"I Missed This. I Missed Us,"

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Olivia let out a sound of enjoyment as she sipped on her slushie. Both she and Spencer walked along the dirt path, making their way through the park. Taking slow strides walking off their lunch. "No, yeah this hits the spot. How did I forget how good this was? They don't make them the same in Beverly hills. I missed these," Olivia said. Meeting Spencer's gaze, she quickly turned away. "They definitely hit different in Crenshaw. They probably put extra syrup to sweeten it up," Spencer said. Sipping on his cola slushie, she shrugged.

"It's definitely sweeter. But I do have to say a lot of things taste better in Crenshaw," Olivia said. "Makes me miss summer. Can you imagine how many slushies we drank?". She grinned from ear to ear shaking her head. "Way too many," Spencer said. "I miss summer too. I miss talking to you every day and getting to see you whenever I wanted. Our spontaneous road trips, sitting in the car while listening to music for hours, and our movie marathons,".

"I miss them too," Olivia lowered her voice when they both met each other's gaze. "You think we'll have time to watch movies over the summer again?" Spencer asked. "We could catch up on all the shows we've been missing these past few weeks,". Olivia turned back to him. "Wait...you haven't been watching any of our shows by yourself?". Spencer shook his head.

"Not one bit. I've been waiting to watch them with you. That way when we can, I got something to look forward to,". Olivia gave him a sad smile when Spencer shot her a look. "Wait, have you been watching them without me?". Olivia shook her head. "No. I would think of you and miss you too much to watch them without you. Been reading books instead. Not like Nurse Joy gives me any free time in between," Olivia said.

"Guess we both had the same thought to watch them together, someday,". Spencer nodded. "You know Nurse Joy is catching on to us?" Olivia asked. Spencer smiled meeting her gaze. "Is she now?". Olivia nodded. "She is. I mean it's kind of not hard to tell. Her words exactly anyone with a pair of eyes could tell,". Spencer grinned from ear to ear. "Are we that obvious?". Olivia shrugged. "Guess so,". "Kind of glad she knows about us. I can be fully honest and transparent with her now that she knows all my secrets,".

"How are you?" Spencer asked. The both of them slowed to a stop watching the youth football team play in the field before them. Leaning against the fence Olivia shrugged. "I have good days and bad days. Mostly good days. Nurse Joy told me every day I'm going to have to wake up and choose to be sober. It's not a temporary fix, Spencer. Being an attic is a lifetime commitment of choosing to not drink those pills or drink Alcohol," Olivia said.

Placing her hand on the fence she smiled watching the little kids play football. Spencer inched his hand closer to her's when he placed his palm over her's. Squeezing her hand three times, she met his gaze giving him an adoring smile. "What's important Liv is that you got up today and chose to be sober. Every day is not going to be easy. But on those days it gets tough you just gotta push through and fight like hell. I believe in you that you'll get through this. We'll get through this," Spencer said. "I know. One day at a time right?" Olivia asked. Spencer smiled. "One day at a time,".

"My question is, why didn't you tell me about Texas? A recruiter from Texas northern tech was coming to talk to you?" Olivia asked when Spencer softly smiled. Spencer met her gaze for a quick moment before looking down at the floor. "Your dad told you?". "Something like that. I was surprised you didn't tell me yourself," Olivia said. "It's not that easy getting a hold of you these days. We have been keeping our distance. Limiting calls and texts to not distract each other from getting our minds right. Besides I didn't want to worry you," Spencer said.

"Spence...Texas is a big deal. I would've still liked to know about it. That's a big moment for you and even if we are not talking every day, I would still love to know. To celebrate with you," Olivia softly smiled. "Wait why would you be worried about me?". Her smile faded when reality had struck her. "Oh..." Olivia trailed off knowing Texas was 1,400 miles away from California. "I just didn't want you to worry if it wasn't a big deal anyway. There's no concrete guarantee. Besides I'm still on the fence about that school. I ain't got a lot of options on the table, granted a lot of scouts are coming to see me but none have approached me except them," Spencer said.

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