68. 7 Promises

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"What... the.. fuck!!"

It's 8 pm when I wake up from my slumber. Shoot, it's the jetlag! I fell asleep longer than I should. I quickly check the invitation, and yes, the event starts at 8 pm.


I get up and have a very quick shower. Thank god I keep my hair short, otherwise, it would take a longer time to get ready. I put on some makeup, quickly change to my evening dress, a simple blue-colored cocktail dress, a necklace given by Jamie, and my favorite pearl earrings were given by Tae. Around 8.20, I left the hotel and walk fastly to the museum. The sky is cloudy and the weather forecast says it's gonna rain heavy tonight. But thank god it's a very short walking distance.

I arrive at the newly-built art museum which is very packed with Army outside. I stop myself, scared that they might notice me but I'm not sure how to get in without passing through them all. Looks like this event is invitation-only because there are only a few people who can get in.

I try to find a way to get in when someone grabs my arm,


I turn around and to my surprise, it's Yunseok, "Yunseok-ah! It's been so long!" I pull him to a hug.

He smiles, "I've been waiting for you. So glad to finally meet you again Cinta-shi. Come, I'll escort you in."

"Thank you,"

Yunseok then leads me to the front door where the guards make way for us to go through. I can feel all eyes on me and I'm terrified. I grip on Yunseok's arm and he notices, "Don't worry, Cinta-shi. You are safe here." He assures me.

I nod as we're about to get in when a tall man who looks like the hostess spots us, "Ms. Cinta?" He asks.


He nods, "You've been expected. Please come in."

I bow to him as we step inside and finds that the room is crowded with non-fans. These are people who are established in their careers: artists, collectors, journalists, businessmen, critics, and some reporters.

The event seems like it has already started because I can hear someone's having a speech whom I believe is Nick, based on his voice.

"Is this a press conference?" I ask Yunseok.

"Yes, and they may mention your name later." He explains.

"...This exhibition will also be presented in various countries in Asia, the US and Europe. We would like to thank every artist who has contributed their works to this exhibition. They have indeed established international artists who are highly competent in their fields. The following artists are, Han Yuri from South Korea..."

Wait, Han Yuri? As in the person, I was going to collaborate with before? I ask myself as we walk to the main hall where the press conference is held.

"...Jaden Prince from the US, Emi Sakura from Japan, and.."

I come inside the main hall and there they are, sitting behind a long table on a small stage with the press around and all the guests of honor. So many things happening internally as Nick's eyes drift to mine when I appear.

It's magical. To be able to see them all again in front of me and noticing my presence is far greater than what I've expected. Few beats of silence falls when we all finally see eye to eye, eight of us, exchange looks at each other.

You're here. You're finally here.

I can feel them speaking through their eyes.

"...and last but not least, Cinta Nindyachandra from the Czech Republic." Nick continues, proudly presents me as all the guests' eyes are on me. Everyone then claps their hands to appreciate the artists as I literally freeze, not sure what's going on. I just bow and smile awkwardly.

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