4. The Dinner pt 2

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I nervously step forward and greet them. They all stare as if they are stunned by my appearance. But then, I told myself there's no way they would. I'm sure they've seen women whose way more attractive than me. They all stand up and greets me politely and ushers me to my seat. Everyone is there, including their manager. This time there are two managers.

I sit in the middle between Nick and Jamie. Right in front of me, there's Jun, Hosung, and Younggi. Taeyong sits by the end of the table with Jake. I realize I'm a tad overdressed because their outfit is so casual, probably because they're coming straight from rehearsal.

Nick catches that and says "You look really great, we're sorry. We should've dressed more appropriately. We came here straight from our rehearsal and didn't have enough time to go back to the hotel first." Other guys nod.

"Yes, you look very stunning! Beautiful!" Hosung adds cheerfully, gesturing his hands on my appearance.

"I like the color of your dress too!" Taeyong comments, giving me thumbs up and a wide grin.

"I like the color of your dress too!" Taeyong comments, giving me thumbs up and a wide grin

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I shake my head, "No, it's fine. As long as you're comfortable. And thank you for the compliment." I smile at them. The guys seem to move on and start looking at the menus, although I feel a gaze coming from Jake. I look at him and smiled yet he looks away, flustered. I wonder what was that all about?

"You smell really nice," said Jamie beside me. Even though he looks a bit tired from the rehearsal. He still looks good. And those lips. Wow.

"Um.. thank you, you smell nice too," I reply. He blushes then said he's sweaty and wishes that he looked better this evening. I suppose he wanted to look nice in front of me?

By the time the waiter comes, we order our food and they offer me a glass of wine. I said yes and realized I'm the only one who's drinking. "You guys don't drink ?" I ask. "We do, but we have uh.. early schedule tomorrow," Jun replies. He looks tired too. I feel so bad for them. Catching my expression, Jun immediately adds "But it's ok! you can enjoy yourself. Don't worry about us." With that, I try to stay casual and continue to drink the wine so they don't feel bad.

This feels a bit awkward and I can feel the guys are dying to have a conversation.

"So tell us a bit about yourself." Finally, Nick starts one.

"Um.. okay, as you can see I'm not from here. I'm actually from Indonesia. Me and Daisy though." I paused.

"I've been living here since 5 years ago. I've got accepted for my bachelor's degree and Daisy's here for her master's. I'm 24 years old and this August I will turn 25. Oh, I paint since I was little. And uh.. what else?" They all seemed impressed as I got confused about what to say next.

"Why do you stay in London?" Nick asks

"Because it's easier I guess."

"How so?" Hosung asks

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