, I'm kind of...glad you blurted it out. I don't know when I would have found the courage to do so myself,". "I'm just glad you two are finally together. I'm really happy for you, Liv. You've finally chosen yourself for a change and went after what you wanted. I knew it wasn't long until the both of you would be dating. The way you eyed each other back at Vegas. Then at our wedding. I could feel the tension, between the both of you,". Simone wiggled her eyebrows when Olivia gently pushed her.

"Simone! We are taking it slow. So no, there's none of that going on," Olivia shook her head now embarrassed. "No, slow is the way to go. You both need time to transition from being friends to being in a relationship. How are you doing by the way?" Simone asked hoping all this excitement hasn't heightened Olivia's cravings. Olivia smiled warmly, knowing what Simone meant. "I'm doing good. I have good days and bad days. But ever since making it official with Spencer two nights ago, even the bad days like yesterday...didn't seem so bad after all. I did learn that after being followed by the officer yesterday, I definitely need to take a step back and just take it easy for the next couple of days. It's been a lot all at once. And it's nice to take a breather. Enjoy the moment, and our first official date as a couple,".

"That is so cute, that you both get to do all your firsts all over again. I know you both were best friends, but after making it official, everything is so new again. How I sometimes wish Jordan and I could go back to those times. Life was simpler," Simone groaned annoyed. "I miss being that cute. I miss those first few weeks together. Now it just feels like we can't agree on the same page. We are acting like a..." Simone trailed. "...Like a married couple?" Olivia finished her sentence. Both of the girls laughed.

"Yeah...I guess your right. We are married, and it comes with the territory. I just feel like these days we are going in different directions. We haven't been on a date in a while, so it's going to be nice to finally get our mind off of everything and let it just be the two of us,". "Like the annulment?" Olivia asked. "That too. We have your mom fighting for the annulment, while my mom is planning the wedding," Simone grunted loudly annoyed. "Don't you wish that sometimes things can just slow down for a bit?". Olivia nodded. "All the time. Before we know it, we'll be graduating, off to college in different cities, in different states, and living a different life. I don't know if I'm ready for that. I'm just now enjoying my time..." Olivia trailed. "With Spencer?" Simone cut her mid-sentence. A guilty grin splashed across her face nodding. "That too,".

Both of the girls fell to a brief silence when Simone gave a long sigh. "I don't know...sometimes I just feel like your brother is not ready for this. We might've rushed into this getting in and over our heads, and maybe your mom's right. We are young and in high school...the only problem is...that I love him too damn much to think of not being with him. To think of signing the annulment. And I know we barely discussed our future, or what are we going to do after graduating. But I just feel like when the time comes we'll figure it out, you know?". Olivia agreed.

"I don't know how much advice I can give you about what my brother's thinking. Although we are twins, sometimes I second guess if we came from the same mother. He's the total opposite of me in many ways. But what I do know Simone, is that he loves you. Your the only girl that he has ever been with that he only ever sees you. He's been committed ever since the start, and the both of you have been through a lot since starting your relationship. I mean if he didn't leave when he found out you were pregnant, I don't think he'll leave now. He's just...going through a lot. With my mom on his case, his concussions, and his future career in football on the line, he's got a lot on his plate. Take the time on this date tonight to figure it out. Before we know it we are going to graduate and sooner or later have to face these difficult questions we've all avoided. Why not start now? I mean if your mom's planning the wedding, and my mom is planning your divorce party. I don't think you can hide from that one," Olivia said. Trying to wrap her head around the last sentence she said.

"You know when I thought of what senior year would look like, this one never crossed my mind," Simone let out a desperate laugh. "You and me both Simone...you and me both," Olivia shook her head. "Imagine that, it's only October, we are not even halfway through the school year and this much has happened. I can't imagine how the rest will go,". "Don't remind me," Simone groaned. Looking down at her watch she gasped. "We should start heading to my house to get ready for our dates tonight. It's already a quarter past three,". Olivia agreed as both of the girls headed to Simone's house to get ready.

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