19. Adore U

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It's Wednesday. I'm in my workroom, reviewing my notes on each member that I've spent time with; Nick, Jake, Younggi and Hosung. I roughly made a description on how I should portray and match each of them with certain forms and colors.

When I got home last night, I received a paper bag in front of my door. It was food that Jun cooked for me, of course with a note that says 'Eat Well'. There's also a small cactus plant standing in front of the door. It's from Taeyong, he left a note that says 'Please water it everyday as I miss you more and more everyday.' I'm touched by their affection but that actually worries me.

How did I end up romantically involved with one of them on my first night here?

How will I tell them or do they already know about this?

And what about the other guys that's also given their attention to me?

My head is spinning as I realize it's nearly 3 pm and it's almost my session with Jamie.

I throw on my denim shirt and white shorts as we've decided to have the session inside my place. Jamie's very flirty from the very beginning, but since I got here we haven't really have our moments alone which makes this nerve wrecking. There's something very alluring yet unique about Jamie. He has this dominating masculine presence, yet he could be very feminine and both sides are equally hot which are rare. He's one of the most fascinating human being I've ever met.

The door rings at 3.15 pm. Jamie have arrived to my place looking very casual. He wears an orange baggy T-shirt and black pants. He bought something in a brown box and gives it to me.

"Oh, what's this?"

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"Oh, what's this?"

"Bought some sweets for you. Cheesecakes." He grins at me as he went inside.

"Aw, you don't have to! But thank you, Jamie."

"You're welcome!"

"Let's open them and eat it together! What would you like to drink?" I ask, walking to the kitchen.

"Anything's fine." He answers. Floppin' down on the couch.

I serve tea and the cheesecakes on the coffee table. Jamie intently watches my move and it made me nervous. I feel intimidated yet tries to play it cool. He just really knows how to make a girl squirm by just staring at them.

"Thank you." He politely says. "So, did you have fun with Hosung yesterday?" He asks, drinking his tea.

"Oh yeah, definitely. He could be really mean sometimes, though! But I had lots of fun yesterday." I chuckle.

"Haha, he told me about the roller coaster prank! He showed me the video and I laughed so hard. But it was nice seeing you had fun with him!" He adds.

"You saw? Oh my god, that was embarrassing!" I gasp.

"No, it was so funny! Me and Taeyong laughed every time we played it back."

"What? Taeyong saw too? Oh not cool, Jamie." I shake my head.

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