15. Ocean Eyes

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On Sunday I woke up and got a bunch of text messages from the boys. They all sent me a separate message that made me smile the first thing in the morning.

Nick: Good morning, Silver. I hope you have a great day today!

Silver: Morning, Nick! The same goes for you 😉

Nick: Can I come by later after your session with Younggi hyung ?

Silver: Of course! See you later!

Another text from Taeyong. It hurts me a little reading it.

Taeyong: Good morning, gorgeous. I dreamt about you last night.

Silver: Morning! You did? What was it?

Taeyong: I was holding you and gave you little kisses 😔

Silver: Oh, Tae..

Taeyong: I know.. but i couldn't help myself. I missed you.

*sent a Spotify link to a romantic jazzy song*

Taeyong: Think of me ?

Silver: Love it, Tae. I will

Taeyong : 🥰

From Jake.

Jake: Good morning! Are you awake?

Silver: Morning! Yes, I am!

Jake: I bought you milk for your breakfast. It's banana and strawberry. I put them in a paper bag in front of your door.

Silver: That is so sweet, thank you Jakey!

Jake: I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you right away, we have an early schedule today. Enjoy them!

Silver: It's okay, have a great day!

Jake: You too! 😊


Jamie: Morniiing! I plan something for our session on Wednesday! 😍

Silver: Really? What'd you have in mind?

Jamie: It's a secret, you'll see!

Silver: Can't wait!

Jamie: Have a great day!

Silver: You too, take care of yourself!😍

Jamie: I will!😘


Jun: Hello and good morning, Silver! Hope you slept well last night.

Silver: Good morning to you too, Jun! I did, actually. How's your sleep ?

Jun: Pretty great!  I made you breakfast!

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