6. The Midnight Snack

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My eyes widen and I reflectively slam the door close. Shocked to see them out of nowhere. Is this even real?!

*knock knock knock*

They knock again a few moments later and I'm in a coma. Too embarrassed about last night.

"Um.. i know it's late but.." says Nick through the door.

I take a deep breath and open the door finding their concern expressions. "Sorry about that, i was um.. not expecting someone or.. people," says me, gesturing my hands on them.

They're all quiet so I move back and opens the door to invite them in. Better have them inside than having a fuss if someone recognizes them. I'm in my PJ's with no makeup, messy hair and braless with 7 idols in my living room. Awesome.

"Can I get you guys anything? water, soda, tea?" I ask politely. They all shakes their head, though I pour glasses of water for them just in case. They walk around to take a look at my place. Thank god I cleaned earlier. Taeyong recognize a painting and completely hooked. Guess he really likes paintings.

"Were you sleeping?  I'm very sorry. We were just stopping by to give you this." Nick is handing me some headache pills and food. Jake is giving me some snacks that he put on the kitchen counter.

"No, no, I was just watching something." I lied. "Uh.. why are you all here? and what's all this? If this is about last night, I'm very sorry--"

"We were worried. And we feel sorry, we should've warn you that you had drank so much." Jamie cuts in. What? They're apologizing?

"We just want you to know, that we don't want you to think that we're um.. taking advantage of you," Hosung adds and I raise my brow. He catches that. "Not that we are, um.. i mean physically--Heh, I'm not making any sense right now. Hyung?" he looks at the older member hoping he could explain it better. But I guess I get what Hosung's trying to say.

"We would never do anything to harm you. You got drunk and passed out was never our intention. Because not any of us touched that wine and it may seem like we did it on purpose, but we weren't." Younggi explains it further. Oh, I see.

I exhale

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I exhale. "Oh, I really didn't think you were. And I really appreciate the gestures, even Jun who sent me Pizza this afternoon." I turn to him. Everyone looks at Jun curiously as if they don't know. Jun's face is boiling. Oh.

"Anyway, I never think of it like that and me getting drunk is not new,  I mean not that I'm an alcoholic or anything. But it happens. Sometimes it's worse, so you guys really have no reason to worry." I quickly add yet they're still concerned. "Look, I'm fine. I admit it was a mistake and unprofessional, but it's completely my fault because I couldn't stop myself. and---"

"That's the point, we should be the one who could. You were with us, we should've look out for you." Nick points out. I see, so they felt responsible for it. I didn't even think about that, all I can think about is myself last night. I was reckless.

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