66. The Tokyo Concert

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"Daisy, I feel guilty about this."

It's Saturday, 8 am in Tokyo and I'm on a video call with Daisy.

"Oh my god, it's fine. Just go tonight." She says.

"But it feels like I'm using him. I really think he has a thing for me."

"So what? Don't take it seriously, you're leaving tomorrow night anyway. It's only tonight and you probably won't see him again."

"But don't you think it's weird? I'm going to my exes' concert with a guy that might have a crush on me."

"Well, don't tell him that..." She casually says. "Look, don't over think. Just get dress and meet him at the stadium."

"Actually he's picking me up. God, I feel so stupid."

Daisy laughs, "You're so cute... It's okay, Cinta. Just go as friends. If he said something or trying to make a move, tell him you're not interested in him that way. Besides, you're the one who's actually buying him the ticket, so you have nothing to feel guilty about."

I sigh, "Hmm, he said he'd pay me back the ticket though. But you know what, I'll update you later."

"Have fun!"

I hang up the phone and decide to get dress. I should wear something nice yet casual enough to give him a 'friend zone' signal. But then, I also wanted to look good if the boys spot me somehow...

I shake my head, there's no way they'll be able to notice me. My ticket should be far from the stage. With that, I go with my peach turtleneck sweater, a midi skirt and my doc martens boots. Throw some light makeup and head out when Tomo arrives.

It is packed. With a lot of Japanese Army. I feel slightly anxious about all this as I see their faces everywhere. The banner, the merchants, photo booth, and people chanting for them as the show is about to begin. Turns out, our seat is not that far from the stage. We're right next to it and I'm suddenly scared of being recognized.

"You okay? You look a little pale." Tomo looks concerned.

I nod quickly, "Oh, yeah. It's just so crowded in here."

"Here, have some water." He offers and I take it.

"Thank you."

"You sure you're okay? It's about to start."

"Yeah, don't worry! I'm just nervous about them. It's been a long time since I watched their concert." I lie and Tomo buys it.

And suddenly it starts. The stage lights are changing their intensity as seven figures appear on the big stage. I can feel it. That familiar presence and energy. Is really there, finally in front of my eyes after a long time.
They are so close and they have no idea I'm right here.

They open the concert with of course that fierce and strong energy. Their first song is ON, which is their old song, and the stage is incredibly majestic. They dance and sing perfectly like they are born to do so.

 They dance and sing perfectly like they are born to do so

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