30. Confessions, Decisions

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The boys each took glances at me every chance they get as they're rehearsing. I'm nervous if other people saw that and starts making an assumptions. I try my best to put on my poker face as I observe them.

"They look more excited since you are here." I'm alone with Haru as other girls doing their job.

"We're still getting to know each other. They're nice, very nice people."

"Yes, they are very nice and polite! Hard worker! We love them so much."


"All of us, the company."

"Aaah.." I shook my head. They really are great person. "Do you think they have.. girlfriends?" I can't help but ask even if I knew. She shakes her head.

"They are too busy. But many people here wants them. Oh! The company have rules about this, if you date or do anything to them, you will get fired." She explains.

Oh, is that written in my contract ? I don't think it rings any bell as far as I remembered.

"Oh, wow.."

At that moment, Jamie took glances and winks at me. I can't help but blushing, I quickly turn my eyes away yet Haru seems to catch that. She's curious.

"Jamie never does that.." she adds. Oh shit. "He must really like you."

"He's a fine man, that's for sure. Won't you agree ?" I says bluntly, making her blush.

"They're all gorgeous in their own way." She giggles, forgetting about Jamie's encounter with me.

After rehearsal, we all head out the studio to have dinner at home

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After rehearsal, we all head out the studio to have dinner at home. I told them that I wanna cook so they let me.

We're having dinner at my place. Jake lends me a hand as he wants to learn how to make Indonesian food. I'm making a classic Indonesian fried chicken, some stir-fried vegetables and some side dishes along with the chilly paste that Jake loves.

We're eating dinner and the guys loved the food. They even add more rice because the chili paste makes you wanna eat more and more. I'm glad it's growing on them. 

"The vegetables tasted like Chinese food!" Jun chimes in.

"I know, because we used soy sauce. And our food have lots of influence from Chinese anyway." I adds.

"The chicken is so good with the paste. Whoah.." Jake says, the chilly really stings him.

"Easy with the chilly, J. Here, have some water." I pour him water and make sure he's alright when I saw Taeyong holding the chilly jar, looking curious. I snatch the jar away from him.

"No you cannot have this, you'll get stomach ache, Tae." I glare at him.

"I was just curious with all the fuss." He shoots an innocent look.

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