Gut Feeling (Part One)

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The neighborhood had been quiet tonight with only the sound of the sirens going off into the distance. Something he'd never thought he missed when he moved to Beverly last year. For weeks he couldn't sleep as the Baker house had been peaceful and the city had been so quiet. But for Spencer, the sounds of the city are something that reminded him of his home. With his bedroom window cracked open enough to let the cool air in, Spencer knew it was the little things he would miss if he would move across the country. The things that reminded him of his home, the place he grew up, and the city he never thought he would leave. A smile fell on his lips reminiscing of all the memories he had growing up in his childhood home. Sitting on the top steps, he thought to take it all in. With how quickly this year was passing him by, he was afraid to not take in the moments he'd missed the most. Before he knew it, his last football game at Crenshaw had been approaching and soon after, he'd be walking across the stage receiving his diploma.

The sound of footsteps shook him out of his thoughts the moment he turned his attention towards Olivia. The sweet smell of her perfume always captivated him. She was just a few feet away from him as he breathlessly caught her gaze. Holding up a familiar bag, she grinned from ear to ear. Taken aback to see her in Crenshaw, He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "Liv? What are you doing here? I thought you had a girl's night with Layla?". Olivia walked over to him slowly setting the bag on the bottom step as she sat beside him. Resting her head on her hand, she turned towards Spencer giving him a sad smile. "It was cut short. Let's just say girl's night is not what it used to be. Times have definitely changed and it didn't feel like old times. Besides I'm kind of glad it was cut short. I thought what better way to end the night than grabbing our favorite dessert and celebrating our small wins,".

Olivia slipped her hand in between his resting her head on his shoulder. Kissing the top of her head he squeezed her hand. Olivia could feel that something been on Spencer's mind. Staring up at the stars, she softly nudged him. "Spence what's wrong? I thought you and Frausto were on good terms?". Spencer met Olivia's worried gaze giving her a reassuring smile. Rubbing his hand over hers, he nodded. "Turns out me and Frausto got a lot more in common than we thought. Who would've known we'd come out of this night...almost as friends," Spencer trailed. Olivia's jaw dropped slightly surprised. "Friends?". Spencer let out a gentle laugh. "Liv don't get carried away. I said almost,". Olivia scrunched her eyebrows downward. "So...if it's not Frausto then what's wrong?". Spencer let out a deep sigh shrugging.

"I don't know Liv...guess after getting the full-ride scholarship from Toledo state I've been thinking about a lot of things...,". Spencer hesitated for a moment when Olivia now knew why Spencer looked worried. "Like what?" she asked. Spencer briefly met her gaze when a smile flashed across his lips. "For starters, it's in Ohio, and you know I don't do good with cold weather,". Olivia let out a laugh agreeing. "The cold is definitely not your friend. But maybe a few visits from me will change your mind. Imagine how warm would it be with me in between the sheets? I can definitely keep you warm,". Olivia grinned from ear to ear while Spencer did the same. Olivia tried to joke to lighten the mood. Nudging him, he couldn't help but smile. "Liv I'm serious. I don't know if I could deal with walking to class in negative-degree weather. Besides, it's 2,400 miles away from here...I'd be that far away from my moms, Dillon, Coach Baker, Mrs. Baker, Jordan, and..." Spencer trailed.

The reality sunk in for Olivia as she thought of how far Spencer would actually be. She couldn't just get in the car and drive to him. She would have to plan out a whole trip to see him on the weekends. A feeling of loneliness washed over her thinking how far they'd actually be from each other. Only living a few cities away from each other had been torture, and she'd missed him even when they'd only seen each other the day prior. She couldn't imagine only being able to see each other once a month. Olivia let out a deep sigh finishing his sentence. "...from me,". Spencer nodded slowly as they met each other's heavy gaze. "...from you,".

All American Senior Year: Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now