2. The Project

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"Why didn't you tell me they're here already ?" I ask quietly.

"Honey, I did text you, along with the information about the group." she says. I nod slowly then look back to where I was sitting before. I just realized that my phone is inside my bag. I look at my watch, it's not even 9 yet. It's 8.50am. Damn, they're punctual. I sigh realizing my mistake. I look at them and try to smile.

"My apologies, I didn't realize you're our guest. I just don't like it when someone um.. disturbs me." I try to say politely but it came out bitter. Daisy pinch my arm a bit harder, making me yelp. The guys gave me apologetic looks and one of them speak up.

"No, no, we should be the one who apologize. He shouldn't take pictures without permits and this is your exhibition, your artworks. We should be more respectful." he says genuinely. His English is fluent, he has a low and raspy voice. He's also tall and has the cutest dimple when he smiles. Then he says something in Korean to the other guy. Seems like he's scolding him.

He looks at me and says, "I'm very, very sorry that I took pictures, I will delete it." he gives puppy eyes. His English is accented, then I figured it must be hard for him. Somehow I'm not angry anymore and I'm surprised it last quickly.

 Somehow I'm not angry anymore and I'm surprised it last quickly

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I smile politely. "It's okay, you don't have to, really. You're our guests after all, why don't we start over?" I clear my throat and introduced myself.

"Hi, i'm Silver. You can call me Silver or S, whichever you prefer. It's nice meeting all of you and it's a pleasure to have you here." I smile and they bows politely, then I bow too. I guess it's a reflect, meeting other Asian people. The guys introduces themselves one by one. I just realize there are 7 of them. And suddenly I feel intimidated by their energy.

"Hi, I'm Nick. Nice to meet you, Silver." says the guy who speaks fluent English as he shakes my hand. He is so charismatic yet charming. I can tell he's the leader of the group. Even I can feel his confidence through his handshake.

"Hi, Nick. Nice handshake." he chuckles, I look at the other guy who took the picture.


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"Hi... I'm Taeyong. I'm sorry again about before." He smiles sheepishly. He is gorgeous, his big hypnotic eyes are strangely full of innocence. His hair is black and wavy and he has the cutest smile. I nod, a bit hypnotized by his eyes and tell him it's okay. Then the third guy comes forward.   

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