53. Fly to My Room

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Two weeks has gone by since Bighit announced the false rumor and my resignation from the project. At first, the fans didn't buy it. Some are making theories because to them it sounds weird.

'Why does Silver resigning if the rumor wasn't true?'

Well, their suspicion is not wrong but it's not entirely true. Up until now, they are still questioning who is Ayeong's baby father and still think it's Jake's.
Why wouldn't they? Because before this was out, the media said they're dating and there is no rumor of Ayeong with another guy. I feel bad for Jake, he's still hiding up until now. He didn't go anywhere else other than the company, which sometimes there are few fans still hanging around for some protest.

Due to the stalking incident, they moved to another place that's not far from the old apartment. The new place have better security and it's more private/exclusive area. They're still in the process of moving in so they're quite busy these past few days. The company have already sent out my stuff too all the way from Seoul and it just arrived now.

I'm in my living room, at the edge of having a meltdown. Hitting the reality that I'm really back here. My mom have already went back to Manila and Daisy is not around.
Even though Bighit was generous enough to pay me half of my honorarium, it doesn't matter. Money is not the problem. It's me, here in London, far away from them, feeling so lonely and have to face this alone.

I think there's so much of my work stuff rather than my personal stuff. As I gather up my energy and start to unpack, I noticed my paintings are rolled up inside the drafting tubes that they bought specially for this. I'm thankful that they know how to send a painting without it's framework.

My personal stuff are in my big luggage along with several small boxes. But among them all, there's one big package that looks different than the others. I thought it was my kitchen and dining utensils, but when I opened them it turns out to be a gift from the boys. All in that one big box. I'm stunned to see that it all looks super expensive.

inside, there's a brown cashmere sweater from Jun, along with a scarf, a gold designer watch from Nick, a pair of pearl earrings from Taeyong, a brand new airpods from Younggi, a designer dress from Hosung, a leather wallet from Jimin and a small painting that Jake made specially for me, which is beautiful. Jake really is the most multitalented guy I've ever met.

There is a small envelope attached in the package that said,

"Dear, Silver

Seoul is not the same without you. Our home is not the same without you and it's hard seeing our staff gather up your things to send it back to you. It's like they're taking you away from us even though they're not. The place feels like you and it's odd to see it without you.

We miss you, but it doesn't matter because we're moving anyway and we got you safe. Even if you're far away. Just know that no matter what, we'll still be thinking of you. Distance doesn't matter as long as you're okay. We love you and we'll see each other soon.

Take care and we hope you like the gifts.


Nick, Hosung, Jun, Younggi, Jamie, Jake, Taeyong."


If my stuff almost made me had a breakdown, this is worse. My heart hurts when I read the words, when I imagine their thoughts when picking up gifts for me. They wanted to make me feel slightly better but it ended up making me feel worse than before. 

Because I don't need the gifts, I need them.

I miss them so much and everyday feels like shit without them.

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