5. The Morning After

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The smell of the coffee wakes me up. A stroke of sunlight shines through my window and stung my eyes. I try to cover them with my blanket as I snuggle more. There's a sound of footsteps walking around in the kitchen. I already know who it is, the one and only Daisy.

I try to remember what happened last night. There's wine, there's food, and what else.. "OH!" I screamed and got up so suddenly, my head hurts like hell. Shit, hangover. The guys! What the hell happened last night? How did I end up getting home? Did I do something embarrassing? Oh my god, I must've puked all over them. Shit. Shit. I try to find my phone but then I remember I don't have their contacts.

Daisy. She must've known what happened. It's not the first time she took care of this situation. She walks passes the bedroom and finds me in a state of shock. She enters my bedroom and sits on the edge of the bed with a mug in her hand.

"How bad is it?" I ask smoothly while rubbing my head.

"Well.." she sips her coffee. "I got an interesting call from Sungjin last night and he said you passed out because you drank almost an entire bottle of wine." She answers with a calm tone. I chuckle and she hit my arm. "Aw!" I cried.

"What were you thinking? You're lucky they took you home after they called me! Sungjin asked me for your address and told me to meet him here. And the boys insist to carry you to your room. You're lucky they're such a gentleman!" She scolds me. My jaw drops.

"They were here? They carried me here??" My head hurts. So many questions swirling in my head.

"Oh my god, they didn't see anything bad, did they? Did I puke in front of them? How-- How long they were in here?"

"You asked them to carry you to the bathroom and you threw up. After that, you walked to your bedroom by yourself and passed out, left them hanging. Not long after that, they left." She explains.

"But when they left, you puked all over me." She adds, glaring at me.
"I'm sorry, Daisyyy. I didn't mean it! I must've ruined your night with Derek!" I cried and puts my head on her lap.

"It's fine. Derek understands. Hope you don't mind I borrowed your clothes." Says her while patting my head.
"They also felt guilty because they offered you the wine. They just didn't expect you to drank it all." she laughs. "Almost, not the whole bottle," I adds.

"What about my neighbors? did they see them?" It occurs to my mind that a superstar just enters this neighborhood carrying some girl to her apartment. Imagine the fuss.

"Well, not all of them came here you know. Only three of them. The rest of them waited inside the car to stay out of trouble. And most of your neighbors are all elder, so they didn't know who they were. Come on, I made you coffee and breakfast." with that I follow her to the kitchen.

I live in a small townhouse where my neighbors are mostly elders. I chose to live here because it's quiet and elder people aren't nosy. I don't really like the crowded places and sometimes helping them calms me. My place has two bedrooms, one bathroom, and one kitchen. I decorated it by myself and it's quite chic. It's been painted bright blue since I got here. I use the empty bedroom for my working space.

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