Patience, Communication, Trust

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"Spencer, thank you for waiting. Come on in, it's good to see you. Sorry, the last session ran a bit late" Dr. Spears smiled. Spencer met him at the front of his door, shaking his hand. "Not a problem, thank you for seeing me," Spencer said. Walking inside Dr. Spears office Spencer sat on the same couch he had done for the past few weeks. At first, this couch had intimidated him, but now after getting to know Dr. Spears, Spencer had looked forward to his weekly sessions. Sitting down on the couch his phone buzzed. Pulling out his phone, a message from Olivia popped up on the screen. "Save me" the message read when a picture had been attached to it. Olivia looked miserable, sitting next to Simone and Jordan intertwining their hands feeding each other ice cream. A hint of a smile appeared on his lips. Shaking his head he replied. "Give me two hours".

With a clear of a throat, Spencer looked up to Dr. Spears waiting. "Sorry, doctor," Spencer said. "Not a problem. You seem happier Spencer. Even from the message you just read on your phone, I can tell you feel lighter. How was your week?" Dr. Spears asked. Opening his notebook to a blank page, he waited for Spencer to speak. Leaning back on the couch, Spencer couldn't wipe the smile from his face. "You know for the first time I could say it's been good. These past few weeks have been hard for a lot of reasons. All our friends were affected by some sort of truth that has happened, so it was definitely hard. But although my week has started out not great, it ended in the best possible way. I didn't expect it to end like that. I never thought she would show" Spencer sighed. Cutting off his gaze he looked down to the floor. "So she showed up? Guessing by the message you have just read it was the girl you wanted to show?" Dr. Spears asked. Jotting some notes on the paper.

"Yeah...I don't know if you're going to be happy about the next part, doc" Spencer said rubbing the back of his neck. "Tell me why wouldn't I be happy?" Dr. Spears asked confused. "You told me to let Layla or Olivia choose what they wanted. That I already have said my peace and now it was for the girls to choose. I did what you said and didn't talk to either one of them. But as the days went on, a particular girl stayed on my mind. Everything I did, I thought of her. It's as if I couldn't see my life without her. I knew the moment everything changed. Somehow I'd felt this emptiness as if I was missing a part of me. Laying down on my bed was where it hit me the hardest. I would have these dreams..." Spencer trailed off. "Dreams?" Dr. Spears asked

"Yeah, I would have dreams of the girl standing next to me. It was kind of always the same dream. We were at a park or something surrounded by tall buildings, walking along a path, we held hands. Every night I would have this dream, the girl next to me would become clearer. At first, she'd been out of focus, but by the last night, I saw who'd been next to me. It was easy, and as we walked, we talked about our day and the puppy she wanted to adopt, showing me a picture of a golden doodle. Her favorite"Spencer paused for a moment.

Clearing his throat he continued. "Somehow it'd felt right. Even in the dream I would gaze into her eyes and saw a life with her. One where we'd both been happy, and in love". Gazing down to the floor a smile never left his lips thinking back to the dream he had. "I find that fascinating. I find dreams to be like a key to your inner conscious. Not all dreams of course. But on the very rare occasions, they could uncover the answer you'd been missing. Helping you see the clearer picture. Dreaming of the person you like, means you want to be with them. And by that smile, I'm guessing you followed your dream?" Dr. Spears asked.

"I did. This is the part you wouldn't be happy about but after a few days of not seeing her, I couldn't wait for her to choose. I needed to speak to her. But instead, I sent her a voicemail. Giving her the choice to meet me at our spot. A viewpoint we would always go to during the summer. If she showed then I would know that the feelings I felt were real. If she didn't show, I would know that I was just caught up in the moment" Spencer said. Dr. Spears nodded, letting out a deep sigh before speaking.

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