69. Epilogue: Serendipity

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The wedding is about to begin and everything is beautiful. It's an outdoor garden wedding at Syon Park which is one of the most breathtaking venues in London. As one of the family, we wear Lilac-colored dresses. I swear, it was the bride's picks. It has nothing to do with me, yet the shades of purple have always come naturally in my life since I met the boys. Yes, the signature color of my seven loves of my life.

I take one last check at the groom, my stepbrother, Charlie. Before he has to stand in the aisle. He smiles at me, "How do I look, sis?"

I neatly fix his bow tie, "Perfect groom, ever. Handsome as hell."

"Thanks. Can you tell that I'm bloody nervous right now?"

I shake my head, "Nope. You look so cool and collected." I lied.

He chuckles, "Thanks." He knew I was lying.

"You got nothing to worry about. She's lovely and you love each other. That's what matters. Paige is a lucky girl, Charlie." I assure him.

"I'm really glad that you made it, sis." He beams at me.

"Me too." We then hug each other. I'm very grateful that we've come really close along with Melanie and Olliver as well.

"Hey, where's your date?" He asks.

"Oh, they're late but they'll be here. You know, busy men."

He laughs, "You don't say. Wait 'till my soon-to-be a wife and her friends' expression when they see them. Apparently, they're a fan."

I chuckle. Apparently Charlie didn't tell anyone about my seven date, "At this point, who doesn't? But I hope it wouldn't ruin your wedding, though! Cause if it is, I can tell them to cancel and they'd be totally okay with it. I wouldn't want to steal your thunder or anything..."

"No, are you joking? It would be the highlight of our wedding. Paige would be sooo delighted to get to see them. All thanks to you!"

"Charlie, it's time." The wedding organizer calls to him.

He nods, "Wish me luck, sis." He kisses my cheek and leaves.

The wedding is starting and there's no sign of them. I understand that they are international superstars, but at least inform me where they are. I haven't heard from them since yesterday. I sat nervously next to Daisy as I'm texting them.

Cinta: Where r u loves?

Cinta: Lemme know where u are...

Cinta: I'm worried about my super busy seven lovely boyfriends.

Cinta: trying not to be a possessive girlfriend here, but I need to know now.

Cinta: Cause I kinda miss you too...

I spam messaged them and no longer than five minutes, they reply.

Hosung: babyyyyyy

Hosung: We just got out of the airport, babe. Sorry, we flew out late yesterday.

Jamie: We had this one last work to do before we leave. We'll be there soon!

Jake: It's all because of Taeyong hyung. He takes a long time to do his work!

Tae: I wanted it to be perfect for Army!

Cinta: Lol!

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