31. Animal Instinct

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"I want you so bad, Silver. You have no idea how much I'm longing of you." Nick's stares at me.

"You have me Nick.. tonight and for as long as you want. I'm yours."

His eyes softens before he kissed me again, gently and full of emotions. As our kiss became wilder, he goes lower to my neck, breasts, stomach to my lace covered sex. I gasp at the touch. Forgetting what it's like to have someone's mouth on me.

"N-Nick.." I gasped at him.

"You smell so good, S.." He bites my inner thighs with his teeth teasingly and removes my panties with his hands. Exposing my naked body in his frame. He spreads my legs wider, eyes on me before he dives in and savoring me with his tongue.

"Oh, Nick!" I cried, it feels so amazing. He licks my pussy, licking it from down all the way up and circling my clit. I arch my body in pleasure. I didn't recall this would feel so good. I grab his hair harder every time he circles my clit. I'm squirming and he loves it.

"Nick, baby pleasee.." I whimper, feeling like I'm going crazy as he hungrily eats my pussy. He then suddenly flip his body and lifts me above his face, making me face his aching cock beneath his PJ's. I eagerly slides his pants as he helps taking it off, revealing his twitching cock.

Nick is big. Scratch that, he's HUGE. He's so huge that I wanna taste him so bad.

"Nick you're so beautiful, babe. I need to taste you." Says me as I stroke his cock slowly and puts them in my mouth impatiently. Nick brings out the animal inside me, making me crave and addicted to every inch of him. He groans to the warmth of my mouth as he eats my wet pussy on his face. I moan with him inside me by the sensation. This feels so good.

"Shit, Silver.. oh, that feels so good!" Nick cries, grabbing my ass and thrust his hips to my mouth.

He then puts his finger inside me as he resume to play with his tongue. I moan loudly as I move my hips to hits the spot. Nick's tongue just feel so good and his cock taste delicious. I can feel that he's close to orgasm and so am I. I fasten the speed to please him more, making him groan harder as he stutter his hips.

"Shit, I'm coming baby!" He says between my thighs and grunts loudly to his orgasm. Spraying all that liquid just in time as I pull out my mouth. Making a huge mess around his body like it's been a long time since he had a release. But he doesn't stop for his needs, he grabs back my ass, fucks me with his hinger and lick me harder to make me come seconds later. I collapsed on his body, overwhelmed by the pleasure. We stayed in that position for a while, catching our breaths until I rolls over to give him space.

"Wow, that was.. wow." Nick lets out a breath.

"Yeah, I know.. me too." I replies. Reaching his hand. We're still upside down and he moves to clean himself. I wish I could do that for him, but I don't have the strength as he just literally rocked my world. He went back, laying beside me to hold me, kissing all over my face and body that's still so sensitive from the orgasm yet he doesn't care.

"Your body is so amazing. You're beautiful.." He praised me as he gave me kisses and somehow that turns me on even more. So I turn and put myself on top of him.

"Don't do that.. You'll turn me on again." Says me, hands reaching his limp cock and stroke it. He hisses at my touch, still so sensitive from the orgasm yet he doesn't stop me. I keep rubbing him until he's halfway up. There's something about Nick that's keep me going, realizing that I have this side of me. The wild and animalish side of me that wants to dominate him.

"You're so wild.. so eager for me." He whispers seductively. I can feel that he's fully hard again and with that, I went down on him. Sucking him and show him no mercy. This time I take my time and really devours him.

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