Scattered Chocolate Chips: Spencer & Olivia (Summer Flashback)

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"So I bought the ingredients your mom had sent me, and let me just say, we might be here for a while," Olivia said. Spencer took the bags from her letting out a laugh. "You don't say?" he asked turning to grin at her. "Are you sure you didn't buy the whole store?" Spencer continued. She glanced back over her list, checking the bags. "Your mom sent me the whole baking aisle to buy. Spence, I'm kidding you not, I think we are baking cookies for the whole city" widening her eyes Olivia shot him a stare.

"We got this Liv, and don't worry I've seen my mom make them a bunch of times. We can do this. About the whole city part, you may be right about that. These folks go crazy over my mom's cookies. She only makes them for special occasions and this event is one of them" Spencer said passing behind her squeezing her shoulders. "You know when I agreed to this, I swear I was promised pizza," Olivia said when Spencer grinned. Shaking his head, he placed the ingredients on the counter. "Well when I promised you pizza, I was actually thinking you were going to help me out," he said when she nudged him, washing her hands. "Where should we start?" she smiled when he laughed under his breath.

"You never told me how many cookies we are baking?" she asked stirring the bowl. "One thing my mom doesn't do is count. She just bakes until there aren't any more ingredients. If I would estimate, close to a few hundred" Spencer said. Olivia let out a laugh as if he was joking. He turned giving her a serious look when her eyes widened. "Oh you're serious?" she asked. "Seems like we are going to be baking all night," he said.

"So you see when you said you were going to hang out with me over the summer. I was thinking more like watching shows, shopping, going to the beach. I just never expected to be baking cookies with you" she smiled when he nudged her. "When you signed up to hang out with me, you signed up for all of this" he smiled waving his hand around. "Oh I see, so next time you promise to hang out with me, I'm going to politely decline," Olivia said. Shaking his head, he mixed the bowl. "And next time you want to go get your nails did, and need someone to sit next to you, I'll politely decline," Spencer caught her gaze. "Don't act like you didn't like it" pushing him away from her. "All I can say is the foot massages are no doubt what I'd go back for," with a big grin on his face, she let out a laugh.

"How's Asher?" Spencer asked after they had both fell into a moment of silence. Rolling the cookie dough in his hands, he would gaze at her every so often. "Asher? I don't know we haven't spoken in a week or two. Last time I heard he was still on a cruise with his mother. They were going to land in Mexico in the next couple of weeks. The last thing he told me was that he wasn't coming back until the first day of school," placing a tray of cookies in the oven. Walking back over to Spencer, she crossed her arms watching him. Placing the cookies on a tray, he caught her gaze. "Are you going to go visit him?" he asked. Shaking her head, she half-smiled.

"No, I really don't know what Asher and I are at the moment. He says he wants us to work, then the next week he doesn't call. I get it that he's on vacation, but you can't tell me you still want to be with me, then don't answer my calls, or shoot me a text checking in. I felt as if I'd been the one calling and messaging him all summer," Olivia said. Spencer listened to her as he watched her face fill with sadness. "Have you talked to Layla?" she asked changing the subject. "We talk or message every so often. She's doing her thing, and I'm happy for her" he said when Olivia nodded. Looking down to the floor, she caught his gaze.

"If she invited you on tour with her would you have gone?". "Not if I knew you'd be alone," he said when a hint of a smile appeared on her lips. They stopped for a moment gazing into each other's eyes when Spencer cleared his throat. "What about you? If you were given a second chance would you have left with Asher?" he asked. Olivia caught his gaze. Immediately shaking her head. "No, and to be honest, Spence. I think this has been my favorite summer by far. You have helped me in more ways than I could ever thank you," Olivia said. Placing her hand on his bicep, she squeezed him. Letting their gaze linger, the timer for the oven rang when Olivia went to check on the cookies. "Seems like our first batch should be ready. Only about Ninety-Nine more to go" she joked when Spencer grinned. "No kidding".

"Well, I'll have you know that Dillon appreciates you coming over. He told me that he wouldn't mind it became a daily occurrence. Of course, you'd have to play video games with him, and take him to get ice cream when Darnell can't" Spencer said. "Oh, yeah? And what about you? Would you mind if I came over every day?" she asked. "Don't promise something you can't keep. I've got the whole summer planned. By the end, your going to wish you had left on the trip with Asher" he said. "No I think it may be the other way around," she said grabbing flour from the counter and placing it on his cheek. "Oh so it's like that?" he asked when she shrugged. "It's like that". "Liv, don't start no games you can't finish," he said grabbing the cookie dough and placing it on her cheek.

"Spencer James you better run," Olivia said slipping and sliding running after him. In just a few short minutes the kitchen floor had been coated with flour, as the chocolate chips were now scattered on the kitchen floor. Olivia rushed catching Spencer off guard before tackling him onto the ground. She sat on top of him pinning his arms down so he couldn't move. "Okay, I see you. Didn't know you had it in you" he smiled when he caught her gaze. She let out a laugh shrugging. "Guess you forgot who your coach was? Been tackling boys since the second grade" she winked when he laughed. "Well if you were in my class, we would've been married by now. Ring pop and all" Spencer said when she snorted.

"Oh, so you think I'm cheap? I once got a whole boy's lunch for asking me to marry him. You know back in the day the juice boxes, and the candy bags were a hot commodity" Olivia said. "That's cute you think the other boys had a chance. Talk about stickers, carrying your bag, and all the ice cream you wanted. I knew a guy" he said when Olivia laughed. "Oh, now your talking". She laughed before catching his gaze when the both of them had gotten silent for a moment. Spencer cleared his throat when Olivia shook her head giving him a half-smile. "Come on we got some cleaning to do. Besides, the cookies won't bake themselves," she said when she got up off of him, extending her hand for him to grab.

Shaking the leftover flour off of them, they both looked at each other and laughed. "It looks like we got into a fight with the four," she said when he agreed. "How about I put in the rest of these cookies in the oven while you get cleaned up," Spencer said. "I would but I don't have clothes here," she said. "I know but you can wear a pair of mine," he said when she smiled. "Sounds like a deal".

Exiting his room she gave him a twirl when he couldn't help but grin. There was something about her in his clothes that he loved. Being her goofy self she walked down to the kitchen as if she was a runway model. "So, what do you think?" she asked wearing his old shirt and sweatpants. "I think it looks great," he said checking her out. Even in his clothes, she'd still find a way to look Beautiful. After finishing up the rest of the cookies, both of them cleaned the kitchen.

Laying on his bed, she looked up at the dark abyss above grinning from ear to ear. "Hey Spence" she whispered. "Yeah Olivia?" he replied. "Thank you for always knowing how to cheer me up. Who would've known baking could be this much fun" she said. He laughed under his breath. "Anytime. Maybe next time, we'll bake at your house. My mom's going to whoop me if she finds any trace of the mess we made" he said searching through the dark to find her hand. "Deal," Olivia said when she felt his hand interlace in hers. 

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