"Two Weeks," (Part One)

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"Two weeks,". "Two weeks,". That is all Olivia had been repeating to herself since saying goodnight to Spencer three nights ago. It's been two weeks, since her last sip of alcohol. Fourteen days, five hours, and 25 minutes to be exact. Her group meetings would always say it takes twenty-eight days for it to become a habit. For the cravings to settle, to not count every minute of every day she'd been sober. Yet with fourteen more days to go, she hoped they were right. 

Her phone would buzz every so often with a message from him, and with every single one she'd ignore them. Her mind had been preoccupied trying to stop herself from thinking about alcohol. But when she'd least expect it, the taste lingered on her lips, disturbing her thoughts. Olivia's mind raced back to Leslie in these moments of weakness. Yet with every call she made, it had gone straight to voicemail. 

Clenching her phone in her hand, she gritted her teeth, bothered that the one person that was supposed to help her during these hard times, had left her alone. Olivia felt exhausted. She hadn't slept for the last few nights because even in her dreams she would be drinking. Olivia laid awake in bed staring at the pitch-black endless abyss above repeating the same words over and over again. "Two weeks,". "Two weeks". She repeated those words until her eyes felt heavy drifting off to sleep.

What felt like hours, only lasted minutes, as she would wake in a pool of sweat. Her nightmares seemed to be getting worse each time, causing her to sleep a little less. Instead, she did the few things rehab taught her to do. Getting out of bed, she made her way to the bathroom in the pitch dark. Grabbing a pair of clothes, and tennis shoes on the way. Closing the door behind her, fumbling for the switch. When she finally found it, she squinted blocking her eyes from the harsh overhead light. 

After about a minute, her vision became clear. Olivia groaned gazing at herself in the reflection. The way she'd felt was the same way she'd looked. With dark circles and bags under her eyes. She'd felt exhausted, and she looked it. Turning on the faucet she turned the knob to the coldest temperature. Cupping her hands with a handful of water, Olivia closed her eyes, when in the distance she heard a women's voice. Splashing the water in her face, she gasped for air. "Did that help?" Leslie asked. Olivia bent over the sink still in shock. "It's...freezing," Olivia said. Her lips trembled when Leslie smiled. 

"That's the point. The cold water is supposed to make you uncomfortable. It shocks your body so you won't think about drinking. Did it work?" Leslie asked. Olivia glared at her in the mirror. "I guess,". "Good. Next we need some mouthwash. That'll do the trick," Leslie said. She handed Olivia some mouthwash in a cup. "Mouthwash?" Olivia asked. "The best way to distract your mind, and your tastebuds from craving alcohol, is to gargle some mouthwash. It's disgusting, it burns, but it does the trick, trust me," Leslie said. 

Olivia stared at the blue liquid that stunk of heavy peppermint. The smell remained in her nose. "Just think of it like taking a shot," Leslie said. when Olivia shot her another glare. "Too soon?". "Too soon," Olivia muttered. "It's a joke," Leslie laughed. "You know for someone who is just recovering, that's a pretty cruel joke," Olivia said. Leslie shrugged. "Olivia, someday you're going to leave these four walls we call rehab, and you're going to go back to the real world. It's a cruel one I'll tell you that, and it's not going to be an easy one. But I have a feeling you'll be just fine," Leslie's voice echoed in her head when Olivia splashed another handful of cold water on her face. 

Wrapping her hair in a bun, she changed her clothes, put on her shoes, and placed her earbuds in her ear. In an instant, the calming melodies, soothed her when Olivia took a deep breath in before exhaling. Grabbing a light jacket, she quietly made her way down the stairs and exited her home. The early mornings had been chilly, when Olivia threw on her jacket, rubbing her arms for warmth. Making her way to the outside of her gate, she sighed deeply stretching her arms, and her legs warming them up before her run. She jogged in place, before lightly taking one step forward at a time, picking up the pace to a steady jog. "If nothing else works, go for a run," Leslie said when Olivia turned to watch her jog beside her. "How is this going to help?" Olivia asked. 

"Well exercise, is great for the mind. When you run it releases endorphins which in turn acts as a natural high," Leslie said. Olivia rolled her eyes shaking her head. "The wrong choice of words again...sorry". "But it helps your mind stay occupied while still releasing the good chemicals so that your body and mind can heal. It has many great benefits, which is why we run," Leslie said. "So when do we stop?" Olivia asked. "Well...until you can't no more. Or until your cravings stop. What I've learned time and time again, your legs are going to give out faster than your mind is. It'll take time, and you're only on week three of your recovery. Give yourself time. It's not going to happen overnight," Leslie smiled. 

"Race me," she continued when Olivia shot her a confused look. "Race me. If you win, then tomorrow we can do something fun. I'll break you out of here, and I'll take you somewhere. What do you say?" Leslie asked. Olivia grinned wanting nothing more than to escape. She'd felt like a prisoner in rehab, and with the glimmer of hope she'd felt to not breathe the rehab air. To feel normal for once, was all that had pushed her to fight every day. Olivia grinned from ear to ear. "Deal,". 

With every flash of memory, her legs picked up the pace, and without notice, she'd sprinted passing her neighborhood. The icy wind hit her, while her cheeks tingled as if thousands of pins and needles were poking her face. She controlled her breathing, exhaling every other step. Her legs ached to want to give up, but Olivia kept pace, sprinting at a constant speed with no desire to stop. 

Her mouth went dry while she kept a grin on her face. Running as fast as she could, she turned to see Leslie slowing down when she waved her hands in the air. Olivia let out a laugh turning around. "Your stopping? I was just getting started,". Leslie clenched her chest catching up to Olivia. "You...win...tomorrow...we...leave..." Leslie gasped for air when she sat at a nearby bench. 

Her legs ached with every step she took. A sudden onset cramp started to form on her side when Olivia slowed to a stop, gasping for air. Clenching her knees, she bent over, taking slow deep breaths. Olivia glanced around when she hadn't recognized the neighborhood she was in. Taking out her phone, she checked the map. Her eyes widened noticing that she had run for five miles. It was already half past six and knew if she didn't turn back now, she'd be late for class. 

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