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The night is getting late and we're all getting drunk. Hosung, Taeyong and Jamie are out there on the dance floor along with the staffs. Jun and Jake are sitting in their table, playing with their phones while Nick and Younggi is nowhere to be seen. The girls are taking over the stage, singing off tune through the microphone. You could say it's quite a party. I for one is a bit tipsy and in need a fresh air.

"Where are you going, love?" Jun asks as I got up from my seat. Jake who's sitting next to him turns his attention on me.

"I'll be back, I need some air."

They both nods as I give them a smile and leave.

It's getting quieter outside as it's 11pm right now. I lit up a cigarette when I noticed a tall figure stands next to me. Three tall figures, it's manager Sungjin and two other person whom I don't know their names. Having some cigarettes as well.

I bow to all of them as we noticed each other's presence and they responded the same.

"How is your night, Silver-shi?" Sungjin asks.

"It's a wonderful party, Manager." I answer politely.

He lets out a small chuckle, "It's their idea. I take it you were surprised by it?"

"Of course I did. They didn't tell me a thing." I chuckle.

He nods knowingly. His presence actually intimidates me, assuming that most of the company probably didn't like the idea of my relationship with the boys.

"How is your life now, Silver-shi?" He asks again.

Taken aback by the question, I sheepishly answer, "Oh.. well, I'm still adapting to the situation. After my.. father's death and with the moving and all.. It's complicated, I guess."

"And does your reputation in Korea affects your life here?"

I went silent for a beat, "Um..  Although I'm pretty sure I still received awful comments on my social media, fortunately no. I guess in UK is a whole different culture, not everyone here are into Kpop. I mean, yes there are some fans and the boys are surely popular but so far my existence is still unknown here. A newcomer fine artist doesn't scream celebrity famous and I don't really have many friends around here, so no. It didn't affect my life here." I laugh nervously.

"Well, that's good. It's for the best." He says softly and I knew then where is this conversation leads to.

"The best for.. the boys I assume?"

He turns to me. The cold weather made his breath visible in the air. "They are right. You're a bright woman, Silver-shi."

I went silent. Schooling my features when I know I'm about to get hurt.

"You might think this would lasts forever, right? You and them?"

I just stand there, not letting him see my eyes.

"Even though they're successful in their young age, they're still naïve men in their 20s. They rarely find love and when they think they do, they thought of it as an eternity. But the reality is they still have many things to do. Lots of work and responsibilities, not to mention maintaining their image as an Idol or public figure. They'll eventually get to the point where they can't do this simultaneously; love and career.

"On the other hand, Yes. Right now they're giving you everything they could give. Their affections, gifts, even a big party like this one. You will feel like you're the luckiest woman in the world but that's only momentarily. Relationships like this is uncommon. Is.. disrespectful. Especially in our culture, but I guess you could relate to that since you're also Asian. It's a luck that you're half British, you have a western blood."

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