Leaving Things Unsaid (Part Three)

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It had felt like a freight train had hit him. At a speed and impact, he couldn't have imagined. Taking the air out of him while the world around him spun on an endless loop. He closed his eyes bracing for impact, but before he could prepare himself, his head had already made contact with the field while his body followed. The soft ringing in his ears blurred the world around him, the moment his eyes fluttered open.

Gasping for air, his eyes widened as black spots clouded his vision. He knew the signs, but somehow this time had felt different. Jordan knew something was wrong, the moment he tried to get up when his body didn't move. Dane stood above him, anger filled his rage while his yelling had been muffled. As if Jordan had been underwater, trying to understand what he'd been saying. 

Out of nowhere, Asher rushed over pushing Dane away as they broke out into a fight while chaos surrounded Jordan. Both teams rushed over to help Asher and Dane while they fought each other throwing punches and tackling each other to the floor. The world around him had felt distorted and with every second passing, he seemed to be getting worse. The referee, Coach Montes, and the medical staff rushed over to Jordan as they hovered around him. Jordan constantly blinked, trying to focus on Coach Montes. "Jordan, talk to me, what are you feeling?". Coach Montes asked.

Jordan watched her mouth move in slow motion when he tried to speak fumbling over his words. Coach Montes and the head medical staff exchanged looks when Jordan could hear the physician call for an ambulance. "I'm fine, Coach really. I don't need to go to the hospital," Jordan slurred his words. Coach Montes turned pale as the color of her skin flushed, the fear in her eyes, unsettled Jordan. "You're going to be fine Jordan. But I won't let you on this field until you get checked out," Coach Montes assured him.

Jordan's eyes felt heavy while Coach Montes faded in and out of focus. The world around him slowly grew faint. Jordan felt his body weightless as a sort of calm washed over him the moment he met Simone's eyes. She kneeled to the floor placing her hand on his chest, while she held her tears in. "Baby, I'm glad you made it. I love you. I'll be okay," Jordan slurred while he gently spoke. The tears fell down Simone's cheeks when she nodded. "I never left, Jordan, I love you. You'll be okay,". The last of her words echoed in his head the moment the world faded to darkness. 

Tears streamed down Simone's cheeks covering her face as she sat in the hospital waiting room. Every time a doctor would enter the room, she would perk up, wiping her tears, hoping he would come bearing good news. But every time a doctor came in, they would call on another family. Some cheered in happiness while others cried in the doctor's arms, hugging their loved ones close to them. Her lips quivered while her hands trembled in fear, as she knew this hadn't been good.

She took slow deep breaths bracing herself for the news she was about to hear, while her reality had sunk in. The panic settled into the pit of her stomach, the moment she realized she could be a widow. She didn't know the extent of her husband's injuries and while her adrenaline had left leaving her alone with her thoughts. Simone's heart pounded in her ears beating at a rapid pace. She thought of all the possibilities when she knew being a spouse came with responsibilities.

Choices she would have to make if it came down to it. If Jordan had been injured, Simone needed to make the call for him, if he was incapable to do so himself. She wondered if she was strong enough to do it. If it came down to making a decision that could affect his life, and his future career in football, would she be ready?

Simone shook her head closing her eyes when all she could see were flashes of Jordan smiling back at her. Giving her those sweet eyes she fell in love with every time she would gaze into them. "I'm in love with you Simone,". Jordan's voice echoed in her head when Mrs. Baker rushed through the hospital entrance. Simone got up meeting her eyes while her lips trembled. Mrs. Baker pulled her in for an embrace, slamming into her and squeezing her tightly.

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