32. Eggshell

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Someone threw something at me, I touch it immediately before I can sense it. It's.. a raw egg. What the fuck?

Before I can even react, another person threw more at me, this one it hits my head perfectly and it hurts. I quickly look to see a bunch of girls, in their teenage years, wearing a school uniform.

They're glaring at me and are about to do something more. There's some who holds a cup of drink that's probably not water or soda by the color of it. The girl says something in Korean that sounds like accusing me of something. Other girl starts yelling at me that seems like cursing me.

What's worse, people around just stop and stare, they don't even help or try to stop them. Before I knew it, one girl throws her drink at me and others starts throwing something else.

It was wild. I blocked my body with my bare hands. I'm fucking pissed and scared, yet I step closer to them aggressively. Planning on doing something physical before someone tries to stop me.

It was Yunseok.

I try to push him away out of anger but his body is too big and strong that I can't fight him. Yunseok hurriedly covers me and drags me away from the scene yet those girls are still following us to the parking lot, screaming at me. What the hell is happening?

Yunseok starts the car then drive straight away, leaving those crazy girls behind. They even throw eggs at our car while they still can.

I'm furious, humiliated, scared and confused of why is this happening to me. Who are they and how did they find me? Did they stalk us or something? I'm still shaking in anger when Yunseok took a glance at me in the mirror.

"Why did you stop me?" My voice is still shaking.

"I can't let you do that." He plainly answer.

"Why did you protect them? They attacked me!"

"I was protecting you. Please calm down.."

"Calm down? Did you see me, Yunseok? Look at me!" I yelled at him. He did.

"Silver-shi.. It's the fans.. the rumor. They saw it. If I let you attack them, you'll be in a worse condition. People will still defend them even if they started it."

"What? That's so fucked up!"

"It's always like that in here. I'm sorry this happened to you. We'll be home soon." He softly said. Worried and sad eyes.

I don't have anything else to say. I'm upset and stink as fuck. I let out a silent cry out of anger and rethinking about all this.

The decisions I've made. I should've listen to Daisy 'cause we actually knew how bad it could be if their fans knows something. Should I just go home and cancel this project to protect me and the boys? Even if it means I'll never see them again?

Yunseok walks me to my place and said that he will wait in the living room. I go in to clean myself from the mess as I look myself in the mirror.

Maybe I deserve this.. maybe I'm right, I don't deserve the boys. I'm a literal damaged goods and maybe I deserve to be treated like this. With that thought, I walk to the shower. More like standing beneath the shower and letting the water rain on me.

I can't feel the tears running down with all the water, but I know I'm crying. I don't know if I'm overreacting but I feel so worthless. Like I wanna disappear from this world yet I still love myself. Or at least struggling to love myself.

Despite the pain and humiliation, I feel like I need to move on from it. So I try to cleanse myself, caring myself even though it's hard but it's a step. Nonetheless, I can't help but think whether I should stop this thing with me and the boys before it gets any worse.

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