9. Moving Day

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19th July 2019

It's been over a month since I first met the guys and attended their concert at Wembley. The next day after the concert, I've decided to do the project and go to Seoul. So me, Daisy and Sungjin had a meeting about the contracts.

To put it simply, the contract says I will stay in Seoul for 7 and a half months as the creation process would take 7 months and the exhibition starts at spring. I can still fly back to London if there is any important matter or emergencies, but the company will not cover any of that. Although they did provide me a very generous monthly allowance stipend, a two bedroom apartments (one is prepared for the workspace), the tools and equipment allowance, a personal driver + assistant, and a two-way flight ticket.

After a long talk with Daisy, we've decided that she won't be a part of this project since she's suddenly engaged with Derek and soon will be married in December. I'm happy for her of course, but it's gonna be hard when she's not around. Although she will come to South Korea with me on the moving day and stay for a week to help me get settled. She insist to stay with me for the week but the company ended up providing her a hotel and flight ticket.

Other than that, me and the boys keep updating every once in a while through text. They're excited to hear that me and Daisy are finally at the airport and about to board anytime soon.

So here we are, at 10.20am on an airplane. We took a selfie and send it to the group and inform them that we're supposed to land in Incheon airport by 12.00 pm tomorrow. Thankfully, the company bought a ticket that doesn't take too much time of transits so we can arrive to Seoul quickly. My phone dings, I check to see if the boys sent me another message. Turns out it's her.

Melanie: "Hello, Cinta. I hope you're doing well. I heard from your manager that you will be leaving to Korea for a long time. I wanted to call you dozens of time, but i just don't have the courage to do so."

Melanie: "I just wanted to tell you that your father is sick and he's been asking about you lately. He's still at home. His condition is quite stable for now, but i'm afraid it might get worse. If you have time, maybe you can reply to my message? Or even call. I would really appreciate it."

Melanie: "I don't want to intrude you or anything, me and the kids will take care of him. I just thought I should let you know. I wish you tons of luck for your work!"

I left it on read. Melanie is my step mother. She's a widower with two sons about few years younger than me. My father is a British man. I'm not actually pure Indonesian but since I'm born and raised there, I consider myself a true Indonesian. He married my mom and move to Indonesia years ago then got divorced when I was still in middle school. He went back to London, met Melanie and got married. Several years later, I flew to London to moved in with him in my early college years, yet it didn't work out. So I moved out and left without saying a word. We haven't spoken since.

I really don't care and don't want to deal with it. I don't have time to think about this, to open up an old wound and deal with it. It's tiring. In 15 minutes, we took off.

"So, how do you feel?" asks Daisy. I switch off that thoughts and focus on what i have now.

"Nervous. But excited. And a bit bummed that you're not gonna be around. What if something happens and turns out they don't like me? That they see the real.. me?" I actually am really concern about this. I have issues and Daisy's the only person who've seen that side of me.

Daisy softens at me. "You'll do great, with or without me around. This is just a part of another adventure." She elbows me. "You're lucky you get to work with them, since I'm a fan now I can say that i'm a bit jealous! There's no doubt that you're gonna have a really, really great time with them!" she adds playfully, making me feel better. I chuckle and she's right. Many would kill for this position. Might as well enjoy it.

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