Las Vegas: Part Six

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The early morning light shined through the curtains casting a soft glow throughout the living room. Olivia shifted in her sleep as the sun rays blinded her. Groaning, she covered her eyes. Feeling a heavy hand on her, her heart raced turning her head to see Spencer, cuddled up against her. Still deep in his sleep, Olivia turned to watch how peaceful he'd looked. Even in his sleep, he looked handsome. She smiled, before reaching for her phone she felt a heavy object weighing her down. Looking down at her waist she saw that Spencer had his hand wrapped around her. Placing her hand on his, she interlaced her hands in his, wanting to take in the moment. She nestled herself back into his arms. Spencer snuggled deeper into her, pulling her closer to him. She softly laughed under her breath.

"Five more minutes" he groaned squeezing her hand. "I wish but we have to get up soon. Jordan will be here any minute" she sighed. "How was the end of the movie?"."I'm never agreeing to another spa date again" his deep morning voice vibrated in between them. 

She closed her eyes wanting him to keep talking. She'd never thought she'd be more attracted to him and yet every day he surprised her with something new. Today had been his morning voice. "Awe Spence I'm sorry" rubbing her hand along the side of his face he smiled, softly opening his eyes to gaze into hers. "We should get up" she softly said. 

"We should" letting her go. They both got up off the couch, when he caught Liv's arm, surprised she turned as he embraced her. "What was that for?" She asked patting his back. "Thanks for yesterday. I never told you, but I needed it" he said. She smiled warmly. "Thank you for coming. We'll do it again sometime soon. Maybe mani-pedi next?" She let out a laugh the moment he pushed her away. "Oh, I think Jordan's calling" he smiled holding his thumb and pinky up to his ear as if it was a phone. Rushing up the stairs avoiding her, she heard the shower turn on seconds later. 

"Funny Spence, real funny". She smiled walking over to the kitchen to brew herself a cup of coffee. With a doorknob jiggling, both Spence and liv turned to see Jordan dressed in a full tourist attire. "Jordan what are you wearing?" Olivia asked when he took off his glasses and glanced down oblivious. "What's wrong with it?". "You look like the only clothes you could buy were from a tourist shop" she laughed. "Yeah what is going on with you?" Spencer asked. "Man Simone must've done a number on you" he smiled when Jordan pushed him. "Hey, Spence it's called love you should find it sometime," Jordan said when Spencer quickly glanced over to Olivia, he let out a laugh. "Naw man I've been in love and it ain't never look like that," he said when Jordan shrugged. 

"Well don't worry on the way I'll make sure and buy you guys an outfit. You can't say it's bad if you haven't tried it on" he said. Squeezing his shoulders Spencer shook his head. If you do that. Then I'm going to catch the next bus ride home". "Hey, Spence is there room for one more on that bus?" she asked when he smiled. "Definitely". Jordan turned around as he stared at the both of them. 

"Wow, it's like that then" he shook his head. Both Spencer and Liv looked at each other before agreeing. "It's definitely like that" letting out a laugh they both high-fived."So you know mom's going to kill you when she sees this" Olivia said staring at the 12 seater bus before her. "You know liv what she doesn't know, wouldn't hurt her. So let's keep it like that" zipping his mouth she shook her head. "Simone needed some space. What if she wanted to lay down or something" he said when Simone interrupted. "No, do not blame this on me. I told Jordan to get a rental with three rows. But no, this fool ends up taking a soccer mom car. How big do you think I am?" She asked slapping his arm. 

"Well I don't know I wanted you to be comfortable," he said when she slapped him again. "Next time, please don't go alone," Simone said when both Spence and Liv agreed. "Hey I forgot something in the house, I'll be back in a minute. Touching Spencer's arm, he watched her walk back into the house. 

She had a worried look on her face, and immediately Spencer worried that she might have not told him how she really felt about the trip. He sighed, giving her a few minutes alone, he noted to check up on her if she wasn't back. "Hey, Spence help me with the bag" Jordan called out" "Yeah alright man" Spencer called out.

"Let me go check on Liv," Spencer said when Jordan huffed. "Tell her if I don't make it on time to eat the early bird buffet I'm going to be real mad" he yelled. Spencer walked back into the home catching Olivia walking down the stairs with a blue water bottle in hand. "Just needed to turn off the lights" she lied flashing him a smile. "Jordan's going crazy, talking about an itinerary or something like that," he said when Olivia shook her head. 

"He gets mad that other people aren't on time, yet he never is. Weird" she rolled her eyes. Swinging her water bottle, She stopped, the moment Spencer caught her hand. "Hey Liv, you good?" he asked when she smiled. "Yeah, Spence I'm good. Really I'm excited. A weekend with you, honestly sounds nice" she squeezed his arm. "Okay just checking cause you looked...".Stopping him in his tracks she smiled. "Spencer I'm good". "Do you really need that bottle?" he asked when she looked down not noticing she was carrying it. 

"Oh shoot, I must've forgotten. Don't know why I grabbed it" she lied when Spence nodded. Throwing it in the coat closet she closed it behind her hoping her parents wouldn't look through it this weekend. Turning back to Spence she smiled. "Let's go have some fun. Does the quote still stand: "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?" She asked wrapping her arms around his. "Why? What do you have in mind?" he asked. "I guess we are going to have to find out" she winked when he shot her a smile. Opening the van door the both of them get in. 

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