8. The Concert pt. 2

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"So glad you could make it, Silver!" says Nick while grabbing my arms. The guys greet me warmly, some gave me a high-five, and some gives me hugs.

"How do you guys feel? are you excited?" ask me, trying to be casual. Inside I'm nervous and quite intimidated. Maybe even blushing a little.

"We feel great! We are excited and have been working hard for this!" Hosung adds. He spots a normal-sized bouquet of sunflowers that I picked up earlier on my way to Daisy's place. It's not much but I hope they appreciate the gesture.

"Is that for me?" Hosung asks. And other guys seemed to notices too.

"Yes, um.. for all of you! I know it's nothing compared to the purple roses but---"

"It's perfect! Thank you, Silver. It's very kind of you!" He answers, grabbing my shoulders and receives the bouquet. Other guys thanked me for the lovely gesture. Nick grabs my arms and introduces me to the staff inside the room.

"Everyone, this is Silver and her manager Daisy. She's an outstanding artist and hopefully will join us to collab with the 'Connect You' project. Silver, Daisy, this is our staff." I blink, not expecting to have to introduce myself. All eyes are on us and Daisy starts to introduce herself first.

"Hi everyone, I'm Daisy. I'm Silver's manager. It's nice meeting you all." she smiles brightly and adds a little bow. Luckily, Daisy's got a charm that could make everyone likes her at the first impression. She turns to me, signaling that it's my turn.

"Hi everyone.. I'm Silver. As Nick said, I'm a painter but I think Nick has given me too much credit though, cause I'm still learning." Everyone laughs. "It's really a pleasure meeting you all. To tell you the truth, this is my first time watching a Kpop concert so I'm very excited!" The staff is surprised to hear that along with their managers. The guys told us that with Army beside us, we will definitely have a great time tonight.

"Well, I wouldn't want to take so much of your time since you all should get ready. Should we leave now?" I inform the guys and turn to Daisy. "Yeah, I think we should go," Daisy answers, giving look to the guys and their managers.

"Yes, of course. Wish us luck, Silver!" Nick answers.

"We will do our best! Enjoy the show!" Hosung and Jake add.

"Have fun out there," Younggi says plainly but I can see he's smiling a bit.

"Don't forget to cheer for us!" Taeyong and Jun add.

"I will, you guys. Good luck!" One of the managers stands up to lead us to the VIP area. Jamie is standing in front of the green room door. As I pass, he locks his gaze to me.

"I'll make sure to rock your world up there." He says with his eyes darkens and a smirk. I feel shivers down my spine and somehow I can't speak anymore so I just glance at him and give him a smirk. Inside I'm hot as hell.

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