49. When It Rains

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Daisy's POV


London was never gloomy before until today, at least for me. It's a rainy Sunday morning. Me and Derek wears black attire like everyone else. The church are filled with friends and families of the departed one.

It's not loud or quiet in here. People chatters quietly, the sound of the rain echoes the room, but the loudest sound I hear comes from the silence of the only girl I care about.

Silver sits in the front row, giving an empty stare towards a brown casket that lays her beloved father inside. Next to her is an older woman who looks just like her; tan skin, black straight hair that falls effortlessly to her shoulder, same sharp cheekbones and wears same expression as her. It's her birth mother, Ratih who just arrived in London this early morning.

Two nights ago, I picked Silver up at the airport knowing the mournful news. I expect her to cry or shed a little tear, but she didn't. She was quiet instead. Too quiet it scares me. She could still talk if I asked her something, but other than that she was very quiet.

She wanted to go straight to her place and I stayed there the other night. I asked her many times to get some rest but she just sat still looking through the window. I then cried silently because it breaks me to see her like this.
She became emotionless. She couldn't eat, she couldn't sleep, she's broken apart.

I honestly have no idea if the boys know about this. I also feel like it's not my place to tell such things without Silver's approval. The last thing I know was she formed a romantic relationship between 7 of them. But knowing Silver, I got the feeling they have no clue of what's going on. She, as always, kept her pain on her own.

As I feel a tear runs down on my cheek, Derek holds my hand.

"She's going to be okay. She has us." He softly says.

"I'm just so worried about her."

"Me too." Derek lets out a sigh.

At that moment, Silver's name is called to give a farewell speech for her father. My heart's clenched when I saw her standing up from her seat. Her skin doesn't glow like it used to, her body is slightly skinnier, there are dark circles under her eyes yet she manages to walk casually and gives everyone a smile from the podium. A forced smile that is.

She takes in the moment and clears her throat, "Dear friends and family, thank you for coming to my father's funeral." She paused.

"My name is Cinta Nindyachandra. Also known as Silver, a daughter of Henry Taylor and Ratih Nindyachandra. I.. don't actually have much to say other than goodbye. So goodbye, dad. And I'm sorry." A long pause falls. She turns her gaze to the brown casket and stays still.

She stood there long enough that people starts to murmur. She looks lost, as if her mind drifted somewhere far. I turn to Derek and he shakes his head, "Let her be." Says him, holding my hand.

And when she's finally back she continues, "Rest in heaven, dad. Thank you.. for everything." She turns to the guest, "My deepest condolences to you all. Thank you."

Everyone then went silent. Confused. They're taken aback hearing her saying condolences to the guest when it's really her loss. But she just bows and returns to her seat with all eyes on her.

We continue to go to cemetery for his burial. Luckily, the rain has stopped. Leaving an after rain smell on the green grass that I always like. Still, no sun is in sight. Making me feel like there is no hope either. The sky's still pale with its blue and grey shades as if its promising another rain will pour soon.

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