64. Brighter Than The Sun

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*we live in a story where there is no pandemic :p*

3 Years Later
Spring 2022
Arts and Theatre Institute of Prague, Czech Republic.

"Anything you need before I leave, Sir?" I ask Professor Ivan, my boss.

"Yes, Cinta. I need you to collect the data of student's artwork of the campus's Biennale Festival from 2018 to 2021. I need the archived info next Monday at 8 am." Professor Ivan says.

I nod, "Will do, Sir. Anything else?"

"Yes. For the 2022's ATI Bienniale, we need some works from young emerging artists. After the internal meeting with the creative departments, we would like to invite you as one of the artists that participate in this year's biennale." He simply says.

I widen my eyes, "But, Sir... I'm just an assistant lecturer and I think I'm too old for this opportunity. Besides, I haven't work on anything for the last three years."

He wrinkles his brows, "Twenty-eight is not old. And that is why we want to give you the opportunity for the sake of the regeneration. I think you are bright enough to notice that your generation, the Millenials is lacking potential as an artist, here in Prague. The Z generation on the other hand, wow... so much talent it amazes me. Therefore, you are needed." He gestures at me, "Many agree that aside from you being a competent young lecturer, your potential of being a true artist is undeniable. We've seen your previous work and how you speak about it. Your soul is there and we won't allow such potential to go to waste."

"But, Sir.."

"No buts... just think about it. I will have the board send you the invitation and I expect you to respond within 48 hours. Later than that this opportunity will be given to another artist. Understand?"

I nod slowly, "Understood, Sir."

"That'll be all. Please have a safe walk home." Professor Ivan dismiss me.

"Thank you, Sir."

Ivan Bartos is a Czechian Maestro. A famous abstract painter and sculpturist since the 1990s, a senior lecturer of this campus, and my boss. I've been working as his assistant for two and a half years.

Since I broke up with seven of them, my life has been a living hell. Especially in the first three months. When the rumor got even wilder, the boys went missing. They've been missing for six months without any news on social media. So many hate comments and disrespect towards the boys at first but still, no trace of them at all. The company instead was busy promoting other artists and when the boys finally had their comebacks, many questioned their absence but they never explained anything. Despite people's judgment, their comeback music was really a hit. And people come to love them again because.. well, they are The Bulletproof Boys. People stand up to them in the end no matter how many haters they got. By the end of 2020, they were enlisted in the military for 18 months and just got back last Winter.

I on the other hand was really broken, but Daisy and Melanie saved me. They helped me a lot during the hard times. I moved out of my old place because I don't feel safe alone and stayed at Melanie's. I was mentally unstable for the first three to four months. Worse than when my father died. I wanted to stop being in pain because I can't stop thinking about them. I hated myself that I shaved my hair bald, I got more tattoos on my back, I got piercing, I did everything I could to change my old self and I was basically self-destructive too. I drank so much, smoke so much, I even have suicidal thoughts, not caring a damn thing about myself yet every time they appear to my mind, it keeps me alive or at least survived on that darkest day. Because I promised I would take good care of myself.

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