33. Rush

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I woke up in the morning to find Hosung's gone. He's probably back to his place to get ready for his day. I look up my phone to check some messages but I've found many notifications from twitter instead.

Opening the app is definitely my first mistake cause it turns out I'm all over the social media. There's a footage of me being bullied by those girls. I hit close, unable to see myself being treated that way and reading comments are definitely my second mistake. So many people are rooting for the girls and saying how I deserved to be treated like this. Right..

Good thing is, as I keep scrolling down, I find that there are also people who defended me because there is no real proof of me dating with either of the member. Some said I should sue them for their actions because they have no rights of treating me like that even if I was dating one of them. Well that made me feel better but then again, I do sort of 'date' them. Not one of them, all of them. And I'd be a hypocrite if I feel better from those people who defends me.

Shit, now I don't even know how to feel about this. All I know is I have no intention of going out to public places and clearly it's not a wise decision for me and the boys to be seen in public for now. By then, there are fans who posted a link of something that seems to be a response from the company.

I tap on the link and it leads me to Dispatch. It says that the company has made statement of us being professional on the project and those picture represents us having an interview and doing research for the project. The company have made it clear that each of us forms nothing but a friendly and professional relationship as it is needed for the upcoming project. They also made it clear that we will keep being seen in public as how it is supposed to work. Any harm that will be made to either me or the members will strictly be reported in future matters. Well, at least the company did something about it.

I sigh in relieved, hoping that will make it better although I do feel guilty from hiding the truth. I spot a bunch of texts from Daisy and I immediately informs her that I'm okay and the company are dealing with it. With that, I hop in to shower and plan on working the project.

I came out from my bathroom with only my panties and bra since I washed my robes yesterday. I walk casually to my closet and suddenly feel someone's presence.

"Good morning." Hosung greets me in bed. I shriek, startled and finds anything near me to cover my body.

"Hosung? I thought you left!" My face is hot, I know he's seen me in swimsuits but standing here only in my underwear in front of him made me insecure.

"I was making some breakfast for you in the kitchen." He answers. His face is all flushed, but he tries to act normal and he doesn't look away.

"Oh, um.. that's very sweet of you. I'll get dressed and eat with you soon." He only grins at me.

Usually this is the moment where the guy leave so I can change, but he doesn't. He just sits there and make himself comfortable, leaning on the pillow, watching me. I suddenly get what he's trying to do. He likes to watch me get dressed, or maybe undressed?

"Um, I think I want to get dressed now."

"Please do.."

"You're gonna watch or something?"

"I like watching you. If I may.." His eyes are playful but dark at the same time. I've never seen this side of Hosung before. With that I remove whatever I use for covering my body and let him see my body.

I walk to my dressing table to put on lotions on my body subtly yet seductively and I saw him breathe heavily through the mirror. I brush my hair slowly and expose my neck to him, letting him study my features. I walk back to my closet and pick up a baggy shirt only. I approach him, noticing a bulge in his pants.

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