41. Dimples

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It's Saturday and the boys are having a weekend off. They've been so busy with their schedule, so they decided to spend some time with their families and friends. They felt bad for leaving me at first but I told them it's not a big deal and that I understand completely.

I'm sketching in their dining room after brunch. Taeyong and Jamie have already left and Jun, Hosung, Jake and Younggi are getting ready in their own room. It's just me and Nick who's enjoying his coffee and his book.

I like how peaceful it feels. Me sketching and Nick reading book. Like it's something that we are used to. It's very rare to have some alone time with Nick in the first place and I know he realized that. So even though he has plans today, I can tell he purposely sit here to spend a bit of his time with me.

"You know, if you have to go it's okay.." Says me, eyes on my sketch.

He lets out a small laugh and close his book.

"My plan is quite flexible today, depending on the person I'm going with."  He crosses his arm and turns to me. I put my pencil down, giving him my attention.

"Oh, so who's this special person who gets to spend time with you today?"

He grins amusedly, showing me his cute dimple on his face before he replies, "You. I wanna take you out today."

I can feel that I'm blushing and smiling so wide that Nick starts to chuckle.

"Your smile is so obvious. You're that surprised?" He asks.

"I am! So you chose to spend your time with me even though you actually can see me all the time?" I sheepishly asks.

He takes my hand and I swear my heart's about to jump out of my chest.

"Yes. Because I miss my girlfriend and I wanna spoil her."

I'm done. I giggle like a school girl before I move to his lap and give him a kiss. It was supposed to be chaste but Nick pulls me to deepen the kiss and I melt right away. Tongue tied and hands all over our body. The fact that he chose to be with me means a lot and it made me really happy.

We make out for a while as he moans in our kiss. I'm getting more excited before someone claps his hands, stopping us.

"Ahem! Get a room, guys!" Jake adds, along with Hosung, Jun, and Younggi who are about to leave.

"Whoops, sorry." Nick adds, brushing the back of his head.

I laugh sheepishly and get off from his lap to say goodbye to others.

"Are you okay with us leaving you?" Hosung asks, pulling me to his embrace.

"I'm okay, baby. After all, Nick will be here with me. Turns out he's taking me out."

He makes a pout before giving me a peck on my lips.

"Don't get too tired, I'm planning to sneak into your room tomorrow night." He whispers on my ear and that gives me a shiver instantly. He lets go of me as Jun takes my hand.

"Don't forget to eat, you.. Nick, don't let my beautiful girlfriend go starving, okay?!"
He yells at Nick who's only smiling at him and giving him a thumbs up. He then hugs me and gives me a deep kiss before I turn to Younggi.

"So you're gonna go back to Daegu 'till tomorrow?" I asks.

"Yeah, my mom needs me, so.." he paused. "I'm sorry for leaving you.."

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