Forever until Forever Comes Around (Part Two)

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The coastline had been peaceful, with the only sounds coming from the waves crashing against the shoreline in a constant rhythm. Compared to most nights, the waves had been calmer. Leaving a cast of the moonlight glistening across the water. There was something about coming to the beach at night. With not another person in sight, it was as if it had only been Jordan and Simone.

The both of them laid in silence cuddled underneath the blanket shielding themselves from the chilly temperatures. A permanent smile stayed on Jordan's lips. Rubbing her arm softly, he couldn't have imagined this date to go any better. Laying beside his wife Jordan's mind wandered to how their life would be like in a couple of years. Married for at least five, how different their life would be. When Jordan now imagined his future, he couldn't see his life without baby Shay or Simone in it. Wherever life would take him, he always knew that the both of them would always be right by his side.

Being in her arms, Jordan never stressed about what their parents would say. The both of them had built a strong relationship in the last few months that even if their parents would disagree, Jordan knew the both of them would be able to make it through. Simone rubbed her hand along his chest. Resting her head on him she looked up when a hint of a smile appeared in the corners of her mouth. Giving a long sigh, Jordan met her eyes, letting his hands run along her hair. "I love you, Simone," Jordan said.

Simone sat up, looking him in the eyes, Jordan rubbed her back. Never letting their gaze fall, Simone softly smiled. "I love you too Jordan. I know it may have taken me a long time to tell you. But thank you for everything you do...and sticking by my side during the hardest season of my life. Baby Shay wasn't even yours and you were able to put that aside and be the man I needed. I'm grateful for you Jordan. This...all of this. The random surprises, the love you give me is something that I only prayed about. After baby Shay's biological father left me, I never wanted to date another football player thinking all of you guys were the same. Yet you somehow showed me that you're different than all of the rest". Jordan sat up, interlacing his hands in hers, listening to every word she said.

His cheeks hurt hearing Simone telling him she loved him. There was nothing in the world he wouldn't do for the girl that sat before him. Jordan shook his head. "You don't have to thank me, Simone. I should be the one thanking you. You've changed me for the better. Before you, I was hot-headed, stubborn, and arrogant. I guess that's why they say meet a woman that'll change you for the better. Because I know you have, and I can't imagine my life without you. I love you, Simone".

Simone ran her hand along the side of his face, leaning in for a gentle kiss. Softly opening their eyes, Simone smiled. "How about we eat some of these strawberries". With a hint of a smile, Jordan nodded. Grabbing a strawberry each, they wrapped their hands around each other. Feeding the other, their eyes widened with excitement. They both stayed silent enjoying their dessert when Jordan cleared his throat.

"Simone, what did you want to be when you grew up?" Jordan asked. Picking up another strawberry, he popped it into his mouth. Simone sighed thinking for a moment. Covering her mouth she swallowed the rest of the strawberry.

"I've always loved tennis. Seeing Serena and Venus Williams on television, and how empowering they were dominating the tennis world by storm kind of got me thinking I wanted to go professional. I was great back in the day, but after having baby Shay. It kind of changed my aspirations in life. I don't know I guess I want to be a teacher, but I also thought of being a counselor for young teens who are pregnant. Being that I went through a similar situation, I think I would be able to help them. I would love to just be there for them and give them the advice they need so they wouldn't feel alone" Simone said. Jordan smiled, nodding.

"That's beautiful Simone. One of these days you're going to have to show me your skills on the tennis court. I keep hearing about you being Serena Williams yet, I haven't seen you step onto the court once". "Say less. You just set yourself up for failure baby. Besides I miss wearing my tennis outfits. I'm sure that might just be your favorite part. Are you sure you're going to actually play the game?" Simone smiled. Jordan giggled. "I mean I wouldn't mind seeing you in those cute outfits. I don't know if you know Simone I'm a quarterback, being under pressure is second nature to me". "Okay just let me know when I should humble you. I'm ready whenever" Simone said.

"Who's your celebrity crush?" Jordan asked after a moment of silence. "Now or when I was younger?" Simone asked. "How about both?". "In my younger days hands down it was Usher or Chris Brown. I swear I was going to marry them one day" Simone smiled. "So you settled for me?" Jordan asked.

"I wouldn't call it settling when we never got a chance to meet. I mean if we did, then baby I love you, but I might be sitting here with either Chris Brown or Usher" Simone smiled. Letting her thoughts wander off when Jordan scoffed. Simone shook her head. "But now, I don't need one, I have you" Simone smiled. "Safe answer" Jordan rolled his eyes. "Baby it's the truth. Okay, what about you?" Simone asked. "When I was younger Princess Leia from Star Wars. I would say Beyoncé was a close second" Jordan said.

"Now I know why you love it when I wear those space buns" Simone let out a laugh. Jordan's cheeks turned rosy pink clearing his throat he changed the subject. "We got just a few minutes left before I have to drop you off. What do you say, want to end this date night with a dance?". Simone smiled from ear to ear nodding. "I would love that".

Extending his hand, he pulled Simone out of his car. Picking a song from his playlist. When the beat softly played through his car speakers, Jordan placed his hands on her waist, when Simone wrapped her arms around his neck. Gazing into each other's eyes. They slow danced, wrapped in each other's arms, all they ever thought about was each other. Jordan leaned in kissing her more passionately. Their kisses lingered deepening with every second that had passed. Jordan's alarm softly rang, when they both let out a sigh. Rubbing his hands along the side of her face, he smiled. "How about I take you home?".

Standing in the front of her door, the both of them embraced each other for a long moment. "I wished you didn't have to go," Simone said. A tear escaped her when Jordan smiled. "I know". "Maybe tomorrow night you could come over. I have to study for a test Friday but I wouldn't mind you stopping by," Simone said.

"I'll come and study with you," Jordan said. "How about seven? This time I'll pick up dinner. How does sushi sound?" Simone asked. "Sounds like a plan". "I love you, Simone," Jordan said. "I love you too Jordan. Thank you for tonight. It was nothing but amazing," Simone said. "Anytime. Maybe next we can stay the night," Jordan said. "I'd like that,". Interlacing her hands in his they both leaned in for a kiss when the doorknob jiggled.

They both pulled away just in time to see Simone's father opening the door. "It's eleven sharp. You're a man of your word. It's getting late, and it's a school night" Mr. Hicks said. Jordan cleared his throat nodding. "Thank you, sir. I was just walking Simone to the door". Giving her another hug, she sighed. Walking inside, Simone groaned. "Have a good night Jordan and thank you for taking care of my baby" Mr. Hicks said.

"Thank you, sir. Have a good night" Jordan said. Walking back to his car, he heard a whistle, when he looked up to see Simone smiling down at him. He turned around walking backward. "I already miss you," Simone said. Resting her head on her hand, watching Jordan leave. "Missing you more. I'm already counting down the seconds until I see you again" Jordan said. "Me too too".

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