63. This Train is Going Too Fast

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The ride back home is quiet. Everything is awkward and we don't know how to act around each other anymore. After the night we broke up, we spent another day separated from each other. Everyone is minding their business and we don't talk even when we eat together. I guess we all need our personal space.

We decided to go home the next day since there's no use to continue this trip and now we're in the middle of the road with me driving our way back to London. The ride from Utrecht to London is about 6 hours. We barely made it to 1 hour yet I feel so uncomfortable with the silence. Jun sits next to me, guiding the road and others sit in the back, looking like they don't care. I try to not get it under my skin yet I can't deny that it stings. I just have to focus on the road 'till we get there.

Few hours have passed and I'm getting tired and hungry, plus it's raining cats and dogs. I look to the mirror and found most of them are asleep, except Jun.

"Can we make a stop first? I'm kinda hungry." I turn to Jun who's quietly looking at the road.

"Sure, there's no restaurant around but there is a convenience store 500 meters ahead. Also, I think we need to fill the gas." He plainly says.


I'm pulling over at the gas station which has a convenience store next to it. Jun take care of the fuel and I run quickly inside the store.

I make a mental note that I should buy some water and food for the boys before I feel someone's presence behind me.

"Oh, Younggi. I thought you were sleeping." Says me sheepishly, didn't look directly into his eyes.

He nods, "I wanted to buy coffee." says him before he walks past me coldly.

It hurts but I try to ignore it and turn to get some food. Sandwiches and instant cup noodles should do the trick. When I'm done, I go to the cashier at the same time as Younggi. He takes a look at my cart and says, "That's for everyone?"

"Yes. We're stopping here first if you don't mind. I kinda need a break. There's no restaurant around."

He just nods then turns to the cashier, "All of this, please."

I frown, "Oh, you don't have to--"

"It's okay. Let me." He plainly says.

"Thank you." Says me, but he doesn't respond.

After he pays, he then brings all of it with him and walks through the door. Leaving me empty-handed.

Everyone is awake and sits outside the store. They thanked us for the food and again, we eat in silence. No conversation going on, just a few small talks about the weather or the time. The rain even gets harder that I need something warm to drink. So I go back inside to buy some hot coffee only to spill it when I walk outside and bumps into Jamie.

"Ow! Ow, it's hot!" I exclaim when the coffee spills my shirt and stings my skin. Pulling my shirt away from my skin. Luckily not all of them spill to my body.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention. Are you okay?" Jamie apologizes before he tries to help me. We caught everyone's attention and they look worried.

"It's okay, baby--I mean, Jamie." I awkwardly look away, still waving my shirt to cool my skin.

"That's hot water, your skin must be burning. I'll get some ointment just in case." Jun worriedly adds and goes inside the store to buy the ointment.

"You should change your clothes quickly. I'll go get it." Hosung chimes in and stands.

"It's okay, Hosung... I'll do it," I reply to him, making him sits back in the chair reluctantly.

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