45. Come Back to Me

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Everything went smooth since Nick told the manager and Heechul that I'm coming to Riyadh with the boys. We managed to give quite a reason of my following departure to the company; My visit to Riyadh is to make my flight to London easier. And since I've got 7 days of leave, I told the company that I could use 2 days a break to watch the concert and fly to London on the 3rd day to take care of my dad.

I'm now on my way to the airport with Yunseok. Along with Haru, Sam and Yuna. The boys think it's a good idea for us to go separately in case there are paparazzi or fans at the airport. I agree even before the boys suggest this idea. I know I said to Jake that I don't care of being exposed, but after given another thought about it, it's wiser to avoid any them to be seen on social media.

"So, I still can't believe Ayeong-ah is joining us to Riyadh!" Sam exclaims in Korean. She seemed to be annoyed with this whole Jake & Ayeong ships. I ask Yuna what she meant then they turn the conversation to English.

"I know! I thought a rookie idol are supposed to be busy! But I guess with her is a different case." Haru responds, grabbing her iced coffee from her seat.

"You know, I don't think Jake is really into her. I think he's into someone else, I know it." Yuna chimes in, playing with her phone. Though her tone makes me feel guarded and aware to where this conversation goes.

"Do you feel that too? Because I think the boys are actually different when you really look at it! Did you notice that Younggi actually laughs at Jun's jokes? That almost never happens!" Sam exclaims.

"Yes! I think I noticed Nick and Jamie getting more and more chipper than before." Haru adds.

"Yup. And Jake didn't look at Ayeong like he's in love. But the others, they're hooked to someone, I would say. They look very happy, too happy. Like they're blooming. You know?" Yuna says casually. Sam and Haru smiles at themselves.

My palms starts to sweat as I'm getting more nervous about this conversation.

"Well, I guess we should be happy if they are. I mean, it's nice to see them all happy, energized and smiles a lot. It's about time.. and I'm kinda thankful to whoever it is behind their smile." Haru states softly, knowingly.

The three of them nods in silence before turning to me.

"Silver? You've been quiet." Yuna calls out.

"Hmm? I was just listening to you guys.." I answer calmly. Giving her a smile.

"Well, do you have an opinion about it? I know you've been close with the boys and I know you got this tension between you and Ayeong." Sam adds, turning to me.

I look out the window to distract and give myself a time while I conceal my inner panic.

"I'm not sure.. I mean, I know we're close and all, so I'm happy if they're happy. And I don't blame them, I mean.. They're lovable, passionate, they're the kindest people you'll ever meet and they deserve the world. Anyone who have the chance to make them smile is lucky.. and I guess Ayeong just doesn't like my presence around them." Says me calmly.

Yunseok took a glance at me through the mirror. I don't know what he thought about it but I hope I sounded genuine. It should be, it came from my heart.

The girls nod in agreement and didn't push it any further, although their smile says something more. I know it's me that they're trying to point out and I know they didn't mean to corner me. They just wanna know the truth, given that the boys are like family to them. I think they wanna let me know that it's okay and maybe testing where my loyalty stands to the boys, though I have nothing to proof against that. I'd die for them and would never betray them, even if that means I have to hide the truth to the girls.

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